What happens here will have a bearing on the future of European rice production and the overall health of southern European wetlands.

What happens here will have a bearing on the future of European rice production and the overall health of southern European wetlands.


但是這個從句也叫fused relative clause(我們暫且把它翻譯成融合關係從句或者融合定語從句)。

因為你可以把這裡的what happens here看成是下面兩個表達方式的簡化:

  1. that which happens here
  2. the thing which happens here

that which/the thing which融合(fuse)之後變成了what。

但是我們在翻譯what happens here的時候,還是參照了它融合之前的樣子,翻譯成:在這裡發生的事情

(What happens here)主語從句

(will have a bearing on) 謂語

the future of European rice production and the overall health of southern European wetlands. 賓語


What happens here這是主語,但她是一個句子,所以叫主語從句

will have 這是謂語

a bearing 這是賓語

on the future of European rice production and the overall health of southern European wetlands 這是後置定語,修飾bearing的

這個從句?你指的是哪裡?what happens here 是名詞性從句做整個句子主語;這個句子稍微複雜的地方是 on 後的部分,即「這裡發生的與之有關的」的是什麼。

What happens here 【主語從句 不清楚指的上文的啥】will have a bearing on the future of European rice production and the overall health of southern European wetlands.

bearing 理解成 影響吧~

此處發生的一切 對 歐洲稻米生產的未來以及南歐濕地的整體健康 有影響。

a will have a bearing on b and c.

What happens here = a

the future of European rice production = b

the overall health of southern European wetland = c
