Mnuchin says Treasury unable to comply with deadline for Trump's tax returns


  此前,據美國有線電視新聞網 (CNN) 報道,針對衆議院對美國國稅局於4月10日前提供特朗普近6年的個人及公司納稅申報單的要求,美國財政部長姆努欽曾於週三表示:“無法按時提供。”在寫給委員會主席理查德·尼爾的一封信中姆努欽還表示,財政部尚未決定是否遵守這一要求。財政部將與司法部磋商,謹慎考慮這一要求。

  The Treasury Department has missed a deadline to deliver US President Donald Trump's tax returns to the House Ways and Means Committee chairman.

  Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin informed Congress early Wednesday evening that his department would be unable to comply with House Democrats' deadline for President Donald Trump's tax returns, inserting himself into what is sure to be a pitched battle for the closely held documents.

  In a letter to committee Chairman Richard Neal, D-Mass., on Wednesday, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said his department hasn't decided whether to comply with the demand and said Treasury will consult with the Justice Department and "carefully" review the request further. Neal asked for Trump's returns a week ago.


  House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal on April 3 formally requested Trump's personal tax returns as well as eight of Trump's business entities in the past six years from the Internal Revenue Service.



  It was the first such demand for a sitting president’s tax information in 45 years and Neal cited a little known IRS code based on a history lesson of the Teapot Dome scandal and its aftermath which requires that "the secretary shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request". The Teapot Dome scandal involved the leasing of oil fields by Secretary of the Interior Albert B. Fall and alleged bribery under the Harding administration in the 1920s.

  A bargain between the two parties



  In his letter, Mnuchin cited concerns over “an abuse of authority” and wrote that the law cited in Neal’s request could not be used “for purposes of embarrassing or attacking political figures of another party”.


  Highlighting what he called the "unprecedented nature of this request," Mnuchin said that he would be overseeing the Treasury's handling of the request and that the Department of Justice was being consulted to protect all American taxpayers from the potential implications of the request.


  The top Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee, Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon, on Wednesday called Mnuchin's involvement "a sign of political interference," adding that "if Secretary Mnuchin does not provide the president's tax returns, he will break the law."

  Photo:Getty image)


  Neal said Wednesday that he would discuss the proper response with counsel since the Treasury Department "has decided not to allow the IRS to comply with my request by the April 10 deadline."




  Trump continued late Wednesday to hold the line on refusing to release his tax returns. Trump has said that he's been under audit since before the election. "I would love to give them, but I’m not going to do it while I’m under audit,” Trump told reporters as he departed the White House for a trip to Texas, noting that he has released a 104-page summary of his assets and values when he won the election in 2016.


  According to the Hills, the IRS has said that audits don’t prevent individuals from releasing their own tax information, and the agency has an internal policy to audit the sitting president.


  儘管法律沒有明文規定,但數十年來,美國總統和總統候選人都會自願公開他們的報稅表。CNN指出,前總統奧巴馬和小布什都曾在任期內公開自己的納稅記錄。(但他們都沒有像特朗普那樣曾領導着一個龐大的商業帝國——特朗普此前的商業活動涉及約500家企業。 )

  The Washington Post said Trump was the first president in over 40 years to decline releasing his tax returns to the American public.

  The past US presidents voluntarily released their tax returns while in office. Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush both did during their tenure. (But neither of them led a sprawling business empire like Trump, who is involved in approximately 500 corporate entities.)


  Democrats in Congress will “never” see Donald Trump’s tax returns, acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney said on Sunday.

  Photo:Fox News)


  Trump broke with precedent but not law when he chose not to release any tax returns while he was a candidate, though portions of some returns were leaked to media outlets. On Sunday, Mulvaney insisted the issue was “already litigated during the election” and the American people “elected him anyway”.


  Concerning this, the White House said that Democratic efforts to obtain Trump’s tax records are “political games.” Republicans have denounced it as a political witch hunt and invoked privacy concerns.


  Mnuchin suggested in March that he would protect Trump’s privacy if he receives a request from House Democrats for Trump’s tax returns, AP reported.



  After 300,000 American citizens signed an online petition on in January 2017, Trump spokesperson Kellyanne Conway announced Trump would not release his tax returns due to lack of interest. A series of demonstrations broke out in more than 150 locations throughout the US on April 15, 2017, a move to pressure Trump to release his tax returns.


  在華盛頓,數以千計的各年齡層示威者聚集在國會大樓前參加這場“稅務遊行”(Tax March),高舉着“他在隱藏什麼?”和“真男人會繳稅”的牌子。這場稅務大遊行還有一個非官方的吉祥物:一隻“形似”特朗普的充氣公雞。

  The protests, with signs reading "What is he hiding" were a response to the perceived lack of transparency in the Trump administration, and the fact that President Trump still had not released his tax returns by that date, contrary to his promise that he would during his campaign.

  According to the New York Times, they also have an unofficial mascot: a giant inflatable rooster known colloquially as “Trump chicken.”



  “如果我決定競選公職,我絕對會提交我的納稅申報單”, 他說, “我很樂意這麼做。”

  MAY 20, 2014:

  More than a year before he announced his presidential campaign, Trump told an Irish television station that he would "absolutely" release his tax returns if he entered the race.

  "If I decide to run for office, I'll produce my tax returns, absolutely," he said. "And I would love to do that."


  OCTOBER 4, 2015

  Trump said in an interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos that he was considering releasing his tax returns.



  APRIL 17, 2017:

  Spicer, the White House press secretary, says Trump's tax returns are still under audit.Asked in a later exchange if we can assume Trump will never release his returns, Spicer said he would "get back to you on that."

  File photo of Spicer)


  As April 15 marks the annual Tax Day in the US, Trump's further actions on tax returns have attracted great attention.

  Sources:CNN, The Guardian, 環球網

  Compiled by Shan Xin
