








最熟悉的聲音 John Ratzenberger

John Ratzenberger has been called Pixar's "good luck charm." Once upon a time he was known best for his work on Cheers, but kids who grew up on Pixar will undoubtedly recognize his distinct voice since it can be heard in every Pixar movie made so far.

John Ratzenberger被稱作是Pixar的「幸福符」,過去他最為人知的作品是在電影《Cheers》中的演出,不過對於從小就看Pixar動畫長大的孩子來說,John Ratzenberger的聲音纔是他們最熟悉的夥伴,至今以來每部動畫都有他的配音。






This one has an entire Wikipedia page devoted to it. A 113 is the room number for an animated character design class at CalArts. Two of Pixar's leading animators, Brad Bird and John Lasseter, both spent a lot of time in that room, and so did many other animators. That's why you'll see A 113 pop up in all kinds of animated movies and TV shows.

廣為人知的標誌A113甚至還有一整頁的Wikipedia專門在集結相關訊息。A113是加州藝術學院裡動畫設計教室的號碼,Brad BirdJohn Lasseter兩位Pixar領導動畫師,以及其他製作動畫的人員過去都曾經在這間教室投注許多時間,對他們來說這麼做就像是致敬,這也是為什麼你會在電影及電視節目中時不時就看見A113出現。




Pizza Planet卡車


After playing a key role in Toy Story, the Pizza Planet delivery truck has appeared in every Pixar movie except The Incredibles. And who cares about anachronisms? It even shows up in Brave as a wood carving at the witch's shop.


自從在《Toy Story》裡擔任重要角色後,Pizza Plant的送貨卡車除了《The Incredibles》以外,往後的所有電影都能看見它的身影,而且就算時代錯亂又怎樣,它甚至還在《Brave》裡以木雕的樣子出現在女巫的商店裡。




The Luxo Ball

The yellow and blue Luxo Ball with a red star has shown up in every Toy Story movie, and it's made appearances in other Pixar films as well. In Up, you can just barely make it out as the design on one of Russell's merit badges.

這顆鮮豔有著紅色星形圖案在中間的Luxo Ball在每集《Toy Story》的電影裡都能發現它的蹤跡,當然你也能在其他Pixar動畫中找到它,幾乎是所有孩子都必備的玩具。





在《Finding Nemo》找到Buzz Lightyear


Look for him in the dentist's waiting room.








As the balloons carry away Carl's house in Up, we see a little girl playing in her room where there's a Luxo Ball and a Lots-O-Huggin' Bear. Lots-O's appearance in Up pre-dates his Toy Story 3 appearance by a year.

當氣球帶著Carl的房子緩緩升空時,還記得當時經過一個小女孩的房間嗎?仔細一看她的玩具竟然是Luxo BallLots-O-Huggin Bear,原來Lots-O-Huggin Bear早在《Toy Story 3》推出前一年就先亮相了!







Boo gives Sully a Nemo toy in Monsters, Inc., and this was two years before Finding Nemo would arrive in theaters.

原來在《Finding Nemo》上映的兩年前,Nemo就已經先偷偷在《Monster, Inc.》裡亮相了。




在水底下的小怪獸Monster Under Water

Mike Wazowski, from Monsters, Inc., can be seen swimming through the credits of Finding Nemo.

一般人應該都不會看電影最後的人員介紹,但如果你是會坐在螢幕前面把所有人名都看完的人,或許就曾經發現Mike Wazowski在《Finding Nemo》裡游泳



A 'Mr. Incredible' Comic Book連手中的漫畫書都在跟觀眾對話


A boy in the dentist's waiting room in Finding Nemo is reading a Mr. Incredible comic book a year before The Incredibles hit theaters.

在《The Incredibles》上映前一年,《Finding Nemo》裡坐在牙醫等候室的小男孩就已經在看《Mr. Incredible》的漫畫書了。



A Postcard from Carl & Ellie

In Toy Story 3, Andy has a postcard from Carl and Ellie Fredricksen from Up.

還記得《Up》裡CarlEllie這對甜蜜的夫妻嗎?在《Toy Story 3》中,Andy的牆上竟然貼著他們寄來的明信片




