Chinese Architecture and the Beaux-Arts

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童书/青少年文学 童书/青少年文学畅销榜 中文书书籍分类 童书/青少年文学 0-3岁婴幼儿 字卡/练习本 游戏书 图画书 儿童文学 儿童故事/小说 史地/传记 科普/百科 艺术美劳 知识学习漫画 语言学习 青少年文学 青少年小说 童书/青少年文学分类推荐 童书/青少年文学新书上架 编辑推荐 伦敦寻宝记 小孩的科学 泡泡实验室 朱瑞福的游泳课 最新!屁屁超人读本 柯南科学推理教室 超人特攻队2 2018儿童暑期阅读 新书 预购 排行榜 选书 即将出版 特价书 香港出版 读者书评 出版社专区 对焦新品 欢迎光临博客来 博客来书店 博客来客服 博客来运费 博客来电子书 博客来无印 博客来退货 博客来会员日 博客来e-coupon 博客来售票 博客来取消订单 博客来书店运费 网路书店 书局 博客来特价 博客来书店 博客来网路书店




In the early twentieth century, Chinese traditional architecture and the French-derived methods of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts converged in the United States when Chinese students were given scholarships to train as architects at American universities whose design curricula were dominated by Beaux-Arts methods. Upon their return home in the 1920s and 1930s, these graduates began to practice architecture and create China’s first architectural schools, often transferring a version of what they had learned in the U.S. to Chinese situations. The resulting complex series of design-related transplantations had major implications for China between 1911 and 1949, as it simultaneously underwent cataclysmic social, economic, and political changes. After 1949 and the founding of the People’s Republic, China experienced a radically different wave of influence from the Beaux-Arts through advisors from the Soviet Union who, first under Stalin and later Khrushchev, brought Beaux-Arts ideals in the guise of socialist progress. In the early twenty-first century, China is still feeling the effects of these events.? Chinese Architecture and the Beaux-Arts examines the coalescing of the two major architectural systems, placing significant shifts in architectural theory and practice in China within relevant, contemporary, cultural, and educational contexts. Fifteen major scholars from around the world analyze and synthesize these crucial events to shed light on the dramatic architectural and urban changes occurring in China today—many of which have global ramifications.?? This stimulating and generously illustrated work is divided into three sections, framed by an introduction and a postscript. The first focuses on the convergence of Chinese architecture and the ?cole des Beaux-Arts, outlining the salient aspects of each and suggesting how and why the two “met” in the U.S. The second section centers on the question of how Chinese architects were influenced by the Beaux-Arts and how Chinese architecture was changed as a result. The third takes an even closer look at the Beaux-Arts influence, addressing how innovative practices, new schools of architecture, and buildings whose designs were linked to Beaux-Arts assumptions led to distinctive new paradigms that were rooted in a changing China. By virtue of its scope, scale, and scholarship, this volume promises to become a classic in the fields of Chinese and Western architectural history.


Jeffrey W. Cody

Jeffrey W. Cody is senior project specialist in the Education Department at the Getty Conservation Institute in Los Angeles. Nancy S. Steinhardt is professor of East Asian art and curator of Chinese art at the University of Pennsylvania. Tony Atkin, FAIA, is adjunct associate professor of architecture at the University of Pennsylvania's School of Design and a principal of Atkin Olshin Schade Architects in Philadelphia and Santa Fe, New Mexico.


  • 出版社:香港大学出版社

  • 出版日期:2010/12/01
  • 语言:英文

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