


1. 外面冷死了,我只想「耍廢」。
It’s freezing outside, I just want to veg out at home.

2. 這天氣使人難以起牀,所以明天上班可別「睡過頭」。
The cold night makes it a tough task to get out of bed in the mornings, so don’t oversleep tomorrow!


sleep over 和 oversleep 這兩個字很像,但意思大不同!oversleep是睡過頭,而sleep over 則指到友人家過夜。

3. 我每天都想睡到「自然醒」。
I want to sleep in everyday.

4. 因為明天「寒流」要來了,誰都別阻止我「窩在舒適的家裡」。
Since the arrival of the cold current tomorrow, nobody could stop me from staying in my cozy home.

5. 天氣這麼冷,好想喫「火鍋」!
It’s so cold, I really want to have hot pot!

6. 我完全不想冒著寒風去「健身房」,結果就是「爆肥」!
I have absolutely no intention of going to the gym in the cold, which led to a huge amount of weight gain.

7. 「孤單、寂寞、覺得冷」,我的真命天女/子尚未出現。
I am lonely, isolated, and cold. Yet I’m still waiting for my dream girl /Mr. right.

8. 我「受夠冬天」了,夏天怎麼還不來。
I’m sick of winter, and summer is still so far away.
