by Andres, My Daily Cafe Contributor

Define your future 


It’s often that we’re unable to move forward because we keep going back to the past and remembering something negative that has happened to us. If you’re ever going to live a full life, filled with happiness, you’re going to have to leave your past in the past. Close that chapter and start a new one.

Whether you’ve been incarcerated, grew up less fortunate or simply in a bad relationship, you can’t let those past events define your tomorrow. If you were incarcerated, have served your time and are now free, that’s your opportunity to move on. If you live your life beating yourself up for what happened in the past, you minus well remain incarcerated because mentally you remain behind bars. You need to free yourself from your past and begin living your life to the fullest expression of yourself.


Oprah is a prime example of this lesson. For many years he grandmother told her to learn how to hang up clothes, clean and to hopefully find a good white family she can work for. Raped and pregnant at an early age, she didn’t let any of this be a sign of what her future would be. She took initiative and mentally told herself that she will persevere and that this will not be her life. Today, well, she’s Oprah.

Relationships. Now a days you hear more and more guys and girls saying guys are all the same or girls are all the same because of past experiences. Not only is that stereotyping, but you’re also letting your past define your future. If you go around saying all guys are the same or all girls are the same, you will never find someone. Instead of using your past relationships as a negative experience, but rather a learning one.

Your past NEVER defines your future.


Your past NEVER defines your future.  

