本篇是截至Reuse This Bag 這個部落格的文章,圖片來源:Aldo Delara, Unsplash





The average plastic bag you pick up at the grocery store, or carry your takeout in, has a lifespan of about 12 minutes. When discarded, they clog sewage and storm drains, entangle and kill an estimated 100,000 marine mammals every year, and degenerate into toxic microplastics that fester in our oceans and landfills for up to 1,000 years.




當人們棄置塑膠袋後,會造成海洋生態的破壞,圖片來源:Josh Spires, Unsplash


Shoppers collectively use around 500 billion single-use plastic bags every year. That’s 150 bags per person, per year, for every single person on Earth — or enough to circle the globe 4,200 times.




每年全球使用的塑膠袋足以圍繞地球4200圈之多,圖片來源:Simon Migaj, Unsplash


Notably, we’re starting to see communities around the U.S., and the world, mobilize to reduce waste by banning, taxing, or otherwise limiting the use of these plastic bags. How common are these "plastic bag bans" and is there any data about how effective they are?




有些地區會透過繳納稅金、罰款等方式來限制民眾使用塑膠袋,圖片來源:rawpixel, Unsplash


We analyzed data from Priceonomics customer Reuse This Bag, a company sells reusable bags, to take a big-picture look at where legislation has been passed, and what its  effects have been. Which cities in the US are leading the way for plastic bag bans? Internationally, which countries have made the most significant push?


為了要滿足我們(或是大家)的好奇心,於是我們就透過"複袋環保"(Reuse This Bag),這個環保袋公司所提供的相關統計資料,來對上述相關的限塑政策的效果來做分析。那麼在美國,到底有哪些城市在這方面表現得很好;又或者放眼全球,到底有哪個國家在推動限塑政策上做得最好的呢?


到底哪個地區在推動限塑政策上做得最好呢?圖片來源:Keyur Hardas, Unsplash


Summary of key takeaways: 重點精華


1. In the U.S., only 2 states (CA and HI) have banned plastic bags on a statewide level



2. 4 U.S. states (DE, ME, RI, NY) have mandatory recycling or reuse programs in place



3. 10 U.S. states (AZ, FL, IA, ID, IN, MI, MN, MO, MS, WI) have places preemptive bans on banning plastic bags




4. ~200 U.S. municipalities have banned or taxed plastic bags; outcomes have been largely positive, including:




San Jose, CA: Reduction of plastic bags in storm drains (89%), rivers (60%), and residential areas (59%); average # of bags per person reduced from 3 to 0.3.


聖荷西, 加州:在下水道、河流以及住宅區所發現的塑膠袋有明顯地減少,分別為89%、60%以及59%,而每人平均的塑膠袋用量從原本的3個降至0.3個


San Francisco, CA: Savings of up to $600k per year in plastic processing fees.


舊金山, 加州:每年省下大約60萬美金的塑料處理費


Seattle, WA: Reduction of plastic bags in both residential (48%) and commercial (76%) waste.


西雅圖, 華盛頓州:以民用及商用廢棄物方面,塑膠袋分別減少了48%及76%


如果以國家數來衡量,那麼在禁塑的國家方面,非洲的比例是最多的,圖片來源:Harshil Gudka, Unsplash


Globally, plastic bags are banned in 32 countries, 18 of which are in Africa




到目前為止,全美有十個州有全面禁塑,圖片來源:Louis Velazquez, Unsplash


Plastic bag legislation in the US 美國境內限用塑膠袋的相關法令

Many lists of plastic bag bans exist online — but most are convoluted and hard to understand. In assembling our data, we drew public information from the National Conference of State Legislators and a number of state-level, and country-level reports.


在網路上其實就可以看到非常多禁用塑膠袋的相關法令,不過對於我們來說,大部分都相當晦澀難懂。所以為了要統整相關資訊,我們就只從全國州議會聯合會(the National Conference of State Legislators, NCSL)、州際及國家級相關的公開資訊來做篩選。


Let’s start with the United States.



全美限塑政策概況,圖片來源:Reuse This Bag






In America, only two states have conclusively banned single-use plastic bags: Hawaii and California.




Edgar Chaparro, Unsplash


Though Hawaii’s ban came first, it wasn’t technically a state-wide ban: all five Hawaiian islands (Big Island, Honolulu, Kauai, Maui, and Pala) individually banned plastic bags at various points — the last of which took effect in 2015. The bans, which aim to fully phase in by 2020, range in definition and severity, but generally still allow for the use of 100% recyclable plastic bags.




J de Gier, Unsplash


California passed a unilateral, state-wide ban in September of 2014, and it went into effect in November of 2016. The law bans single-use plastic bags at all large retailers, and imposed a 10-cent charge for paper bags. Before the law was passed, more than 100 California local laws banning bags were already in place.




加州是第二個全面禁塑的一州,在2016年11月法律正式生效,圖片來源:Nathan Dumlao, Unsplash

