

一、Getting the pupils ready for class

1.Its time for class.上課時間到了。

2.Lets begin our lesson.我們開始上課。

3.Stand up,please!請起立!

4.Good morning,boys and girls!大家早上好!

5.I will teach you English this term.這學期將由我教你們英語。

6.I am a teacher trainee.我是一位實習老師。

7.Good morning,teacher!老師早上好!

8.Good afternoon,class!同學們下午好!

9.Good afternoon,teacher!老師,下午好!

10.Sit down,please.請坐。

11.Have you got anything to report to the class,monitor?班長,你有什麼向班級彙報的嗎?

12.Who is absent today?今天誰缺席了?

13.Zhang Ming is absent.張明缺席了。

14.Is everyone here?都出席了嗎

15.Everyone is here except Li Ning.除了李寧,全都到了。

16.Why is he absent?他為什麼缺席?

17.He is ill. He has asked for sick leave.他病了,他已請了病假。

18.Are you a new pupil?你是新同學嗎?

19.Allow me to introduce myself,please.請允許我自我介紹一下。

20.Where are you from?你從那裡來?

21.I am from Beijing.我來自北京。

22.How did you spend your Sunday?星期天你是怎麼過的?

23.We had a picnic.我們去野餐了。

24.We had a very good time.我們玩得很痛快。

25.What time is it now?現在幾點了?

26.Its ten past eight.八點十分了。

27.Open the window,please.請打開窗戶。

28.Please shut the door. It is very cold today.今天很冷,請把門關上。

29.Leave the window open,please.請開著窗戶。

30.How are you?你好嗎?

31.Fine, thank you ,and you?很好,謝謝!你呢?

32.Im fine too.我也很好。

33.Whats your name?你叫什麼名字?

34.My name is Wan Lin.我叫王林。

35.Be quiet,please.請安靜。


37.Stop talking.不要講話了。

38.Dont talk any more.不要在講話了。

39.Who is on duty today?誰值日?

40.I am on duty.我值日。

41.You have done your duty very well.你值日生工作做得很好。

42.Your classroom looks clean and tidy.你們教室看起來既清潔又整齊。

43.Where is the chalk?粉筆在哪?

http://44.In the drawer.在抽屜裏。

45.Next time please put the eraser and chalk on the teachers desk before class.下次上課前請把黑板擦和粉筆放在老師書桌上。

46.May i come in?我可以進來嗎?


47.I am sorry I am late.請原諒我遲到了。

48.Please excuse me for coming late.請原諒我來晚了。

49.Dont be late next time.下次別遲到了。

50.Please come early next time.下次早點來。

51.Get up early in the morning,please.早上請起來得早一點。

52.Have you finished your homework?作業作完了嗎?

53.Hand in your homework,please.請交作業。

54.Monitor,have you collected all the homework?班長,作業收齊了嗎?

55.Yes, here it is.收齊了,這就是。

56.No, not yet.還沒收齊。

57.Some of us havent finished yet.有些同學還沒有做完。

58.I am sorry I didnt do my homework.請原諒我沒做家庭作業。

59.I am sorry I cant hand in my homework,because I didnt feel well yesterday evening.很抱歉我不能交作業,因為我昨天晚上不舒服。

60.Take out your homework, please.請把你們的家庭作業拿出來。

61.I am sorry I have left my homework at home.很抱歉我把作業忘在家裡了。

62.May I hand in my homework tomorrow?我可以明天交作業嗎?

63.You must hand in your homework on time.你們必須按時交作業。

64.Hand it in after class.下課後交來。

65.Make it up after school.放學後補交。

66.I will bring it with me next time.我下次帶來。

67.Youve done your homework very well.你的作業做得很好。

68.Your handwriting is excellent.你的字寫得很好。

69.Have you all prepared your lessons well?你們的功課準備好了嗎?

70.I will see how well you have prepared your lessons for today.我看看你們今天的功課準備得怎麼樣。


71.Lets have a review of Lesson 5.我們複習一下第五課。

72.Id like to give you a quiz about some phrases in Lesson 5.我想給你們一個小測驗,檢查一下第五課中的幾個片語。

73.We have studied Lesson8. Now let me check up on you a little.我們已經學了第八課,我來檢查一下。

74.Huang Ping and Wang Min,come to the front,please.黃平和王敏,請到前面來。

75.Heres a picture for you. Look at it.這有一張圖片,請看。

76.Ill ask you some questions.我要問你們幾個問題。

77.Is there a plane in the picture?圖片上有飛機嗎?

78.No,there isnt.沒有。

79.What is there in the picture?圖畫裏有什麼?

80.There is a house,a tree and a dog.有一幢房子,一棵樹和一隻狗。

81.Where is the tree and the dog?樹和狗在那裡?

82.The tree is beside the house.樹在房子旁邊。

83.The dog is in front of the tree.狗在樹的前面。

84.OK,class,say these sentences again,please.好,同學們,把這些句子再說一遍。

85.Very good, go back to your seat, please.很好,請回到你們座位上去。

86.Where is Huang Ping now?現在黃平坐在什麼地方?

87.He is sitting behind Wang Min.他坐在王敏後面。

88.Lets look at the blackboard.我們看黑板。

89.Zhang Ling,read your sentence,please.張玲,讀一下你的句子。

90.Is her sentence correct?她的句子對嗎?

91.No, the word order is wrong.不,詞序不對。

92.She didnt use this word properly.她這個詞用得不恰當。

93.Lin Lan, please recite the text.林蘭,請背課文。

94.Good! You have done a good job.很好,你背得很好。

95.You did quite well on the firsttwoparagraphs, but you didnt recite the lasttwoparagraphs.but you didnt recite the last two paragraphs smoothly.你前兩段背得還好,但後兩段背得不熟練。

96.You didnt recite well this time.Try to do better next time.這次背得不好,希望下次背得好些。

97.Can you answer this question,Li Ping?李平,你能回答這個問題嗎?

98.Yes,no problem.沒問題。

99.Lets say the numbers from 1--100.讓我們讀一下數字1--100。

100.Please write down the numbers 1--20.請寫出數字1--20。

101.How many boys are there in your class?數一數你們班有多少男生?

102.One, two, three---There are twenty boys in our class.1,2,3---我們班有20位男生。

103.Lets discuss Excercises 1 and 3 in Lesson 9.我們討論一下第九課中的練習1和練習3。

104.Please retell the story of "The Emperors New Clothes".請複述一下「皇帝的新裝」的故事。

105.Whats the weather like today?今天的天氣怎麼樣?

106.Its fine.今天天氣很好。

107.Nice weather,isnt it?今天天氣真好,是嗎?

108.No,its windy.不,今天有風。

109.What should you say in this situation?在這種場合下你們應該怎麼說?

110.How do you explain this word?你怎麼解釋這個詞?

http://111.In English or in our own language?用英語還是用自己的語言解釋?

112.You have to explain it in English.你必須用英語解釋。

113.What is an emperor?皇帝是什麼?

114.An Emperor is like the king of a country.皇帝就象國王。

115.Who can translate this sentence into Chinese?誰能把這句話譯成漢語?

116.What do you think about Gao Fengs translation?你覺得高峯的翻譯怎麼樣?

117.Whats wrong with Gao Fengs translation?高峯的翻譯有什麼錯誤?

118.Please take out a piece of paper. Lets have a dictation.請拿出一張紙,我們聽寫。

119.I am reading it for the last time now.我現在讀最後一遍。

120.Check your dictation.檢查一下你的聽寫。

121.We have studied the word "market".Now,Lets discuss how to use it in a sentence.我們已經學過「market"這個單詞,現在我們討論一下如何在句子中使用它。

122.Does your mother often go to the market?你母親經常去市場嗎?

123.Yes,she goes there every day.是的,她每天都去。

124.When does she go there?她什麼時候去?

125.She goes there in the morning.她早晨去。

126.What does she buy?她買些什麼?

127.She buys some vegetables.她買蔬菜。

128.Do you live mear a market?你住在市場附近嗎?

Yes, we do.是的,住在市場附近。

129.What do they sell there?那兒賣些什麼?

130.They sell vegetables,bread,meat,bananas and oranges.那兒賣蔬菜、麵包、肉、香蕉和橘子。


131.We are going to have a new lesson today.今天我們學習新課。

132.First well study five new words and then look at the dialogue.我們先學習5個生詞,然後學習對話。

133.Stop talking,please.不要講話了。

134.Dont be noisy!安靜下來。

135.What do you think it is ?你認為它是什麼?

136.It may be a panda.它可能是隻熊貓。

137.Lets play this game.我們玩這個遊戲。

138.Let me teach you an English song.我教你們一首英文歌曲。

139.Can you guess what it is?你能猜出它是什嗎?

140.Open your books to page 10.把書翻到第10頁。

141.Lets start from where we left off yesterday.讓我們接著昨天的講。

142.Lets begin at the 12th line.我們從第12行開始。

143.Close your books.把書合上。

144.Think it over想想看。.

145.Think for a while.想一會兒。

146.Try again.再試試看。

147.I shall tell you something about the authors life.我將講一點作者的生平。

148.Now you are going to read the text one by one.現在你們輪流讀課文。

149.Its your turn now,Li Jun.李軍,該你了。

150.Lets go on to the next sentence.現在讓我們看下一句。

151.What am I holding?我拿的是什麼?

152.Say after me,"apple".跟我說「apple"。

153.Whats the date today.今天是幾號?

154.Its the eleventh of October.今天是10月11號。

155.What day is today?今天星期幾?

156.Its Monday.今天星期一。

157.Its very kind of you to help me.您幫助我真是太好了。

158.Thank you very much indeed.真是太感謝您了。

159.You are welcome.沒關係。


161.Once more,"tape recorder".再說一遍,「磁帶錄音機」。

162.Lets listen to the "portrait of a Teacher".我們聽一下「老師的畫像」。

163.What did you hear?你聽到什麼了?

164.What important news did the father read in the evening paper?那個父親從晚報中讀到了什麼消息?

165.What did the father and his son do that Saturday afternoon?那個星期六下午他們父子做了什麼?

166.On their way back home,what did the father tell his son?在回家的路上,那個父親告訴兒子什麼了?

167.What do you thinkofthereaderspronunciation?你覺得朗讀者的發音怎麼樣?

168.Her pronunciation is very clear and correct.她的發音既清晰又正確。

169.Any other opinions?還有別的意見?

170.This morning we are going to have a slide show class.今天早上我們要上幻燈課。

171.I am going to show you some slides.我給你們看一些幻的燈片。

172.Now look at the first slide, please.現在請看第一張幻燈片。

173.Who do you see in the slide?你們在幻燈片裏看見了什麼?

174.Ill begin by asking you some questions on yesterdays lesson.我先問你們幾個昨天課文中的問題。

175.Its at the bottom of the page.在這一頁的最後。

176.The second line from the top (bottom).正(倒)數第二行。

177.Is there going to be a sports meet next Sunday?下星期天開運動會嗎?

178.Are you going to take part in any of the events,Liu Fang?劉芳,你打算參加什麼項目?

179.What event are you good at?你擅長什麼項目?

180.I am good at the high jump.我擅長跳高。

181.We like sports.我們喜歡體育活動。

182.Can you understand what I am saying?你們能聽懂我的話嗎?

183.Do you know what I mean?你們懂我的意思嗎?

184.Do you understand what I said?你們明白我所說的嗎?

185.Does that make sense?明白了嗎?

186.Is everything clear to you?都清楚了嗎?

187.What does the word "focus" here mean?「focus」一詞在這裡的意思是什麼?

188.Raise your hand if you dont understand.不懂,請舉手。

189.Ill explain again.我再解釋一遍。

190.Look at the text on page 5, please.請看第5頁的課文。

191.Ask each other questions about the picture.根據圖畫內容互相提問。

192.Whats this in English?用英語怎麼說?

193.It is a tiger.它是隻虎。

194.Do you have a dictionary?你有詞典嗎?

195.Can you use the English--Chinese dictionary?你會英漢詞典嗎?

196.Look up the word in the dictionary.在詞典上查一查這個詞。

197.Have you got a pen?你有鋼筆嗎?

198.Dont forget to bring your pen next time.下次別忘記帶鋼筆來。

199.Be careful with your ink.當心墨水。

200.Who knows how to operate the computer?誰知道怎樣操作計算機?

201.Who can tell us a story in English?誰能用英語給我們講個故事?

202.Today we will read and explain the newwords in Lesson 9 first, then well work on the text.今天我們先朗讀和解釋第九課生詞,然後學課文。

203.Let us do some listening prctice.讓我們來做聽力練習。

204.Lets start our vocabulary work.我們開始辭彙學習。

205.This word has the same form in the singular as in the plural.這個詞單位單複數形式相同。

206.This word can be used either as a verb or as a noun.這個詞既可作動詞,又可作名詞。

207.How do you spell this word?如何拼寫這個詞?

208.This word comes from Latin.這個詞來自拉丁語。

209.Could you tell me the difference between the two words?能告訴我這兩個詞有什麼不同嗎?

210.You can guess the meaning of the word from the context.你可從上下文猜出這個詞的意思。

211.This sentence is American English.這句話是美國英語。

212.Can you mak a sentence with this word?你能用這個詞造句嗎?

213.Please say something about this picture.請談談這幅畫。

214.Whats the title of the story?故事的標題是什麼?

215.This text is selected from a novel.這篇課文選自一部小說。

216.Let me tell you something about the background of the article.我將告訴你們一些有關這篇文章背景的情況。

217.Let me expkain some difficult sentences in this text.我解釋一下這篇課文中的幾個難句子。

218.This phrase has different meanings in different contexts.這個短語在不同上下文裏有不同的含義。

219.Compare the two translations and see which is better.比較這兩種譯法,看看哪個更好些。

220.Have I made everything clear to you?我是否把什麼都講清楚了?


221.Youve mispronounced the word "right".你把「right」這個詞念錯了。

222.You said "bed" instead of "bad".你把「bed」念成了「bad」。

223.The "t" is silent in the word "often".「t」在「often」一詞中不發音。

224.Ill help you to improve your pronunciation and intonation.我將幫助你改進語音語調。

225.Attention, please!請注意!

226.May Ihave your attention!請大家注意!

227.Listen to me carefully.注意聽我講。

228.Where do you go to school?你在哪裡上學?

229.What school are you in?你們在哪所學校上學。

230.We are in No.2 Junior High School.我們在第二初中上學。

231.We are in No.5High School.我們在第5高中。

232.We are in the High School attached to Beijing Normal University.我們在北京師範大學附屬高中。

233.What class are you in?你們在哪個班?

234.We are in class 6.我們在6班。

235.Dont interrupt him.不要打斷他。

236.Say it slowly!慢慢地講!

237.Its better this time.這次好一些。

238.Ill repeat it.我再重複一遍。

239.Will you say it again?請你再說一遍好嗎?

240.Ill say it once more.我再說一遍。

241.There is no need to translate everything.沒有必要一切都譯。

242.Stop here.在這兒停下來。

243.Whats wrong with you, Zhang Hua?你怎麼了,張華。

244.Ive got a headache.我頭疼。

245.Now, lets read it together.現在讓我們一起讀。

246.Reading aloud is very importaant.閱讀是非常重要的。

247.Read slowly and loudly.讀得慢一些,聲音大一些。

248.Ill read the text for you.我給你們朗讀課文。

249.Is this dialogue interesting?這個對話有趣嗎?

250.Dont be nervous.別緊張。

251.Did you say "beg "or "bag "?你說的是「beg」還是「bag」?

252.You must learn to take notes.你們一定要學習記筆記。

253.Take down the examples I give you.把我給你們的例句都記下來。

254.Say it louder so that everyone in the class can hear you.大點聲以便教室裏所有人都能聽到。

255.What would you say to his answer, class?同學們,你們認為他的回答怎麼樣?

256.Excuse me,may I ask you a question?我能問你個問題嗎?

257.Can you give us an example?你能給我們舉個例子嗎?

258.Open your mouth wide when you pronounce this sound.發這個音時,嘴要張大。

259.Dont use the nasal sound.不要用鼻音。

260.Put the stress in the right place.重音要讀正確。

261.Dont pause here.不要在這停頓。

262.Here we should use a falling tone.這裡我們應該用降調。

263.Arising tone can not be used here.這兒不能用升調。

264.Lets read in unison.我們集體朗讀。

265.Pronounce this word,please.請發這個詞的音。

266.Now try to replace the word with some other words.現在用另外的詞來代替這個詞。

267.Make these sentences negative.把這些句子變為否定句。

268.Ask questions about the underlined parts.就劃線部分提出問題。

269.This sentence is in the active voice. Can you change it into the passive voice?這個句子是主動語態,你能把它變為被動語態嗎?

270.Is it a simple or a compound sentence?這是個簡單句還是一個複合句?

271.Lets do the pattern drill.You must respond as quickly as possible.我們做句型練習,你們必須儘快做出反應。

272.Do this drill in groups of four.四人一組做這個練習。

273.Dont write while Im reading.我讀時候先不要寫。

274.Ill read the story sentence by sentence for you to write down.我把這個故事一句一句地讀,你們寫下來。

275.Ill read it once more from the very beginning.現在我再從頭讀一遍。

276.Is it correct to use the present tense?用現在時對嗎?

277.If you go on like this,you will not make any progress.如果你這樣下去你不會進步。

278.Great pains must be taken to master a foreign language.要掌握一門外語非下苦工夫不可。

279.We cant learn English well without first training ourselves to speak it.如果不先練習講英語是不能學好英語的。

280.Dont be afraid of making mistakes.不要害怕出錯。


281. Who wants to try?誰要試一試。

282.Who would like to answer my question?誰願意回答我的問題?

283.Please raise your hand.請舉手。

284.Lets have the students in the first row read the text.請第一排的學生讀課文。

285.Dont be shy.別害羞。

286.Good! Very good!好!很好!

287.Hum, not quite.恩,不太正確。

288.What are your favorite subjects?你喜歡哪些課程?

289.Biology and mathematics.生物學和數學。

290.Read the new words and phrases, please.請讀生詞和片語。

291.Will you please correct me if I make a mistake?如果我錯了,請你給我指正好嗎?

292.Read the second paragraph,please.請讀第2段。

293.This is good practice.這是一種很好的練習。

294.Is that the right word?那個詞對嗎?

295.Anything wrong?有錯嗎?

296.Thats perfectly correct.完全正確。

297.Im afraid its wrong.恐怕這是不對的。

298.Spell the word "soldier".拼出「soldier」一詞。

299.Who will volunteer to answer this question?誰自願回答這個問題?

300.Any volunteers?有自願回答的嗎?

301.Will you check my spelling,please?請你檢查我的拼寫好嗎?

302.This is quite easy.這相當容易。

303.Very well done this time.這次做得很好。


305.What mistake did he make?他出了什麼錯?

306.Who has a different answer?誰有不同的回答?

307.Would anyone like to add anything?誰願做些補充?

308.That will do. 這樣行了。

309.Thats all right.這樣可以了。

310.Thats it.這就對了。

311.Please read the word syllable by syllable.請把這個詞分音節讀。

312.Pay attention to stress on the sentence.注意句子重音。

313.You read much better now. Keep it up.你現在讀得好多了,保持下去。

314.If you want to express yourself freely,you must have a large vocabulary.要想自由流暢地表達自己的意思,必須掌握大量的辭彙。

315.These two words are identical in meaning.這兩個詞意思相同。

316.Can you tell the story in your own words?你能用自己的話講這個故事嗎?

317.Lets divide our class into two groups,one group asks questions, the other answers.我們把同學分成兩組,一組提問,另一組回答。

318.Liu lu, make a sentence using the pattern.劉露,仿照句型造一個句子。

319.Now lets do sentence--changing exercises.現在讓我們做句子變換練習。

320.Please change the declarative sentence into an interrogative one.請將這個陳述句變為疑問句。

321.Now lets practise the dialogue in pairs.現在兩人一對來練習這個對話。

322.Now lets act out the model dialogue.現在讓我們表演一下示範對話。

323.Well ,Li Yang ,you act as A,Wei Hua, you act as B.好,李洋你扮演A,魏華你扮演B。

324.Have you learned the word by heart?你們記住這個單詞了嗎?

325.Lets do it next time.下次我們再做。

326.Ill ask two students to give us a dialogue about our school library.我要請兩個同學作一個有關學校圖書館的對話。

327.Im afraid I have to cut you short.我恐怕得打斷你的話。

328.Now lets try another type of exercise----asking and answering questions.現在讓我們做另一種練習---問答練習。

329.Your dialogue was well---organized.你們的對話組織得很好。

330.Im satisfied with your answer.我很滿意你的回答。

331.Now fire questions at him.現在大家向他不斷提問。

332.You may ask someone to stand up and answer your questions.你可以叫一位同學起來回答你的問題。

333.Youmust know, think hard.你一定知道,再好好想想。

334.Please write the sentence in your exercise book.請把這個句子寫在練習本上。

335.This is a common mistake made by Chinese students.這是中國學生常犯的錯誤。

336.You can understand English better now.你現在比以前能聽懂更多的英語了。

337.Good, you can speak more fluently now.好,你現在說得流利多了。

338.Very good, you can express yourself in English quite freely now.很好,你現在能很自由地用英語表達你的意思了。

339.You have made less mistakes in spelling this time.你這次拼寫方面的錯少了。

340.Pratice makes perfect.熟能生巧。

六、Consolidation 鞏固

341.Any more questions?還有問題嗎?

342.Have you (got ) any other questions to ask?還有別的問題嗎?

343.Please see me after class if you dont understand.如果不明白,課後來問我。

344.Does "ring "have more than one meaning?「ring」有多種意思嗎?

345.Is there a difference in meaning between "good "and "excellent "?「good」和「excellent」意思有沒有差別?

346.What does "U. S. A. "mean?「U. S. A」是什麼意思?

347.Try to answer the question as simply as you can.儘可能簡單地回答這個問題。

348.Your answer is not to the point.你的回答不切題。

349.Be direct when you answer the question.你回答問題時要直截了當。

350.Keep to the point. Make your answer short.抓住要點,回答要簡短。

351.Answer briefly.回答簡要些。

352. You have missed the main point.你漏掉了要點。

353. You are going too far.你離題太遠了。

354. You did quite well in answering questions.你對問題回答得很好。

355. Whats the central idea of the passage ?這篇文章的中心思想是什麼?

356. Give me the main point of the article.講出著篇文章的要點。

357. Outline the story給出故事大意。.

358.What do you think of this ? Give reasons.你覺得這個故事怎樣?說出理由。

359. What is your impression of the story ?你對這個故事的感想是什麼?

360. How should we put it into Chinese ?怎樣把它譯成漢語?

361.Pay special attention to your spelling.要特別注意你的拼寫。

362.Thats all. Pens down.就到此,放下筆。

363.Pass your exercise---books to the front.把你們的練習本傳到前邊來。

364.Read and memorize the paragraph in Exercise 2.朗讀並記住練習2中的段落。

365.You must review todays lesson vefore doing your exercises.做練習前必須先複習今天的功課。

366.Learn the text by heart and do Exercises 4 and 5on page 63.背會課文並做63頁上的練習四和練習五。

367.For your homework, please review the text carefully and be prepared for a test.關於家庭作業,請認真複習課文準備測驗。

368.Write a brief outline of the text. 寫一篇簡短的課文綱要。

369.Write a summary of the story.寫一篇這個故事的摘要。

370.Write 10 sentences about your parents.寫10句話介紹一下你的父母。

371.Write a composition of about 200 words on the topic"computers".寫一篇200字左右的作文,題目為「計算機」。

372.Write a letter to your friend telling them about your life at school.給你的朋友寫封信,告訴他有關你在學校的生活。

373.You had better write on every other line, leave a space for corrections.最好隔行寫,留出批改的地方。

374.Every student must do his or her homework carefully and finish it on time.每個學生必須仔細做家庭作業並及時完成。

375.The final examination is coming in twoweeks. I hope every one of you will pass the exam and get high scores.還有兩周時間就要期末考試了,我希望你們每個人都以優異成績通過考試。

376.I would like to give you some advice on how to review your lessons.關於如何複習的問題,我願給你們提一些建議。

377.When you review your lessons, please mark the places that you dont understand.複習時請把不懂的地方標出來。

378.Since youve been so diligent. I dont think youll fail the exam.你們這樣勤奮,我想考試不會不及格的。

379.We will have both written and oral exams.我們既有筆試又有口試。

380.Take it easy. You have plenty of time to do your work.別緊張,你們有充分的時間來答題。

381.Dont forget to put your name on your exam paper.不要忘記在考卷上寫上你的名字。

382.Please write with a ballpoint or fountain pen.請用圓珠筆或鋼筆寫。

383.No whispering.不要小聲說話。

384.Dont give hints to others.不要給別人提示。

385.Go over your papers carefully before yooou hand them in.交卷前從頭到尾檢查一遍。

386.I am sorry to say your answer is not very satisfactory.很抱歉,你的回答不太令人滿意。

387.Silent reading for ten minutes.默讀10分鐘。

388.Take this slip and read the question.拿這個條子,念上面的問題。

389.What major are you going to study at the university?在大學裡你打算學習什麼樣專業?

390.I am going to study law.我打算學習法律。

391.Could you give us a lecture about "How to study English",Mr. Wang?王先生,你能給我們講講「如何學好英語」嗎?

392.Happy TeachersDay, Mr Li.李老師,祝你教師節愉快。

393.Will you attend our English Evening?您來參加我們的英語晚會好嗎?

394.You may write now.現在你可以寫了。

395.Well, thats the end.好啦,完了。

396.Please tell Liu Qiang to make up todays.請告訴劉強把今天的功課補上。

397.Thats all for today.今天就講到這兒。

398.Well stop here today.今天就到此結束。

399.Time is up .時間到了。

400.So much for today.今天就到這。



課堂教學用語(中華人民共和國教育部)1.上課(Beginning a class)

(1)Let』s start now./Let』s begin our class/lesson.

(2)Stand up,please.

(3)Sit down,Pease.


(4)Hello,boys and girls/children.

(5)Good morning,class/everyone/everybody/children/boys and girls.

(6)Good afternoon,class/everyone/everybody/children/boys and girls.

(7)How are you today?

3.考勤(Checking attendance)

(8)Who』s on duty today?/Who』s helping this morning/today?

(9)Is everyone/everybody here/present?

(10)Is anyone away?/Is anybody away?

(11)Is anyone absent?/Is anybody absent?

(12)Who』s absent?/Who』s away?

(13)Where is he/she?

(14)Try to be on time./Don』t be late next time.

(15)Go back to your seat,please.(16)What day is it today?

(17)What』s the date today?

(18)What』s the weather like today?

(19)What』s it like outside?4.宣佈(Announcing)

(20)Let』s start working./Let』s begin/start a new lesson./Let』s begin/start our lesson.

(21)First,let』s review/do some review.

(22)What did we learn In the last lesson?

(23)Who can tell/remember what we did In the last lesson/ yesterday?

(24)Now we』re going to do something new/different./Now let』s learn something new.

(25)We have some now words/sentences.

5.提起注意(Directing attention)

(26)Ready?/Are you ready?

(27)Did you get there?/Do you understand?

(28)Is that clear?

(29)Any volunteers?

(30)Do you know what to do?

(31)Be quiet,please./Quiet,please.


(33)Listen carefully,please.

(34)Listen to the tape recorder/the recording.

(35)Look carefully,please.

(36)Look over here.

(37)Watch carefully.

(38)Are your watching?

(39)Please look at the black-board/picture/map…

(40)Pay attention to your spelling/pronunciation.

6.課堂活動(Classroom activities)

(41)Start!/Start now.

(42)Everybody together./All together.

(43)Practise in a group./Practise In groups/In groups,please.

(44)Get into groups of three/four…

(45)Every body find a partner/friend.

(46)In pairs,please.

(47)One at a time./Let』s do It one by one.

(48)Now you,please./Your turn(Students name).

(49)Next,please.Now you do the same,please.

(50)Let』s act./Let』s act out/do the dialogue.

(51)Who wants to be A?

(52)Practise the dialogue,please.

(53)Now Tom will be A,and the other half will be B.

(54)Please take(play)the part of…

(55)Whose turn is It?

(56)It』s your turn.

(57)Wait your turn,please.

(58)Stand inline./Line up.

(59)One by one./One at a time,please.

(60)In twos./In pairs.

(61)Don』t speak out.

(62)Turn around.


(63)Could you please try It again?

(64)Could you please try the next one?

(65)Will you please help me?


(66)Can you try?


(68)Try your best./Do your best.

(69)Think it over and try again.

(70)Don』t be afraid/shy.

9.指令(Issuing a command)

(71)Say/Read after me,please.

(72)Follow me,please.

(73)Do what do.

(74)Repeat,please./Repeat after me.

(75)Once more,please./One more time,please.

(76)Come here,please.

(77)Please come to the front./Come up and write on the blackboard/chalkboard.

(78)Come and write It on the blackboard.

(79)Please go back to your seat.

(80)In English,please.

(81)Put your hand up,please.Raise your hand,please.

(82)Put your hands down,please./Hands down,please.

(83)Say it/Write it in Chinese/English.

(84)Please take out your books.

(85)Please open your books at page…/Find page…/Turn to Page…

(86)Please answer the question/questions./Please answer my qllllst1On(s).

(87)Please read this letter/word/sentence out loud./Please readout this letter/word/sentence.

(88)Please stop now./Stop now,please./Stop here,please.

(89)Clean up your desk/the classroom,please.

(90)It』s clean-up time./Tidy up your desk/the classroom.

(91)Put your things away./Clean off your desk./Pick up the scraps.

(92)Clean the blackboard.

(93)Plug in the tape-recorder,please.

(94)Put the tape-recorder away.

(95)Put the tap,In it』s box/cassette.

(96)Listen and repeat.

(97)Look and listen.

(98)Repeat after me.

(99)Follow the words.

(100)Fast./Quickly!/Be quick,please.

(101)Hurry!/Hurry up,please.

(102)Slow down,please.


(104)Bring me some chalk,please.

10.禁止和警告(Prohibition and warning)

(105)Stop talking./Stop talking now,please.

(106)Don』t talk./Everybody quiet,please.

(107)Don』t be silly.

(108)Settle down.


(109)Good,thank you.

(110)Good/Very good./God job./Good work./Good example.

(111)A good answer./Nice work.

(112)Excellent./Great!/Well done./Very good./I like the way you

(113)That』s Interesting!

(114)Don』t worry about It./No problem.

(115)OK!/That』s OK.

(116)I don』t think so.

(117)That』s not quite right,any other answers?/That』s close/That』s almost right.

(118)Not quite,can anyone help him/her?/try again.

(119)A good try.

12.佈置作業(Setting homework)

(120)For today』s homework…

(121)Practise after class./Practise at home.

(122)Say it out loud,before you write It down.

(123)Copy/Print/Write each word twice.

(124)Remember(Memorize)these words/sentences.

(125)Learn these words/these sentences/this text by heart.

(126)Do your homework./Do the next lesson./Do the new work.

13.下課(Dismissing the class)

(127)Hand in your workbooks,please.

(128)Time is up.

(129)The bell is ringing.

(130)There』s the bell.

(131)There goes the bell.

(132)Let』s stop here.

(133)That』s all for today.

(134)Class is over.

(135)Good bye./Bye./See you next time.





That』s true.對。

You』ve done a good job. 太棒了。

It』s almost perfect. 幾乎完美無暇。

I think your answer is very useful. 你的答案很有用。

What you said is meaningful. 你說的很有用。

Your answer is interesting. 你的答案很有趣。

This question is a bit difficult, try to think about it. 這個問題有點難,再想一想。

Don』t worry.You still have a chance. 別擔心,還有機會。

Don』t be shy. I』m sure you can do it. 別害羞,你肯定行。

Don』t be afraid. Take it easy. 別害怕,放鬆點。

Nearly. 差不多。 Not quite. 不完全。 Not really. 不太對。

Sorry, I don』t think you are right. 抱歉,我想這不太對。

I』m afraid this is wrong. 我恐怕它錯了。 I don』t think so. 我不認為這樣。

Really? Could you talk about the story a detail? 真的嗎?你能再詳細說說嗎?

I can』t accept this point. 我不能接受這觀點。

Your answer isn』t to the point. 你的觀點不能切中要害。

I don』t agree. 我部同意。

It』s much better this time. 這次好多了。

I agree with your point. 我不同意你的觀點。

I think so. 我認為也是如此。

This is to the point. 切中要害。

Well done. Congratulations. 太好了。祝賀你。


Right. Very good. That』s it. Great. A good job. Excellent. Terrific. Exactly. Absolutely right. 決對正確。

Completely correct. Sound good. 不錯。That』s correct. 正確。 You did good. 很棒。

That』s funny. 真有趣。 Good idea. 好想法。

You』re great. We should clap for you. 棒極了,我們應該為你鼓掌。

Don』t give up. Try your best. 別放棄,盡你的全力。

You did a good job. I admire you for your works. 我十分佩服你說的話。

Don』t be afraid. Show your confidence. 別害怕,拿出你的勇氣。 Be confident. 自信些。

Don』t lose heart. You can try it again. 別灰心,你可再試一次。

Think carefully. Don』t leave it to chance. 仔細想想不要碰運氣。

Your answer makes me think another point. 你的答案讓我想起了另一點。

Great. Who first think of this idea?好,誰先想到這個主意的


Hello, boys and girls! Is everybody here?

What』s the matter / wrong with Li Ming? 怎麼回事?

Could tell me why / what is the matter?

Be quiet, students. Now I』m going to call the roll. 請安靜,開始點名了。

What day is it today? 今天星期幾。

What』s the date today? 今天幾月幾號?

How is the weather today?/ What』s the weather like today? 今天天氣怎麼樣?

What month is it? 幾月份?

Who is on duty today? 今天誰值日。

That』s right. I remember now. 對了,我記起來了。

You look worried. What』s wrong? 你看起來很著急,怎麼回事?

Excuse me, Mr. Zhang .Could I be excused for a while? May I ask for leave?


How is the weather today? How about the weather today? 今天天氣怎樣?

Keep silent, I have some good news to tell you. 請安靜,有好消息。

Whose turn is it to clean the blackboard? 輪到誰擦黑板了?

Can you see the blackboard clearly? If not, come up to the front.



Class begins. Now please open your books and turn to Page 43. Let』s go over what we learned last lesson. Well, look at the dialogue, and let』s practise it once

again, shall we?


Have finished the exercises which I gave you last time? How about revising them again, OK? 在複習一遍,好嗎?

How about another practise on this point?All right?


Now I want some students to retell the story that we learned. Are you ready? Revision is very useful for learning English, So you shouldn』t think it』s boring.


Now this is about what we learned last lesson. Are you clear?


I』ll check your homework. Answer these questions according to the last lesson.


Listen to the dialogue once more and complete these exercises.


Who can talk about the story in your own words?


Who can recite the text? Hands up, please. Let』s check the answers together.


To let me see if you』ve understood, I』ll ask some questions on this passage.


Now I want you to turn to Page 23.

What can you see in the picture?

What can we know from the picture?

Can you say something about the picture?

Who can describe the details of the pictures?

Say a few words about the pictures. Sum up the picture in a few words.


Tell us a story with the picture. Now this is something new, Ready to listen.


Now listen to me carefully.

Make up sentences about the picture.

First listen. Then I』ll say it again. What I』ll tell you are the important points today.


Keep to the points. 要抓要害。

Read after me, OK? Repeat! All together. Speak louder, please. Quicker, please. Softer, please.

Listen to the tape again, pay attention to the new words. Now we shall do some pair work.

Practise this part by yourself. Practise in pairs.First you may use the look-speak method.



Now watch me.I』ll do an example,then you will try to make up dialogues in paies.


Which group would like to act out this dialogue? 哪一組願意表演這段對話?

Who can act this role? Any volunteers? 誰願意擔任這個角色?有自願者嗎?

Who』d like to have a try? Hands up, please. Don』t be shy.Try to retell the key points without books.



First work in groups to talk about the topic of this dialogue. Look at the picture at the top of this page, please tell me what happened in the picture? Books closed. Listen to the dialogue for the first time and try to fin out: When and where

did the conversation take place?

I』ll give you five minutes to read the dialogue loud. How many people were mentioned in the dialogue? Now listen to the dialogue once again, then we will practice the roles. Good. Listen again This time you should repeat after the tape. All right. please practise the dialogue in pairs. Which group would like to act out the dialogue? I』d like to call some pairs to practise the dialogue. Who wants to be Nancy? / Who would like to play Mary? Would you like to be Jack? / Would you like to act Jack? /

Would you like to act the part of Jack?

The rest of you are the audience, OK? Let』s have a look. Jim and Bob are acting out the dialogue. Please make up a similar conversation with these notes. When you practise the dialogue with others , be sure to use your own words as much

as possible. I』ll give you some advice. If you want to speak English very well, you must seize every

chance to speak and talk in English in and out of class.


六、 語法教學

Today we are going to learn an important grammar point. Notice this sentence , what tense should be used here?


Here we should use the Present Tense.


Who knows the Past Tense and the Past Participle form of this verb?


We should remember the three principe parts of these irregular verbs by heart.


Write down the forms of these verbs and keep them in mind. Do you know the form of this tense? 你知道這個時態的結構嗎?

Notice the subject. Here , we should use the Passive Voice instead of Active Voice.


Now, change these sentences into Indirect Speech.


Can you change this sentence into the Passive Voice? When we change Direct Speech into Indirect Speech, we should pay attention to the

changes of the tense, the persons, adverbials of time and place. What part of speech is it? 它是什麼詞類?

Notice this word, it is a proper noun, so no article is needed.


This is an abstract noun, but it is used as a common noun here.


Is the article in this sentence used correctly? Who can correct the mistake? What article should be used here , 「a」 or 「an」? This noun is used in a general sense, we must put the indefinite article 「a」 before it. Could you tell me the plural form of this word? Generally, we should replace nouns with pronouns here.


Is this word a countable noun or an uncountable noun?


Today we are going to learn a new text. I』d like to look at the picture on the right.

Who can describe it?

What can you learn from the picture? What you describe fits the content of the text.


Read the text quickly and think about the questions:

Why / Where / When / How did the story happen? Don』t worry about the new words, Just try to guess their meanings. Read the text again more slowly and try to answer the comprehension questions. I』ll explain some important language points. Please take out your notebooks and get ready

to make notes. 我要解釋一些語法點,拿出你的筆記本準備做筆記。

What does this part / this paragraph describe?

What』s the main idea of this passage?

Fill in the following form according to the text. Correct these mistakes in the sentences according to the text. Please read this part carefully and find the topic sentence.


Notice the topic sentence is usually the first or the last sentence of a paragraph.


Using the information, retell this part. Here are two similar words. Let』s find the differences between them.


Now open your workbook and complete Exercise One. For the rest of time, please ask and answer the questions with your desk mates about

the text. 用剩餘的時間,同桌間就課文內容進行相互問答。

Listen to the tape carefully. Pay attention to pronunciation, phrasing and intonation.



1. Read through these words yourself, according to the phonetic symbols (音標).

2. Who will volunteer to pronounce these words for us? 誰願意為我們讀出這些單詞?

3. Listen to the tape and then try it yourself. 聽錄音然後自己讀。

4. There』s a mistake in your pronunciation. Notice where the stress (重音) is.

5. Listen to me carefully and read it like this.

6. Don』t be shy. Just open your mouth widely.

7. Speak loud and repeat.

8. Now watch my mouth, please watch and do the same. 9. Notice how my tongue touches my teeth. 注意我的舌頭是怎麼摩擦牙齒的。

10. Read the word clearly and don』t swallow a syllable. 把單詞讀清晰,不要吞掉音節。

11. To read the word, we must roll our tongues(捲起舌頭).

12. How many syllables (音節) are there in the word?

13. Try to remember the meaning of this word.

14. We can get a new word if we add a suffix (加一個後綴) after it.

15. Can you tell me any synonyms (同義詞) of this word?

16. What』s another way of saying exam?

17. Can you spell this word?

18. Let me see if there is anything wrong with your spelling.

19. The letter 「r」 is missing.

20. Place a letter 「s」 before this word. 在這個單詞前加字母s.

21. Cross out this letter. Cross off the extra letter 「n」. 去掉多餘的字母n.

22. Letter 「L」 should be capitalized (大寫).

23. Begin / Spell the word with the small letters. 記下這個單詞以小寫字母開頭。

24. Write these letters together. 把這些字母寫到一起。

25. Read out the words correctly. Don』t add any extra syllable.


26. With the root of this word, take a guess. What is the meaning of this word?


27. What』s another word for the same meaning? 也表達同樣意義的另一個詞是什麼?

28. What is meant by that word? 那個詞作什麼解釋?


1. Today, we』ll have a listening practice. You』ll have a conversation between a driver and

a passenger.

2. Have you finished? Well, I』ll start the tape. 3. OK, listen for the first time and finish Exercise One.

4. Listen and catch the key sentence. 5. Let』s check the answers. First, you can check your answers with desk mate. 6. Is there anyone who got full marks?

7. Read your answers aloud, OK?

8. Be careful, I』ll give you the correct answers. 9. This conversation is to give you practice in listening for the central idea. 10. Listen and pick out the new words.

11. Listen carefully and try to catch every sentence. 12. Listen and repeat. After that retell the story in your own words. 13. Listen to the tape to get a general idea, then write down the information below. 14. While listening, you must keep calm. 15. When you do listening in the exam, you must first look through all the questions as

quickly as possible and try to guess what the passage is about. 16. Before listening, think of some possible answers to these questions. 17. Listen and catch the key sentence.

18. Listen and write down the key points by heart.


1. Today we are going to write a passage on the new High Dam at Aswan. 2. Before writing, let』s have a discussion. What subject do you think we should write about

in the passage?

3. Let』s have an oral practice first. Work in groups to talk about the topic. 4. Read the two notices 「Found and Lost」. Learn to write similar notices like them. 5. Using these guiding words, write a composition of about 100 words. 6. Before you start to write, could you tell me what you are going to write? 7. Before writing, you can make a draft (打草稿) first, then copy it on your exercise-books. 8. Work in groups of four. You have read the story of the great written. Now, each of you

will write a part of the story. The titles of the four parts are as follows. 9. Today we are going to learn how to write expository essays. Write a description of your

province. First collect some key information and make a list.



10. Write a summary of the story about Bob Geldof. It must cover the following points. 11. Don』t forget to put in proper punctuation (標點).


1. This lesson, I』ll explain the test. Li Ming, please return the papers to the students. 2. Let』s go through these exercises together. 3. Look at Exercise One. Let』s check the answers.

4. What』s the best answer to Exercise One? 5. Let』s go to the next exercise. They are a bit difficult. 6. Make your own. Give yourself one point for every correct answer, and take off a point

for every wrong answer.

7. Look at the first blank. Which word should be filled in?

8. Lily, could you tell us the cor?

9. Look at Number Three. Could you explain why you like this / why you gave such an


10. Do you have any questions to ask? 11. These exercises are common, but very important. So we need to remember them


12. Wen Jing, what』s your opinion of it? 13. Take notes about the exercises which you got wrong and I』ll ask you to see if you got

them during the next lesson.做錯的要記下來,下節課我要提問看你們是否掌握。

14. Now count up your points and write down your score at the top of the paper.

15. Is there anyone who got full marks? Who got only one mark?

16. Focus on (注意) Exercise Three. It is a bit difficult.

17. According to the content (根據上下文), which word should be used?

18. We shouldn』t only know How, we should know Why. 21. Can you tell me the antonym (反義詞) of this word?

22. Something important, we form the noun operation by adding the suffix – tion after


ate. 詞尾加後綴-tion 可得一名詞operation.

23. This word is a derivative. Can you point out its root?


24. What does this word mean when the prefix(前綴)is added?

25. When we make sentences, notice that the predicate verb must agree with its subject in person and number.

當我們遣詞造句時,要留心謂語動詞一定要在人稱和數上與主語 一致。

26. This word is a transitive verb. We can use a noun or noun phrase as its direct object.


27. This word is an intransitive verb when it needs an object, don』t forget to put a preposition after it. 這是個不及物動詞,當它後跟賓語時不要忘了加適當的介詞。

28. Notice, need here is the model verb. It takes an infinitive without to. 注意need在此是


29. Can you tell the differences between with and by?

你知道介詞with 和by之見的不同點嗎?

30. What do you know about this preposition? 對這個介詞,你瞭解有多少?

31. Notice the two sentences. Between them, we should add a conjunction.


32. With some proper conjunctions combine these short sentences together.


33. Pay attention to the word order of this sentences together. Can you correct the mistake?


34. Generally, adverbs of time and place should be put at the end of a sentence.


35. Can you tell me the comparative form and the superlative form of this word?


36. I want you to change the affirmative sentences (肯定句)into an interrogative


37. There are three forms of the sentences affirmative, interrogative, and negative.


38. This is an objective clause. Notice the word order.

這是一個賓語 從句,注意語序。

39. Do you know the present forms (現在式)of this word?

40. Give out the plural form of the nouns. 給出下列名詞的複數形式。

41. We can use proper pronouns to replace nouns for short.


42. As we know, news is an uncountable noun(不可數名詞),

but tell me what about advice, suggestion and information. 42 It was much better. Let』s do it once more. 43 Imagine that you were Matilde, what would you say? 44 With these key words try to retell the story. 45 If the case happened to you, what else could you say?

如果這種情況發生在 你身上, 你還會怎麼說呢?

46 Hold a discussion about the story, let』s see whose idea is the best.


47 Pay attention to these complex sentences. I』ll explain them again.


Now, you will have ten minutes. Please write a short passage on this topic. Following what we learned, complete these exercises.


Last lesson, we learned some important language points. Now I』d like to see how much

you can remember.

I』d like some students to retell the story with these key words. I』ll divide the class into groups of four to discuss the problem. You』ll have a few moments to prepare your speech, so you can make a draft first.


Go through Exercise 3. If you have any questions, please raise your hand. Now I』ll call out several pairs to ask and answer in front of the class. Please complete the dialogue in your words. According to this paragraph, ask as many questions as you can. Make up a dialogue, using the following as a guide. Be careful, this is something different.


1. Books closed. Please take out a pen and a piece of paper. Now we』ll take a dictation. 2. Are you ready? I』ll start to read.

3. First, listen carefully and I』ll read it through. 4. Pay attention to your handwriting. Notice the capital letters and the small letters. 5. Include the proper punctuation (標點) .

6. Notice your speed of dictation. 7. If you meet some new words, don』t mention them, go on dictating. 8. Try to catch the main idea of the dictation. That way, you can finish it much more easily.

9. Now I』ll read it for the last time. Go through your dictation. 10. Who』d like to read the dictation?


1. After this sentence, what mark should be put here? 2. Put the proper punctuation in the sentence.

3. Don』t forget to put an exclamation (感嘆號) mark at the send of the sentence.

4. Is the punctuation used in this sentence correctly? 5. There is no need to put in punctuation. So, we should cross out the comma.


1. I』ll push the blackboard up a bit so that all of us can see it. 2. The board is a bit high. Pull it down lower gently. 3. Meimei, could you please go and fetch my teaching pictures? They are on my desk. Let us, teachers and students, speak beautiful and fluent English!


Beginning a class ( 開始上課)

1. Lets start class. =Its time for class. 上課2. Hello, boys and girls / children.同學們好3. Good morning /afternoon, boys and girls / teacher/同學們/老師們,早晨好/下午好4.Stand up / Sit down, please.起立/請坐5. Who is on duty today? 今天誰值日?6. Is everyone / everybody here /present? 大家都出席了嗎?7. Is anyone/anybody absent? 有人缺席嗎?8. Who』s absent? 誰沒來?9. Lets begin our class. 咱們上課吧.10. Well start / begin a new lesson today.今天我們講學習新課.11. What day is it today? 今天星期幾?12. Whats the weather like today? 今天的天氣怎麼樣?

In Class ( 課堂上)

13.Lets begin a new lesson.。 們開始學新課.14. Well learn something new .我們講學新知識.15. Lets learn some new words/ sentences. 咱們學些新單詞/句子16. Lets review what we learned yesterday.咱們複習一下昨天學過的內容.17. Ready? Are you ready? 準備好了嗎?18. Start. 開始19. All together.大家一起來.20. Read all together now.大家一起讀.21. Sit down ,please.請坐端正.22. Stop talking. dont talk.不許說話.23. Be quiet, please.請安靜.24. Look at my mouth, please.請看我的口型。25. Quickly, /be quick, please. 請迅速點。26. Hurry. Hurry up, please. = Please a little faster.請快點。27. Do you understand? = Do you follow me 聽懂了嗎?28. Can you follow me? 你能聽懂我的話嗎?29. Is that clear? 聽清楚了嗎?30. Listen, please.請聽。31. Please listen to me. 請注意聽我說。32. Please listen to the tape recorder/ to the recording. 請聽錄音。33. Listen carefully, please.請仔細聽。34. Look carefully.仔細看。35. Please look at the blackboard/picture/ slide.請看黑板/幻燈片。36. Please answer my questions.請回答我的問題。37. Can you spell the word....? 你能拼讀這個單詞嗎?38. Spell the word...., please.請拼讀這個單詞。39. Pay attention to your spelling/pronunciation.注意你的拼寫/發音。40. Say after me, please.請跟我說。41. Read after me, please.請跟我讀。42. Try to keep up with me, please.請跟我學。43. Please say it again.請再說一遍。44. Please repeat/ Once more, please/ again please.請再作一次。45. Whos going to ... ?誰準備.........?46. Who wants to...? 誰想要.............?47. Please come to the front.請到前面來。48. In pairs, please.請兩人一組練習。49. Practice in groups, please/ In groups , please.請按小組練習50. Any volunteers?有誰自願做這件事嗎?51. Lets do it. One by one ,please.請一個接一個地做。52. Now you, please. =Would you, please? = It』s your turn now! = you want to try? 請你來53. Next, please.請下一個。54. Now ( you) do the same.現在你做同一個。55. Put up your hands, please. / raise your hands, please.請舉手。56. Put down your hands, please. / Hands down, please.請放下手。57. Put it/ them into Chinese/English.把它們譯成漢語。/英語。58. In English, please.請用英語。59. Whats this in English/ Chinese? 這個用英語/漢語怎麼說?60. Please take out your books.請拿出你們的書。61. Please open your books to page.請打開書,翻到46頁。62. Turn to page4.翻到第4頁。63. Close your books ,please.請把書和上。64. Who can pronounce this correctly? 誰能發這個音?65. Please say this letter/ word/ sentence to the class.請讀出這個字母/單詞/句子。66. How do you read this sound / letter/ word? 你怎麼讀這個字母/單詞的音?67. Pardon? I cant hear you clearly. Louder, please.請原諒.我沒能聽清你的話請大點聲。68. Please back to your seat. 請回到你的座位上去。69. Who can help him/her? 誰能幫助他?70. Will you please help me? 請你幫助我好嗎?71. Can you try? / Try, please/do you want to try it? =Think it over and try another Answer. = Think it over and then give me your answer.你能試一下嗎?請再試一下72. Dont be afraid.別害怕。73. Dont be shy.別害羞。74. Think it over and try again.仔細想一下,再試。75. Try your best. / Do your best.儘力/盡你最大努力。76. Lets have a dictation.咱們聽寫吧。77. Is this right or wrong? / Is this correct? 這個是對還是錯?這個正確嗎?78. Is it easy/ difficult? 它容易/難嗎?79. Stop here. / Now stop.到此為止。80. Go on, please.請繼續。81. Lets sing an English song.咱們產一首英文歌。82. Lets act. /Lets act the dialogue. =Who would like to act out the dialogue?然咱們表演/表演對話。83. Who wants to be A? 誰想演A?84. Now tom will be A and I will be B.現在湯姆演A,我演B。85. Its your turn.輪到你了。86. Whose turn is it? 該輪到誰了?87. Wait your turn, please.請等等,就輪到你了。88.Stand in line.站成一排。89. Please get your things ready. 請把你的東西準備好。90. Please put away your things.請把你的東西收拾好。91. Practice the dialogue, please.請練習這個對話。92. Ask each other questions.互相問問題。93. Think it over.仔細想。94. This half of the class will be/read/act/play A and the other half will be B. 班級這一半扮演A,另一半扮演B.


95. good. Thank you.好的,謝謝。96, Right/ Thats right.對97. OK/ Thats OK.對98. Good. / very good.好/非常好。99. Thats wrong.錯了。100. Excellent. / Great. / Well done.優秀/太好了/做得好。101. Youve done well.你做得很好。102. Im sure youll be even better next lesson/ next time.我相信下節課/下次你會做得更好。


103.well do Exercises 1 and 2.我們將做練習一和練習二。104.For todays homework. say Hello to each other.今天的作業。 互相說:Hello。105.Do it orally before write it out.在寫之前作口頭練習。106. Write down the word twice.把這個單詞抄寫兩遍。107. Do your best. (I ll do everything I can.)盡最大努力寫好。108.Try your best.盡最大努力。=I will do everything I can.109.Remember/Memorize these words.用心學好這些單詞。110... Next time we』ll have a dictation/ spelling test. 我們下次將舉行聽寫/拼寫測驗。


111.Please hand in your workbooks.請把你的作業交上來。112. The bell is ringing.鈴聲響了。113. There goes the bell.鈴聲響了114.Class is over.下課了。115. Time is up. Lets stop here.時間到了,就到這吧。116. Thats all for today.今天就到這。117. Come to / Ask me if you have questions.如果你有問題,就來問我。118. Goodbye. / Bye, See you next time.再見/下次見。


119.Aim of education教育目的

120.teaching plan(s)教學計劃121. teaching principles教學原則122. syllabus.教學大綱123.classroom teaching.課堂教學124.on-site teaching.現場教學125.open class/ demonstration class.公開課/觀摩課教學126.A teaching summary.教學小結127.to help the student make up the lessons補課128.Teaching notes.教案129. Teaching aim and requirements/objectives.教學目的和要求130.Key teaching points/ focal points.教學重點131. Difficult points.難點132.General review.總複習133... Answer key.標準答案134... to sit in on each others class. /to visit each others class.互相聽課135. To prepare lessons.備課136... to prepare lessons together.集體備課137. to go over exam papers評閱試卷138. test/ quiz小測驗139.mid-term exam期中考試140. Final exam/term exam 期末考試141.Oral exam=spoken test .口試142. Written exam筆試143.Makeup exam/ supplementary exam補考144.grade.分數145.excellent優秀146.good良147.average中148.fail劣149.English Contest.英語競賽150. above average=good 良 fail=poor.劣


151. Pardon.152. Please say that again153. Please say that more slowly.154. What do you mean by.....?155. I』m sorry I cant follow you.156. Im sorry I only know a little English.157. Pardon me


1.Let』s get ready for class. 預備上課。2.Class begins.上課。3.Open your books, please.請翻開書。4.please turn to Page 12.請翻開書到12頁。5.Please take out your notebooks/exercise books.請拿出筆記本/練習本。6.No more talking, please.請幽靜。7.Attention, please.請留神。8.Are you ready?預備好了嗎?9.Who can answer this question?誰能批複這個問題?10.Raise your hands, please. 請舉手。11.Hands down.把手放下。12.Repeat after me/Follow me.跟我讀。13.Are you clear ?清楚了嗎?14.Come up to the front, please.請到前面來。15.Go back to your seat, please.請回座位。16.Come on. You can do it.來吧!你能做到的。17.Come on, you』re almost there.來吧!你快(做/答)對了。18.I』ll give you a clue (hint).我給你一些提醒。19.You can do it this way.你可以這樣來做。20.Let』s play a game.讓我們玩個遊戲。21.Are you tired? Let』s take a break.累了嗎?休息一下。22.Do you have any questions?你們有問題嗎?23.Be brave / active, please.請勇猛/主動些。24.I beg your pardon?對不起,能再說一遍嗎?25.Put up your hands if you have any questions.如果有問題請舉手。26.Take it easy.請寬心/別急迫。27.Let』s have a dictation.讓我們來聽寫。28.Let me see.讓我看看/想想。29.Listen to me, please.請聽我說。30.Look at the blackboard/screen, please.請看黑板/屏幕。31.All eyes on me, please.請都看著我。32.Can you solve this problem?能做出這道題嗎?33.Let』s read it together. Ready, go!大家齊聲朗讀,預備,起。34.Read slowly and clearly.讀慢一點,清楚一點。35.Who wants to try?誰想試一試?36.Who wants to do it on the blackboard?誰甘心到黑板上來做?37.Are you through?做完了嗎?38.Have you finished?做完了嗎?39.You did a very good job.做得不錯。40.Very good./Good try./ Well done!告終得不錯。41.Terrific!/ Wonderful! / Excellent!很棒!42.Please give him (her) a big hand.請給他/她一些掌聲。43.Can you follow me?能跟上嗎?44.Do you understand?你聽懂了嗎?45.Don』t be nervous.不要急迫。46.Any one can help him/ her?誰來幫他/她一下?47.Is everyone here?都到齊了嗎?48.Who』s absent today?今天誰沒來?49.What day is today?今天是禮拜幾?50.What』s the date today?今天是幾號?51.Who』s on duty today?今天誰值勤?52.Here are your exercise-books. Please hand them out.這是練習本,請發下去。53.Monitor, would you please fetch some chalk for me?班長,能幫我去拿些粉筆來嗎?54.Look up the word in the dictionary.在字典裏查這個詞。55.Take notes, please.請作筆記。http://56.Li Hong, have you collected all the exercise-books?李紅,作業本都收齊了嗎?57.Is that right /correct?那個正確嗎?58.Can you find the mistakes?你能找出過失嗎?59.Do you know how to correct the mistakes?你知道怎麼改錯嗎?60.Can you guess it?能猜猜嗎?61.Watch me and Ill show you.看著我,我來演示。62.From the very beginning.從新初步。63.Yes. You』re right.對,你對了。64.Tomorrows the deadline for choosing classes.明天是選課的最後限期。65.Ill never make it on time to a 8 oclock class.我總不能趕去上8點鐘的課.66.I』m sorry I』m late. /Excuse me for coming late.對不起,我拖延了。67.Please come earlier next time.下次請早點到。68.Take your time.徐徐來。69.Use your head.動動腦筋。70.Good idea! That makes sense.好主見。有緣由。71.Whose turn is it?輪到誰了?72.Now you』re going to read one by one.此刻你們順次朗讀。73.Who』s next?接下來是誰?74.You』re next.接下來是你。75.It』s your turn.輪到你了。76.Just hands. No voices.不要說,請舉手。77.Do it on your own.自己做。78.We』re going to have a new lesson today.今天我們要上新課。79.First let』s have a revision.率先我們溫習一下。80.Please read it to the end.請讀到結尾。81.Stop here, please.請停下來。82.Hands up before you answer.批複問題前,請舉手。83.Hand in your homework tomorrow.家庭作業明天交。84.Please pass the exercise books to the front.請將練習本遞到前面來。85.Who wants to come to the front?誰甘心到前面來?86.Come to my office after class.下課後到辦公室找我。87.Come and see me after class.課後找我。88.I』m sorry to have kept you so long.對不起耽誤大家了。89.I want all of you to answer this question.我請大家一齊來回復這個問題。90.That』s all for the new lesson/ revision.新課/溫習就到這兒。91.I want you to work in pairs/groups.請大家做對子/小組練習。92.The bell is ringing.鐘聲響起。93.There』s the bell.鈴響。94.There goes the bell.鈴響。95.Time is up.工夫到了。96.That』s all for today.今天就到這97.We stop here for today.今天就到這。98.Let』s call it a day.今天就到這。99.Let』s stop here.讓我們到此為止。100.Here』s your homework for today.這是今天的家庭作業。101.Don』t copy others』work.不要抄旁人的作業。102.Class is over. Thank you, class.下課。謝謝!103.Good-bye./ See you tomorrow.再見/明天見

Any volunteer?

