

What the heck is Apoptosis? (ap-uh-toh-sis)

Google the word. 

“There are two ways that a cell can die: necrosis and apoptosis. Necrosis occurs when a cell is damaged by an external force, such as poison, a bodily injury, an infection or getting cut off from the blood supply (which might occur during a heart attack or stroke). 

Apoptosis, on the other hand, is relatively civil, even though it may not sound so at first -- it's when a cell commits suicide.” –science.howstuffworks.com

According to research, we need to cause more cell suicide in today’s pet. 

“WHAT!? Really!?” 


You see, research has found that disease occurs when apoptosis breaks down. Healthy cells die before they should and damaged cells continue to live when they shouldn’t.

According to Dr. Damian Dressler, aka the ‘Dog Cancer Doctor’ – “In an average healthy human adult, somewhere around fifty to seventy billion cells die each day due to apoptosis and then quietly exit the body to make room for new, healthy cells.

In most types of cancer, apoptosis genes “turn off,” which leads to lower apoptosis levels. When this happens, cancer cells do not die naturally. Diminished apoptosis is a hallmark of most types of cancer, and is one of the major ways for a tumor to expand. The process of apoptosis is needed in our dogs.”

In layman terms, the stubborn cancer cell doesn’t know how to die, but a process called apoptosis can convince it to do so. 


Dig deeper into apoptosis and you will find the following search headlines come up:

o “Foods and herbs actually “alter gene expression and influence cancer outcomes” by triggering focused apoptosis naturally.” - National Institutes of Health, Pennsylvania State University, Department of Nutritional Sciences.

o “Several plants have naturally occurring molecules which actually support apoptosis when they are introduced into the living body. These molecules are called “apoptogens.” – TheDogCancerSurvivalGuide

o “Numerous published research results were showing that veggies and herbs can boost the process of apoptosis in all mammals.” - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3875399/

From those headlines mentioned above, it is pretty obvious what seems to be causing or promoting cancer cell suicide aka smashing cancer. Drum roll please! 


According to world renowned veterinarian Dr. Jean Dodds and her views on functional foods like veggies: 

o “Certain compounds in cruciferous vegetables have demonstrated the ability to stop the growth of cancer cells for tumors […] Cruciferous vegetables including broccoli cauliflower, brussels sprouts, cabbage and bok choy, collards, kale, radish, turnip and watercress (Hardy&Tollefsbol, 2011).”

What other types of veggies can cause apoptosis and help smash cancer cells?

According to Healwithfood.org:

TURMERIC - has been found to contain a compound that can identify potential cancer cells by their abnormal chemistry and consequently induce self-destruction of these harmful cells (process known as "apoptosis") — without damaging healthy cells. Furthermore, turmeric contains strong antioxidant compounds and may prevent nitrosamine formation and inhibit aflatoxin production — two processes that have been associated with an increased risk of cancer.

BROCCOLI - contains several extraordinary compounds that have been shown to eliminate carcinogenic toxins, reduce DNA mutation, induce apoptosis in cancerous cells, help prevent the development of benign tumors into malignant tumors, and help prevent the spread of cancer from one organ to another. According to one study, cooking may destroy as much as 90% of sulforaphane — the key anti-cancer substance in broccoli.

ASPARAGUS - is at the top of the list of foods with the highest concentration of glutathione. The glutathione in asparagus appears to have widespread functions, many of which may contribute to a reduced risk of cancer. For example, it has been shown to be effective at detoxifying foreign substances including carcinogens, boosting the immune system by influencing lymphocytes, and protecting cells against free radical damage. 

BLUEBERRIES - are one of the greatest health foods of all time and a great anti-cancer food. In a laboratory test conducted by USDA researchers, wild blueberries were shown to have the highest Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) rating of more than 20 fruits and berries. The antioxidant and anti-cancer powers of blueberries can be attributed to a number of remarkable compounds they contain, including ellagic acid, anthocyanins, vitamin E, and vitamin C.

CARROTS - almost everyone knows that carrots are good for eyesight, but did you know that they are also an excellent anti-cancer vegetable? Carrots contain falcarinol — a compound that has been shown to inhibit the development of cancer. Researchers found that rats that had pre-cancerous tumors and that were fed carrots were one third less likely to develop full-scale tumors than the animals in the control group. 

Yes of course cats are obligated carnivores and dogs are facultative carnivores. If this were 100 years ago, almost everything on this planet would have been organic and toxic-free, especially the meats our pets consumed. Those same meats packed with all the components needed to nourish our pets years ago are not the same today due to the nutrient depletion of our soils on Mother Earth. Mankind, over the last century, has polluted the meat industry with an assortment of toxins and altered GMO feed.

Welcome to 2015; the year that over 50% of our pets will succumb to cancer. The year that our pets and us have more toxins in our system compared to the previous year. 

Unfortunately, feeding just meat won’t cut it when it comes to the fight against cancer. At least that’s what research is saying today.

Apoptosis aka cell suicide, stops cancer cells from proliferating and spreading. Certain organic vegetables and herbs trigger apoptosis naturally, without the adverse side effects found with conventional treatments like chemo or radiation. Whether human or animal, whether you have cancer or not, if the power of veggies and herbs can help smash cancer, what will you choose when you’re faced with the daunting challenge of the life or death battle?


轉載自Rondney Habit粉絲團

