When the weather is getting cold in Korea, we start to eat raw fish or raw seafood in Korea. Although in summer we do eat a lot as well, but I particularly love it during winter. 

       Korean serve a variety of raw seafoods ranging from fish, oyster, sea squirt,  octopus, abalone and etc (personally I only eat raw fish and abalone) in the restaurent. I love abalone and so I searched it in gmarket (korean popular online shopping site) and I found a good one from "Wando", an island in South Jeolla. So I end up buying abalone online and I received it in less than two days! I recommend this seller because they are so friendly. I ordered it at 2pm and they sent it one hour later which is amazing fast. Later on, I found out that they only deliver abalone at the same day if you make the order before 10 am. Thank you hehehehe. It's pretty cool to think that they catch the abalone fresh from sea after receiving the order, and I think they only have one ship departing from the island each day. 


Here it is~ From abalone village, Wando! 



Come with huge icepack, I love Korean delivery. It really fast and reliable (except for hyundae delivery, which I consider slowest). The weather is bloody cold, so the icepack still not melted. 



Discovered fresh abalone underneath! Its still alive.



Some introduction about village that is famous for abalone production, Wando, South Korea. 



Together with guide to clean abalone! I thought it is easy not untill I tried it by myself. 



1. Brush abalone with toothbrush.



There is a lot of dirts at the edge there, either you eat it or you brush it away lol Some people will brush the shell as well, but since I will not use it for decoration, I just threw it. 


2. Remove the abalone from its shell with a knife (if the abalone is big) or spoon (small size abalone).

3. For me I scrub the abalone again to wash away any remaining dirts after removing from shell (still got some black thingy). 

4. Cut off the Viscera (my hands are too dirty to hold camera). Some Korean use it to cook porridge but I am lazy to keep it so I just threw it away. 

5. Cut off the tough edges from the abalone. 

6. Its ready for cook! 


Different kind of Korean abalone dishes. Simply naver (Korean version of google) it if you want to know how to cook the following dishes. 



I was too exausted afer cleaning the abalone and I forgot to take a pic of my dish. My hand smells awful as well urgh. haha Wanted to cook chinese style but too bad I don't have the ingredients, yumyum sigh. Maybe fly to Hongkong and eat it would be faster. Thought of cooking chicken abalone soup but I am too tired to clean the chicken lol So just fry it with butter garlic, abit overcooked though. Hopefully next time I am able to come out with a perfect chinese style cooked abalone. How hard it is to have a bite of chinese food or malaysian food in Korea unless I cook it myself.  


