免学费!免出国! 你可以在家选读任何课程!

No school fee, no need to study abroad! You can enroll any courses from top university at home!

Internet+videos+forum+top school+initiation!


我刚开始上Coursera免费线上课程! 学习不该局限于学校、国家、年龄和时间! 有了免费线上课程,你能自由的选课,成为一个跨领域通才!

I just enrolled free online courses on Courera lately. Learning should not be limited to schools, countries, age or timing! With MOOC, you can select the courses freely to become a interdisciplinary professional. 


下列为免费网路课程清单 The list of MOOC platforms and websites:

Coursera: https://www.coursera.org/

edX: https://www.edx.org/

Udacity: https://www.udacity.com/

Khan Academy: https://www.khanacademy.org/

Discovery Education: http://www.discoveryeducation.com/

Financial Times: http://www.ft.com/

iTunes U: https://itunes.apple.com/app/itunes-u/id490217893?mt=8&ls=1

YouTube Education: https://www.youtube.com/education

Stanford Online: http://online.stanford.edu/

NBC Learn: http://www.nbclearn.com/portal/site/learn

ShowMe: http://www.showme.com/

TED: http://www.ted.com/

University Now: http://unow.com/

Udemy: https://www.udemy.com/

Grockit (GMAT): https://grockit.com/

Lynda: http://www.lynda.com/default.aspx


中文介面的网页 Chinese website:

FT Chinese (FT中文网) http://big5.ftchinese.com/

Wanyi Open Course (网易公开课) http://open.163.com/ 这网页很容易使用,我已经帮我妈选了三堂课! With the user friendly website, I just enrolled 3 courses for my mom!

Sina Open Course (新浪公开课) http://open.sina.com.cn/ 


