今天看到APP Store 推薦一款新應用woodpost,可以選擇手機裏的照片製作成木質的照片明信片,覺得很有愛有質感,創意也不錯,結果老子付完款後扣完錢還顯示已收貨。不知道知乎裏有人中招沒


其實,不用猜疑是否騙人,何不去國內首家木版照片在線列印網站,一木一畫去試試。目前才16.8一張! http://www.woodprint.cn
應該就是騙人的,我早期下的訂單-都付完款了的,結果至今都沒收到。已經過了4個月了都,中間還給他們去過郵件,但是他們只回復了第一封,後續追問訂單的郵件。他們都不回了。好沒信用! 目前也沒找到投訴他們的渠道 ~
不知道題主拿到沒。我最近也想買一個,在app store上看了下評價,第一條是這樣說的。似乎很坑,請參考。


I love the idea of sending a wood post card. I was using a regular postcard app and love it but Id like to try this app for mothers day. I played with this app and so far i think its fine. One suggestion id like to make is to please add an option to schedule a desired date of delivery. ( I like to pre-make all my cards and just schedule them to be sent out on a specific date) I would have bought one already if this feature would have been available.

I will update my review once I have actually used it to send out a "wood post".UPDATE: I sent out 2 woodposts. One of them looked bad quality, it was really blurry. The second one looked okay but not worth $8.00. I was not thrilled about them. I deleted this app. I will stick to the app "Ink Cards" (only $2.00) sorry wood post, it looks like you need better quality wood printers or cheaper prices.
