吃抗禿頭藥會導致賀爾蒙不平衡嗎? 臉上長斑,雄風不再???~~頭痛暈眩?


我有一個南部的遠親,長得一表人才玉樹臨風,舉手投足間都散發著世家公子的優雅魅力。 然而膚質白淨,輪廓夠MAN的他才三十出頭歲時,就已看出前額髮線較高。 而且因為出身醫生世家,他很早就知道要保養頭髮, 在吃了十多年的柔沛和認真擦落建後,年屆五十的他,雖然是保住了略為稀疏的頭髮,優雅的儀態然而數年不見,我發現他原本淨白的臉上,這兩年居然長出了原本只會在中年婦女臉頰上出現的黃褐斑(俗稱肝斑)!而且神態性格有些委靡,不若往日雄風英姿,讓我大感驚訝!


於是上網查了一下 Finasteride (菲那雄胺~柔沛/波斯卡的學名藥) 這類拮抗雄激素的賀爾蒙,是否會對男性造成賀爾蒙的不平衡?



與菲那雄胺finasteride 相關聯的黃褐斑於白人男性之研究。

作者: Famenini S等。 皮膚用藥雜誌。 2014年。




男性方面,自菲那雄胺finasteride 1mg的日片劑對於雄激素性脫髮的治療問世以來,我們注意到男性出現黃褐斑的人數呈現增加。

這裡我們介紹其一案件。我們推測(男性出現黃褐斑)可能是菲那雄胺finasteride 影響到在皮膚上雌激素和孕激素的濃度所造成。




Finasteride associated melasma in a Caucasian male.

Famenini S, et al. J Drugs Dermatol. 2014.


Melasma is an acquired hypermelanosis that typically affects sun-exposed areas on the face and presents as symmetric brownish macules and patches. It is most commonly reported in women and thought to be related to the effects of estrogen and progesterone on melanocytes. Since the advent of finasteride 1mg daily tablets for the treatment of androgenic alopecia, we have noticed an increase in the number of men presenting with melasma. Here we present one of those cases. We hypothesize this could be related to the effects of finasteride on estrogen and progesterone concentrations in the skin.



以及幾篇在論壇上的討論 Posted:Wed Apr 16, 2014 1:44 pm

這是醫學界一個驚人的突破!我們需要保持關注!這很嚴重。我產生了黃褐斑(以及其他典型的女性綜合徵如 Mal de Debarquement (MDDS) 這種暈眩的症狀和TMJ - Temporomandibular Joint Disorder 顳顎關節症候群 ...{:某些最常見的TMJ症狀包括: 頭痛(通常很像偏頭痛,migraine)、耳朵痛及眼睛所造成的疼痛與壓力。 開闔嘴巴時發出輕脆細微的聲響。 因張大嘴巴、呻吟或咀嚼所引起的疼痛。})


請閱讀這項研究(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/24719069/ ),這些皮膚學專家發現罹患男性黃褐斑的人數漸增!




接著該留言者繼續發表Posted:Wed Apr 16, 2014 2:40 pm

COSTA小姐,妳真的不夠聰明來看出意義?    1)這些皮膚學專家都能夠連結一個非常常見的女性症狀(其中之一涉及到孕激素/雌激素失衡),與使用菲那雄胺finasteride的關聯,這意味著它可能是非常普遍。 2)他們不僅取得了關聯,而且發現它足夠顯著到足以發表出一篇研究報告!

我的感覺是某種與雌激素的量有關的東西,能與孕激素受體發生作用造成問題,所以比例是不重要的。也請記住,不是所有的(患者)條件能產生相同的症狀。我相信,那些患有性慾低下和輕度勃起功能障碍(Erectile dysfunction: ED)的傢伙,也如同承受的其他副作用的諸多打擊的傢伙, 遭受來自同樣的一個問題根源 !




Posted:Wed Apr 16, 2014 1:44 pm

This is an amazing breakthrough by the medical community and we need to keep pressing this!!! This is huge people. I developed (along with other typical female syndromes such as mal debarquement and TMJ) a condition called Melasma. I developed brown sun spots on my skin, typical of women because of estrogen to progesterone ratios!!! Read this study, these dermatologists are noting an increase in the amount of male patients with Melasma!! They believe, like I have screamed all along, it's possible from a estrogen to progesterone imbalance! This needs to be advanced for our cause ASAP
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/24719069/ )


Posted:Wed Apr 16, 2014 2:40 pm

Costa, are you really not smart enough to see the significance? 1) these dermatologists were able to link a highly common female condition, one which relates to prog/estrogen imbalance with the use of finasteride, meaning it was probably very prevelant 2) they not only made the link, but found it significant enough to publish a study!


My feeling is any amount of estrogen is a problem with something that has happened with the prog receptor, so ratios are unimportant. Remember also, not all conditions have the same symptoms. I believe the guy with low libido and mild ed suffers from the same root cause as the guy who has the full whammy of side effects.
