




英文里面有很多跟「鱼 🐟」有关的俚语


一起来学八种有关 fish 的俚语吧




  smell fishy (adj.) 事有蹊跷,怪怪的,可疑的

If a situation or an explanation smells fishy,

it causes you to think that someone is being dishonest.


例句: Don’t sign the contract. Something seems a bit fishy about it.



 to have a memory of a goldfish (phr.) 记性很差,容易忘东忘西

If someone has a memory of a goldfish,

it means he has a very poor memory and forgets things quickly.


例句: He’s always forgetting our wedding anniversary. I swear he has the memory of a goldfish!


 there are plenty more/of fish in the sea 

还有很多合适的人或机会,天涯何处无芳草,何必单恋一枝花 (英文是单恋一只鱼) 

used to tell someone whose relationship has ended

that there are many other people that they could have a relationship with



例句: Don't cry over Pierre - there are plenty more fish in the sea!


 to be hooked on sth (v.) 沈迷于 (通常指毒品) 或迷上一种嗜好

1. Unable to stop taking a drug, be addicted to a drug or something similar.

2. To be very enthusiastic about something



hook 就是钓鱼使用的钩子,被勾到了表示离不开了,延伸成为沈迷的意思

例句: She got hooked on cocaine and couldn't stop using it!

I've got hooked on the feeling of falling in love with you. 


 like a fish out of water (phr.) 如鱼离水,在陌生的环境不自在

to feel awkward because you are in a situation

that you have not experienced before or because you are very different from the people around you


例句: I feel like a fish out of water when invited to a party where nobody knows me. 


 be a big fish in a small pond (phr.) 指有很大影响力的人但仅限在小范围内

to have a lot of influence only over a small area


例句: Sandy has been an operation manager in this company for over 25 years, but I think she's only a fish in a big pond.


 to drink like a fish (v.) 豪饮,饮酒过度

to drink too much alcohol



例句: After Jessie was dumped by her boyfriend, she drank like a fish every day.


 to have bigger/other fish to fry (phr.) 有更重要的事情要做

to have something more important to do

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例句: I'd like to go to the party but I've got other fish to fry tonight.







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