




植物學家指出,凱瑟琳衣物上的植物纖維非來自水生環境,而且只在某些地區生長,因此推斷謀殺不在河上進行。另發現凱瑟琳在生前遭受虐待。 2014年初,克拉科夫的調查人員任命來自南歐和美國聯邦調查局的專家調查這個謀殺案。根據聯邦調查局專家的看法,兇手可能是一個「無害的怪人」。至2014年2月,調查由克拉科夫的上訴檢察官辦公室接管。至2014年10月14日確定,將調查時間延長至2015年1月31日,期間未再發現凱瑟琳的其他遺骸。

2016年10月,檢察官辦公室在調查中提出了新的證據。2016年10月17日,一支潛水隊為了尋找另一宗謀殺案受害者伊娃·蒂曼(Ewa Tylman)的屍體而搜索開始維斯瓦河的河牀。搜索範圍覆蓋瓦維爾(Wawel)到(D?bie)的攔河區。潛水隊配備了能檢測河牀下異常情況的設備。








2017年10月4日,一名被朋友和鄰居稱為「怪胎」的52歲的克拉科夫居民羅伯特(Robert J.)因謀殺凱瑟琳的罪名被捕,他在被捕前數月已被調查人員盯上。羅伯特認識受害者;以熱衷虐待動物而聞名,他亦練有健身習慣和練習武術,曾在一所宗教醫院服兵役,協助解剖工作;他亦在動物學研究所工作,負責為動物剝皮,他在殺死所有實驗用的兔子後被研究所解僱。在他的專家心理報告指出中,他有虐待心理和騷擾婦女的傾向。在謀殺案發生後,他開始對宗教狂熱;有證據確定他曾探訪過受害者的墳墓。他還透露自己的怪癖:他會穿著女性衣服偷窺鄰居。他維持雙性戀的接觸;還會迫害女性;他曾跟蹤、騷擾和偷窺他的一位鄰居;而他更在日記中描述謀殺了凱瑟琳。


1999年,當凱瑟琳的皮膚在維斯瓦河被撈出後,克拉科夫卡齊米日(Kazimierz)的居民已謠傳她的死亡和羅伯特有關。 52歲羅伯特與母親同住在克拉科夫的卡齊米日。他是詩人約瑟夫(Józef J.)的兒子。羅伯特在加拿大住了一段時間,當時他母親在那裡工作,他大約在1998年春天回到波蘭。






New evidence

As a result of finding the remains of vegetation and fibers of organic origin, the investigation was resumed at the beginning of 2012. A decision was made to exhume the remains of the victim in order to perform the autopsy. The research was carried out by experts from the Institute of Forensic Studies of the Forensic Medicine Department and the Forensic Laboratory from the Provincial Police Headquarters in Krakow. Botanists said that the remains found were not from the aquatic environment, and the occurrence of the plant is limited only to certain places . Thanks to this, it was found that the murders were not carried out on the river. It was also found that a woman was tortured before her death. At the beginning of 2014, Cracow investigators appointed experts from Southern Europe and the FBI to solve the mystery. According to specialists from the FBI, the killer was supposed to be a "harmless freak". In February 2014, the investigation was taken over by the Appellate Prosecutors Office in Krakow. On October 14, 2014, the investigation was extended to January 31, 2015, but no other parts of the body were found.

In October 2016, the prosecutors office presented new facts in the investigation. On October 17, 2016, a team of scuba divers searching for the body of Ewa Tylman , began searching the bottom of the Vistula River to find corpses. The area of ??search covers the area from Wawel to the barrage D?bie. The group of divers was equipped with equipment detecting anomalies under the layer of mud.Expert opinions and hypotheses According to specialists, the murderer was inspired by the film " Silence of the sheep " and the character "Buffalo Bill" , who murdered women and took off their skin. It was assumed that the murderer could be a butcher or a doctor. Psychologists assumed that the killer deliberately chose this student because, being depressed, she was an easy victim. The photo of the skin was supposed to be a kind of fetishism , and the murder was sexual. Some have challenged this motive, believing that sexual murderers are repeating their crimes. According to the X-Files, the perpetrator could find a source of gratification and he did not commit further murders. It was not excluded that the killer went abroad, died or was imprisoned for another crime.According to some hypotheses, Katarzyna Zowada was to die in an accident or committed suicide, while another person used her body. Characteristic stretch marks on the girls skin have been described in the medical literature as being able to appear in only three cases - as a result of a fall from a high altitude, a car accident at speeds above 80 km per hour or a mouth shot. Eventually, the theory of death in the accident was rejected. According to one of the hypotheses, the murderer and perpetrator of the skin picture was not supposed to be one person, and both activities were to be carried out by different perpetrators.In 2016, it was hypothesized that a potential murderer might have known martial arts and that several people could have been involved in the murder of a student.Arresting On October 4, 2017, Robert J., a 52-year-old resident of Krakow called by his friends and neighbors a "freak", was arrested on this matter. Robert J. several months earlier was taken into account by investigators. Robert J. was known for his passion for tormenting animals, he trained bodybuilding and martial arts, he knew the victim, he had military service in a religious hospital (there he assisted in the then functioning dissector ), he worked at the Zoology Institute, where he dealt with skinning of animals. He was released from the Institute after the murder of all experimental rabbits. In his psychological profile, the experts pointed to sadism and the tendency to harass women. After the murder he underwent a religious fascination. It was established that he visited the grave of the murdered girl. He also revealed a tendency to eccentric behaviors: dressing up in womens clothes, peeping over neighbors. He was supposed to maintain bisexual contacts. He also persecuted women. One of them, his neighbor, was followed by him, harassed and spied. He described the murder in a diary. LinkWhen, in 1999, information reached public opinion that human skin had been fished out of the Vistula, among the residents of Kazimierz, it was said that the relationship with the death of a girl could have Robert J.Today she is 52 years old, living in Krakows Kazimierz with her mother. He is the son of the poet Józef J. He spent some time in Canada, where his mother worked. He returned to Poland most probably in the spring of 1998.Robert J.s parents divorced. My father left for a concubine, and his mother never made her life again. The situation in the family of J. was tense. Children were subjected to physical and psychological violence, and corporal punishment was commonplace. The father, who had taken such patterns from his family home, was leading the way.Here is her excerpt: "At this point, my dad came in and saw me jumping out of bed, he washed me with his belt, they were always very eager to be beaten up" Another fragment: "One doskokiem (mother) was with me, she grabbed my hand, opened the door of the stove and put my hand almost in the flame.This were fractions of seconds.A fat hand smeared with oil and kept under cold running water".We learn from the book that Roberts family was very religious. Faith and violence. These are two words that characterized the family. Later, he transferred these patterns to adult life.He liked going to the cinema, although he did not have much money, so he did not go there often, he liked to go to the old Uciecha cinema or the Pasa? cinema. He killed animals and gutted fish He had high demands on women: to wear French underwear, to be educated and obedient. "Some of his neighbors testified that as soon as they heard about the fate of Catherine Z., they immediately thought that the perpetrator might be Robert J.A clue indicating that a man may be a murderer has appeared a lot. He treated himself psychiatrically. He hated women. One of the neighbors watched through binoculars until she had to put blinds in the window. He followed her, he wrote vulgar letters to her. He tormented her mentally. The woman was afraid of him. It also turned out that the man buys womens underwear and enjoys evening walks on the Vistula.Robert J. met Kasia most probably near the Main Market Square. The man worked casually in the Sukiennice, where a girl was often in residence. It is known that the young met. Were they a couple? Today, it is difficult to establish it clearly. The hints indicate that the girl could have been in love with Robert J. Three weeks before her death, she began to lose weight, changed the style of dress, and dyed blond. It was this hair color that Robert J. liked most. Link

