
Ways to Be a Better Person in 2019


As we look back on the mania that was 2018, one thing is clear: We can do better!


作者緊接著提出了幾條建議:Ask people about themselves.問問別人的事情。 還有Less news = more happy.更少新聞=更多快樂。主要跟大家分享以下建議的精讀,這幾條建議真的非常好,

Hide the phones


We』re all getting wise to the harmful effects of screens, but what』s surprising is that the people responsible for the gadgets are keeping them far away from their own kids. In Silicon Valley, children are being asked to rediscover card games, board games and the outdoors. Maybe the rest of us should, too.


第一句:We』re all getting wise to the harmful effects of screens, but what』s surprising is that the people responsible for the gadgets are keeping them far away from their own kids.


1. 句子結構分析:主幹部分是what』s surprising is that the people are keeping them far away from their own kids;其次responsible for the gadgets 是the people後置定語,完整的是(who are)responsible for the gadgets; keeping them中的them指gadgets。

2. get wise to sth:英文解釋是To find out, become aware of, more fully understand,即知道,瞭解,弄明白,是美國習慣用語。比如「我們意識到了食品添加劑的害處」,就可以說「We』re all getting wise to the harmful effects of food additives.」

3. What』s surprising is that:surprising指事物本身令人驚訝,surprised指事物使人感到驚訝,即something is surprising,somebody is surprised by something。相同用法的如exciting,excited;interesting,interested。例如,The book is interesting(這本書很有趣);I am interested in the book(我對這本書很感興趣)。

4. gadget美[?ɡ?d??t]:小玩意,小配件,小裝飾,裝置,設備。比如我們經常把一些小玩意粘在一個地方,就可以這樣說:The gadget can be attached to any vertical surface.


還可以泛指一些設備,比如遙控器是設備,我們就可以說the remote-control gadget for the television 電視機的遙控器

第二句:In Silicon Valley, children are being asked to rediscover card games, board games and the outdoors. Maybe the rest of us should, too.


1. the outdoors可以表示戶外運動,比如「我喜歡戶外運動」就可以說Im a lover of the outdoors.

2. should, too:是省略了,這種省略在翻譯課程裏常見。完整的是Maybe the rest of us should rediscover card games, board games and the outdoors, too. 這句是在號召人們也應該學習矽谷的人們。手機這些對工作幹擾也是很大,平時如果是在工作,還是把手機放遠點,或者靜音哈,別讓手機控制了生活。

Watch your spending


People in the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement are devoted to living frugally and investing their cost savings so they can stop working in their 30s or 40s. Even if you』re not ready to adopt all their tenets, cutting some spending (if you』re able to) can always help.

譯文:參與「FIRE」(經濟獨立、早早退休financial independence, retire early)運動的人致力於過節儉的生活,並把節省下來的花銷用於投資,這樣他們就可以在30或40多歲的時候退休了。即便你還沒有準備好全面採納他們的信條,削減一些開支(如果能的話)總是好的。

1. 句子結構分析:People in the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement are devoted to living frugally and investing their cost savings主句,so they can stop working in their 30s or 40s是由so引導的結果狀語. Even if you』re not ready to adopt all their tenets是讓步狀語, cutting some spending是主句的主語,doing作主語, (if you』re able to) 是放在括弧裡面補充說明的,can always help是cutting some spending的謂語動詞.

2. frugal美[?fruɡ?l]:樸素的;節省的,節儉的;花錢少的。生活簡樸,live a frugal life=live frugally。

3. tenet美 [?t?n?t]:原則,信條,教義

4. stop working 在這裡就是retire的意思啦!

5. cutting some spending (if you』re able to) can always help削減一些開支(如果能的話)總是好的。這句話很對,不是說讓你現在過得很節儉,三四十就退休,而是讓你稍微注意下開支,別一直當月光族啊!

Take back your time


Life is a crush of requests, both professional and personal. You must be the keeper of your time and allow yourself to say no more often. If you don』t, you may burn out and come to hate everything and everyone, including your friends and family and the things formerly known as 「fun」. Don』t let that happen to you in 2019.


1. a crush of:成羣的。

如Everywhere he went he was mobbed by a crush of fans.


2. the things formerly known as:省略了which/that are,即the things which/that are formerly known as 「fun」。 formerly known as 「fun」作things的後置定語,定語成分比較短,可以直接提到所修飾的名詞前翻譯,即「以往稱之為『有趣』的事情」。

3. something happen to somebody某事發生在某人身上,這裡的使用you更有號召力,就是呼籲,翻譯的時候看語境,這裡省譯更好,注意這個翻譯思維,我在翻譯課程裡面常講哈。




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to be the best of yourself。

Be a blooming tree

to be the best of you

Be the best version of yourself.
