昨天,Sandra Day OConnor 寫一封公開信,她在信中寫道:被診斷出有早期Dementia(失智)有些時候了,極有可能是阿茲海默症。因為這個病症,她會退出公眾視野,讓新生代繼續她的公民教育事業。

她說:While the final chapter of my life with dementia may be trying, nothing has diminished my gratitude and deep appreciation for the countless blessings in my life.

在左右翼極度分裂的當下,Justice OConnor的公開信讓人感慨擁有過她在庭上的「good old days」。 也許她的很多判決不能讓我這個liberal完全同意,但她在墮胎權利上的意義舉足輕重。

現任或者卸任的Justices都紛紛向她致意,最常用到的詞大約有「開拓者」,「第一位在最高院的女性大法官」,卸任的Justice Kennedy說:Her statement today reminds the nation that we must carry on her dedicated work to ensure that our democracy is strengthened so that it always will inspire all who seek freedom for themselves. 這一段話耐人尋味。

最喜歡的是Justice Breyer的一段話:

I learned so very much from you. For example, that common sense and law are compatible; that listening to others helps; that head and heart can be combined; and, that, leaving aside the matter of judicial decisions, much else can be done to help others in this Country if you put your mind to it – promoting civic education for example.

Thank you, Justice.


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