Guido 資料圖


  “Python 之父” Guido近日再就“996.ICU”的GitHub repo事件於Python官方論壇發佈一篇名爲《Can we do something for 996 programmers in China?》(我們能爲“996”工作制下的中國程序員們做什麼?)的帖子,引起熱議。

  A week ago or so I was approached by some Chinese programmers complaining about the poor working conditions. Someone created a GitHub repo explaining the problem – “Work by ‘996’, sick in ICU” (meaning a work schedule from 9 am till 9 pm, 6 days a week). Of course, this repo is now blocked by various Chinese browsers. Once I tweeted about it, my Twitter stream has been full of comments about this issue. How can we help these people? How can we get the western press and governments to pay attention?

  經濟學家圈小編關注到,CPython 的核心開發者Senthil針對Guido的回覆提出了相關看法。

  Senthil Kumaran

  Senthil認爲 Guido 的發問充滿了善意,對於社區既是激勵,也是幫助,身爲領導者更是很好的榜樣。

  他對 Guido 提的問題指出,處理涉及到政治的問題會非常困難,超出了我們能直接影響的範圍。




  c)拒絕接受這些公司對 Python 的贊助


  The 996 work schedule is inhumane.
