


英國倫敦24歲的俄籍辣妹拉迪若娃(Daria Radionova),日前豪氣炫出自己的藍寶堅尼,不過這可不是名車而已,上面足足貼了多達200萬顆的施華洛世奇水鑽,閃亮外觀讓民眾們全看的目瞪口呆,可以說是炫富的最高境界;她更霸氣地表示,「我沒有富爸爸,我就是我自己的金主。」

在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

They call me Boss lady And I love it There are so many haters out there as well, I just don’t understand WHY? Not that it affects me, but makes me laugh “These money should have gone to charity”, “her sugar daddy spoiled her”, “she is spending father’s money” and so on.....GOSH seriously???? I didn’t waste your money, I didn’t affect your life by encrusting this car - I just did it because I like it! I don’t have sugar daddy, I’m my own sugar daddy LOL and it’s such a cool feeling not to depend on anyone and do dirty things in order to get new things *yahhhhh I work hard myself, trying to do better and better. Before I felt like owning a Lambo is impossible, now I feel like owning a Bugatti is possible Trust me that everything depends on the way you think. Think positively, give positive vibes, stop being a hater - start loving your life no matter what and you will see how your life will change! #justsaying

Daria Radionova(@dradionova)分享的貼文 於 張貼



事實上,這並非拉迪若娃第一次改裝跑車,早些時候她就曾陸續為自家賓利Continental、 GT賓士CLS、藍寶堅尼Huracan做過類似「水鑽貼膜」的事情;不過前兩款車當時所耗費的施華洛世奇水鑽是各100萬顆、150萬顆,與此次藍寶堅尼的200萬顆有段距離。

