相信大家對於 more + 形容詞/副詞 + than 的句型應該不陌生,這是對兩件事或兩個人的動作性質或性格本質等所做的比較。例如:

John is more pompous than Mike.
Calvin writes more beautifully than any other person in his office.

那麼我們就要使用「more of a/an + 名詞 + than + 名詞」的句型。
事實上,這個句型與 more + 形容詞/副詞 + than 的句型可謂一體兩面,
因為 of + 名詞 = 形容詞 (除 of 外,英文中所有介系詞 + 名詞都等於副詞)。例如:

He is more of a fool than I thought. (他比我想像的更笨)
= He is more foolish than I thought.

雖然,more…than 的意思是「比…更」,但當 than 的後面是接另一個形容詞或副詞時,

它的意思就變成了「與其說是…還不如說是…」,而 more of a/an + 名詞 + than + 名詞就是這個意思。如:

Optimization is more of an art than a science.
= Optimization is more artistic than scientific.


此外,我們也可使用 less…than 和 not so much…as 來表達相同的意思

Optimization is more artistic than scientific.
= Optimization is less scientific than artistic.
= Optimization is not so much scientific as artistic.

More of a/an + 名詞1 + than + 名詞2
= more + 形容詞1 + than + 形容詞2
= less + 形容詞2 + than +形容詞1
= not so much + 形容詞2 + as + 形容詞1
