



I had a dream/我做了個夢
We were sipping whisky neat/我們喝著濃濃的威士忌
Highest floor, The Browery/在The Browery
Nowhere's high enough/沒有更高的地方了
Somewhere along the lines/到了某條分隔線時
We stopped seeing eye to eye/我們不再直視彼此
You were staying out all night/你整晚在外
And I had enough/而我受夠了

No, I don't wanna know where you been or where you're going/不,我不想知道你去哪又或你要去哪兒
But I know I won't be home/但我知道我不會待在家
And you'll be on your own/而你將孤獨一人

Who's gonna walk you through the dark side of the morning?/誰將陪你走過早晨的那片漆黑?
Who's gonna rock you when the sun won't let you sleep?/當太陽讓你無法入睡時 誰會哄著你?
Who's waking up to drive you home when you're drunk and all alone?/當你獨自爛醉 誰會起床載你回家?
Who's gonna walk you through the dark side of the morning?/誰將陪你走過早晨的那片漆黑?
It ain't me/那不會是我

[Drop: Selena Gomez + Kygo]
It ain't me/不是我
The Bowery, whiskey neat/純威士忌, grateful/感謝, I'm so grateful /我非常感謝)
It ain't me/不是我
The Bowery, whiskey neat/純威士忌, grateful/感謝, I'm so grateful /我非常感謝)
It ain't me/那不會是我

The Bowery, whiskey neat/純威士忌, grateful/感謝, I'm so grateful /我非常感謝)

I had a dream/我做了一個夢
We were back to seventeen/夢到我們回到十七歲(回到十七樓)

Summer nights and The Libertines/夏夜與放蕩樂團(註2)
Never growing up/永遠不長大
I'll take with me the polaroids and the memories/我會帶者我的相片
But you know I'm gonna leave behind the worst of us/但你知道的 我不會帶走最糟的那個我們

Who's gonna walk you through the dark side of the morning?/誰將陪你走過早晨的那片漆黑?
Who's gonna rock you when the sun won't let you sleep?/當太陽讓你無法入睡時 誰會哄著你?
Who's waking up to drive you home when you're drunk and all alone?/當你獨自爛醉 誰會起床載你回家?
Who's gonna walk you through the dark side of the morning?/誰將陪你走過早晨的那片漆黑?
It ain't me/那不會是我

[Post-Chorus: Selena Gomez + Kygo]
It ain't me, no no/不會是我,不、不
It ain't me, no no/那不會是我,不會、不是
It ain't me, no no/那不會再是我,不、不是
Who's gonna walk you through the dark side of the morning?/誰將陪你走過早晨的那片漆黑?
It ain't me/不會是我

[Drop: Selena Gomez + Kygo]
It ain't me/不是我
The Bowery, whiskey neat/純威士忌, grateful/感謝, I'm so grateful /我非常感謝)
It ain't me/那不會是我
The Bowery, whiskey neat/純威士忌, grateful/感謝, I'm so grateful /我非常感謝)

*註1:The Browery是美國曼哈頓的一間飯店,Selena Gomez曾被多次拍到下榻這間旅店,因此歌詞裡出現這間旅店應屬合理。這間旅館總共有17層樓,也因此有人認為呼應了後面的歌詞We were back to seventeen,意指回到最高的那層樓(Highest floor, The Browery)。

*註2:The Libertines放蕩樂團是一個成立於1997年的後龐克搖滾樂團,大約在2000年時開始聲名大噪,有多首當時很紅的歌。後來因為有團員毒癮和鬧不和的問題而解散。2010年時,四人再次合體演出還是受到歌迷和媒體的好評。


(The source of the lyrics is from GENIUS, https://genius.com/Kygo-and-selena-gomez-it-aint-me-lyrics. All the Mandarin translation are by me.






尤其是waking up to drive you home when you drunk and all alone真的是一個很真實的畫面

這首歌好像就在描寫每個對自己的人生不負責任的人 背後那個默默為他扛起一切的人的心境

儘管今天這不是一首情歌 我還是會很喜歡(說真的我還比較喜歡不是情歌的歌欸)


覺得好像跟前面單純的人聲和吉他聲不太搭(還認真考慮要自己把它剪掉 哈哈哈)


_小小題外話:話說,演唐老大的Vin Diesel在這首歌裡演參了一腳~Kygo把他的聲音混進背景人聲裡了 哈哈哈


我個人認為還不錯啦 哈哈😆😆


