




A.人魚公主 B.好友Amy C.要很有趣的纔行喔!!








There is a mermaid princess Elsa who loves human life.

When she was little she always dreamed about being a real girl!!

At her 6th birthday, her wish became true.

She woke up in a girls bed on 9.1 in Chubei~~.

In the morming, she hurried to go to Konrrel elementary school!!


Although a girls life is full of English, Chinese, lessons and studies, she enjoyed music ,art, and painting more!!

The only one thing she could not overcome was racing!!

Although she was a real girl, she was not used to her feet, it caused a lot of problems when the PE class teacher asked her to move fast!!

Every Wed. and Fri. her mood became blue and she was not happy. She hated PE class!!


But her best friend Amy had a bigger problem than her!!

Amy was great at racing , soccer and all kinds of exercise, because she was strong and fast.

But she was not smart!!

Every subjects she got bad grades, and no matter how hard Amy studied her grades got lower and lower!!

Even so, Amy never gave up studying !!

One day, Elsa taught Amy math,no matter how many ways she explained math to Amy, Amy could not understand!!

At that time, Amy decided to tell Elsa a big secret.

After hearing the secret, Elsa was shocked.

Amy was a dinosaur!!!

She became a real girl because of her birthday wish!!  

That's why Amy always scored  lower grades~~Dinosaur brains never worked well!!


After hearing Amy’s story, Elsa was touched!!

Even though Amy did not get good grades , she never gave up~~

From now on Elsa changed her mind and decided to enjoy her PE class.

She realized that everyone was not perfect, and that everyone had to accept who you were to be happy


