

不過樂樂有點偷懶,明明從2018.11月就可以展延了,卻遲遲拖到快跨年才願意抽出時間完成展延的手續,總之呢,前後用不到一刻鐘的時間就完成展延手續囉,唯一要注意的就是,在展延的時候,會需要用到PUK 密碼,另外在快完成之前,會給一組新的密碼,最好備妥筆紙,或是用截圖的也行。







Dear e-residents,


Beginning 1 November at 00:00 UTC, holders of valid e-Residency digital ID cards with active certificates and pin codes can extend the validity period of their card for an additional two years (from three to five).  


If you were originally granted (or renewed) e-Residency after 1 May 2018, your digital ID card already has a validity period of 5 years, but please confirm by accessing the latest version of the DigiDoc software.


If you are eligible for the extension, please follow the instructions below.



  1. Download the latest software (DigiDoc4).
  2. Plug your e-Residency digital ID card into your computer using your USB card reader.
  3. If you are eligible to extend, you will see a yellow banner at the top of the DigiDoc4 software.
  4. Follow the instructions in the DigiDoc software to extend the validity of your digital ID card.
  5. It is possible to complete the extension process until the end of the current expiry date. Please note that once the extension process is started, it must be completed within 30 days, or your digital ID card will be invalidated.


If you don't wish to do the extension, your digital ID card will still be valid until the original expiration date.


To read more about this update and what it means for you as an e-resident, please visit our blog.


