
去年十一月,我退出了自己建立的 Telegram 群「○△□」。我想知道一个完全没有管理员的群里会发生什么。

今天收到 Telegram 账号「Abuse Notifications」(关于服务被滥用的通告)的如下信息:

IMPORTANT: Our users reported some of the content posted in your group @igiveafuck as illegal, and our moderators have confirmed this. We had to temporarily suspend your group to give you and your moderators time to clean up.

While Telegram never takes down any content due to restrictions on freedom of speech, we do process legitimate requests to take down illegal public content: telegram.org/faq#If you remove the offending content from your group and pledge to take reasonable care of moderation in future, we』ll be glad to restore the group. Please notify us here as soon as the group』s content adheres to our ToS again.


This channel is blocked because it was used to spread pornograhic content.

根据「印象笔记|科技 News」这个 Telegram 频道里的说明(我对文字做了轻微编辑):


遇到这个提示有两种情况:一、此群/频道被 Telegram 彻底封了,各平台(iOS、Android、Windows、macOS、Windows Phone、Linux、Firefox OS、Web 网页版)客户端都进不去了。二、从 iOS App Store 和 Mac App Store 下载的客户端(Telegram、Telegram X)不能进入,其他客户端能进入。这是苹果对于 App Store 中的内容所做的限制。若 Telegram 不遵此规定,就会被 App Store 下架。

解决办法:iOS 上使用 Telegram X 小于 5.0.2 的版本可以进入这种群/频道,macOS 可以从 Telegram 官网下载客户端使用。


按照 Telegram 的设计,我作为群的建立者和唯一在技术上有管理许可权的人,虽已退群,依然可以在不进群的状态下删除群中内容。我已经按照 Abuse Notifications 账号的要求删除了色情广告、封禁了发布者的账号、并告知 Abuse Notifications 账号。特此通知。



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