
以下範文由安雅老師指導之學生所寫,如需預約線上家教課程請 ☞ 填表預約


題目:最近有一則新聞報導,標題為「碩士清潔隊員(waste collectors with a master’s degree)滿街跑」,

提及某縣市招考清潔隊員,出現 50 位碩士畢業生報考,引起各界關注。


第二段則就你如何因應上述現象,具體(舉例)說明你對大學生涯的學習規劃。(105 年指考)




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現象的成因 (第一段) 

1. 臺灣大學、研究所畢業生滿街跑,文憑已不稀奇 

2. 學士畢業後找不到較高薪的工作,所以選擇繼續就學 

3. 缺乏實際工作經驗 

4. 打掃工作較少人做,薪水相對高 

☞ 解決之道 (第二段)

1. 利用大學學校資源多接觸有興趣的科系瞭解自我

2. 大學時期尋找打工機會、申請實習累積經驗

3. 增加自我競爭優勢,不怕找不到工作



1. S + find it + adj. + to VR

☞ They found it difficult to find a well-paid job after obtaining their bachelor’s degrees.

2. S + have what it takes + to VR

☞ It can’t prove whether you have what it takes to perform your job well.



1. invest in 投資

2. be willing to + VR 願意

3. cope with 處理

4. take courses 上課

5. take advantage of 利用




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☞ 現象的成因 (第一段)

1. 進大學或研究所太容易導致學生忙著玩,荒廢時間

2. 面臨越來越競爭的世界,好工作難找

☞ 解決之道 (第二段)

1. 大學時期積極累積相關知識,並申請實習機會

2. 多方參與活動增加軟實力與培養責任感,成為企業搶手人才



1. It has been reported that ..., which ...

☞ Recently it has been reported that fifty people with master's degrees applied for wastes collectors, which triggered a heated debate.

2. not only ..., but also

☞ I should not only gain the information from the books but also apply it to the real work. 

3. It's less likely for sb to VR

☞ it is less likely for me to have trouble combining the knowledge and real operation after graduation. 



1. Generally speaking 一般來說

2. In fact 事實上

3. get admitted to 錄取上

4. tend to + VR 傾向

5. apply to + N/Ving 應用於

6. in earnest 確實; 正確地

7. engage in 參與


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預約線上家教課程請 ☞ 填表預約

教學履歷及學生上課心得 ☞ 點這邊


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