
每一个品种都会有不一样的 Pros and Cons (优缺点)






One of the most overlooked dog breeds in terms of making good indoor pets is Papillons. Due to their high intelligence, sensitivity and compassion towards people, Papillons are usually used as seizure alert dogs and therapy dogs. Since Papillons are easy to train, they’re often used as show dogs as well. Papillons don’t shed too often and they don’t suffer skin allergies.




✓ In terms of 就…而言,就某方面来说

 In term of money, he's quite rich, but not in term of happiness.








This breed doesn’t shed much, so it’s an excellent choice if you have issues with pet hair and allergies. They’re friendly dogs and get along well with other dogs and cats. Since this dog will need consistent human contact, it’s not a smart choice if you cannot commit a lot of time to pet care. You can easily identify Maltese by its straight and long white coat, which you’ll have to groom regularly to keep in tip-top shape. Keep your Maltese close but don’t lavish too much attention on him as it could lead to behavior disorders.





✓ Coat (n.)(动物的)皮毛;(植物的)表皮

 The dog has a long and shaggy coat.


✓ Groom (v.) 使整洁;打扮

 He groomed himself carefully for the party.


✓ Tip-top (adj.) 头等的,第一流的

 He kept his house in tip-top shape.


✓ Lavish (adj.) 挥霍,浪费 + on

 Lavish time and money on pets.







Short legs, wrinkled faces, and lovable personality, pugs make excellent companions. But be prepared: they could be headstrong but are generally willing to please. The shape of their faces means pugs are prone to wheezing and snoring, so they might keep you awake if you bring the dog into your bedroom at night.




✓ Headstrong (adj.) 固执的,任性的;不受管束的

 The trouble with her is that she is too headstrong.


✓ Wheeze (v.) 发出喘息声

✓ Snore (v.) 打呼






Pomeranians are mellow and gentle, but they can get noisy especially when interacting with kids. However, they make a fantastic addition to households with children as long as you get a puppy. A major downside is that they shed a lot so don’t get one if you have a new baby at home.








Don’t be deceived by the Chihuahua‘s meek appearance, they’re sassy and unpredictable, and they’ll nip at kids when they’re disturbed, so don’t get one if you have small children in the household. They’ll also bark incessantly if they sense a new dog in the building and will demand a lot of your attention. The upsides are their fierce loyalty to their owners and ability to get along with cats – after a proper introduction.




✓ Meek (adj.) 温顺的

 meek and mild (= extremely quiet and gentle) 极其温顺的

✓ Nip (v.) 咬,捏 (= bite) + at

✓ Incessantly (adv.) 不断地,不停地

 For ten hours it rained incessantly.


Get along with 与…和睦相处,相处融洽 = Get on with



资料参考:10 Best Small Dog Breeds for Indoor Pets




