東正教和天主教的絕罰(Excommunication)是不一樣的,在東正教會裡,絕罰類似天主教的小絕罰,即不與某人共融聖事(Eucharistic Communion);而咒逐(Anathema)纔是類似天主教大絕罰的概念,即革出教會。2018年10月15日晚俄正教會的決定是,根據神聖會議關於烏克蘭教會的問題的聲明,俄正教會暫時無法與君堡牧首共融:

...impossible for us to continue the Eucharistic communion with its hierarchy, clergy and laity.

From now on till the Patriarchate of Constantinople abandons its anti-canonical decisions, it is impossible for all the clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church to concelebrate with the clergy of the Church of Constantinople, and for the laity to participate in sacraments administered in its churches』, the document states.」(因為烏克蘭問題)我們現在無法繼續與(君堡牧首的)神品、神職和平信徒互領共融聖體,在君堡牧首放棄其違反教會法的決定前,所有的俄正教會神職人員與平信徒不得參與君堡牧首管轄下的教會聖事。

這個只能叫拒絕聖事共融(a refusal of eucharistic communion),絕對不是喫瓜羣眾們套用天主教概念,認為兩大牧首互相革出教門,兩大正教會決裂。說白了,在談妥之前,俄正的人現在暫時不能和君堡的人一起喫酵餅,喝紅酒了。

所以,不要聽風就是雨,總想搞個大新聞。俄正的神聖會議只是在聲明中搬出了教會法,認為君堡牧首現在的行為,按照教會法已經可以被絕罰了,勿謂言之不預也。底線已經劃好,你若此時撤出,事情還有迴旋的餘地。 關於這個聲明的具體分析一會兒再寫。




on August 26, 1992, His Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople in his reply to a letter from His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia wrote about the deposition of Metropolitan Philaret of Kiev, 『Our Holy Great Church of Christ, recognizing the full and exclusive competence of your Most Holy Russian Church in this matter, synodically accepts the decision on the above』.



In His Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew』s letter of April 7, 1997, to His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II it is stated that 『having received the notice about this decision, we have informed the hierarchy of our Ecumenical See about it and asked them henceforth to have no church communion with the these persons』.

然後今年2018年,巴爾多祿茂是怎麼翻案的呢?9月1日普世牧首在伊斯坦布爾召開了Holy Synaxis of the Metropolitans and Archbishops of the Ecumenical Patriarchate from all over the world,把全世界的都主教和總主教們都召來開了個會,大意就是說,不是我要亂授獨立教會,是幾百個大主教們一致通過,認為我有這個權力;另外關於裂教的問題,烏克蘭人民的決定權也是很重要的。

但是莫斯科認為:第一大部分的教會都不承認你這個主張,第二你這個主張在教會法裏找不到依據,第三,從拜占庭時代到現在的教會法實踐中從來都沒有這麼幹過,你憑什麼就這麼幹了?莫斯科牧首的回擊策略和tw問題上的中國政府是一樣的,即國際法/教會法遠大於所謂的tw人/烏克蘭東正教徒的「民意」,烏克蘭作為全俄教會的canonical territory不可動搖。

the Holy Synod of the Church of Constantinople refers to non-existent 『canonical privileges of the Patriarch of Constantinople to accept appeals of hierarchs and clergy from all the autocephalous Churches』. These claims in the form given to them today by the Patriarch of Constantinople have never been supported by the plenitude of the Orthodox Church,as they have no grounds in sacred canons...These claims are also refuted by the practice of decision of the Holy Ecumenical and Local Councils and interpretations of authoritative canonists of the Byzantine and modern times.


If any one of the bishops, presbyters, or deacons, or any one in the Canon shall be found communicating with excommunicated persons, let him also be excommunicated as one who brings confusion on the order of the Church』


Council of Antioch Canon 2; Apostolic Canons 10, 11





恍惚以為回到了1018年。 莫斯科大牧首絕罰了君堡普世大牧首,你可以理解為中土明教教主警告波斯總教,再不懸崖勒馬,我們就要和波斯總教斷絕來往了。




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