7 Ways to Cope with Fibromyalgia Morning Pain.

(7種方式應對 纖維肌痛症 的晨僵。)


1 / 8  Fibromyalgia and You

(1/8 纖維肌痛症 和 你)


Many of us have trouble getting out of bed in the morning.



And when you have the chronic and painful condition known as fibromyalgia, you can multiply that morning pain and morning stiffness several times over.



“People with fibromyalgia suffer from non-restorative sleep. This means they can sleep a full eight to nine hours, but still wake up feeling as if they haven’t slept,” says Nathan Wei, MD, a rheumatologist and director of the Arthritis Treatment Center in Frederick, Md.

(醫學博士Nathan Wei,風濕免疫學家,馬裏蘭州菲德里克-關節炎治療中心主任表示:「纖維肌痛症的病患患有無法回復體力的睡眠。亦即他們有充足的8~9小時睡眠,但醒來時仍然覺得像沒睡覺。」)


“In addition, fibromyalgia patients also suffer from stiffness and pain, which makes movement uncomfortable in the morning.”



Try the following tips to help soothe fibromyalgia pain and ease into your day.




2 / 8   Take a Warm Shower or Bath

(2/8 沖澡或泡澡)


One of the quickest and easiest things you can do to lessen morning pain, stiffness, and other symptoms of fibromyalgia is harness the healing power of water.



“Warm showers or baths at bedtime and in the morning will help to relax muscles, and offer a fair amount of relief,” says Nicholas P. Scarpa, MD, a rheumatologist and medical director of the Arthritis Center of New Jersey.

(Nicholas P. Scarpa, 醫學博士,風濕免疫學家、新澤西州關節炎中心主任表示:「在就寢時間或早晨沖個溫水澡或泡溫水澡可幫助放鬆肌肉和提供相當程度的緩解。」。)


“Stay in the warm water for at least 10 minutes to obtain maximum relaxation.”




3 / 8   Avoid Caffeine, Alcohol, and Nicotine

(3/8 避免咖啡因,酒精,尼古丁。)


Thinking about a nightcap, a smoke, or a cup of coffee before bed?



Think again. Caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine can disrupt restful sleep, which can make pain and morning stiffness even worse the morning after.



“Many experts agree that caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol will exacerbate fibromyalgia symptoms due to their stimulatory effects on the body, especially if consumed just prior to sleep,” says Dr. Scarpa.



“These should be avoided or ceased as much as possible.”




4 / 8   Practice Healthy Sleep Habits

(4/8 練習健康的睡眠習慣。)


Scarpa believes that getting a good night’s sleep might be the most important step in minimizing morning pain and stiffness for fibromyalgia patients.



“Some tips to consider to achieve longer and ‘better’ sleep include not watching TV or doing work in the bedroom at night,” he says.



Also, he adds, be sure to keep your bedroom temperature at a comfortable level — a room that's too cold will increase stiffness, and one that's too warm can cause muscle aches and increased pain.



Other tips: "Exercising during the day will increase restful sleep at night. Finally, do not sleep during the day.”




5 / 8   Stick to a Set Sleep Schedule

(5/8 遵守所訂定的睡眠計劃。)


Whether you have fibromyalgia or not, experts recommend setting a sleep schedule and trying to stick to it as much as possible.



“The body likes routine, and going to bed and waking up at the same time each day helps to create this pattern and can improve sleep quality,” says Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, director of the Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Centers and author of Pain Free 1-2-3: A Proven Program for Eliminating Chronic Pain Now.

(纖維肌痛症和疲勞中心主任,著有疼痛消失 1-2-3: 現在就排除慢性疼痛的改善計劃,醫學博士Jacob Teitelbaum說到:「身體喜歡規律的生活,固定每天的睡覺和起牀時間可幫助建立這個模式,也可以改善睡眠品質。」)


“On the other hand, especially with the sleep disruption seen in fibromyalgia, this is not always possible.



Because of this, people need to see what works best for them.”




6 / 8   Consider Melatonin

(6/8 考慮 褪黑激素。)


This natural supplement has helped many people with fibromyalgia pain get a good night’s sleep.



Melatonin is available over the counter and has been shown to improve the sleep hygiene in people who suffer from fibromyalgia,” says Bradley W. Carpentier, MD, a pain specialist in private practice in Austin, Texas.

(德州奧斯丁,私人執業疼痛專家醫學博士Bradley W. Carpentier表示:「褪黑激素是不需要處方籤就可購買,已經顯示可改善患有纖維肌痛症病患的睡眠品質。」)


“You can enhance your natural melatonin production by being outside in sunlight during the daytime.



This helps to regularize the normal secretion of melatonin.”




7 / 8   Try a Morning Self-Massage

(7/8 試著在早晨自我按摩。)


Gently rubbing your own shoulders, neck, arms, and back first thing in the morning before you get out of bed might help loosen your muscles and make you feel more limber, easing morning stiffness and pain.



Sheldon Solomon, MD, a rheumatologist with Arthritis, Rheumatic & Back Disease Associates in New Jersey, suggests trying this after you take a hot shower or bath in the morning for the greatest impact on fibromyalgia pain.

(新澤西關節炎、風濕、背部疾病協會,醫學博士Sheldon Solomon:為了對纖維肌痛症的疼痛產生良好的影響,建議在早上沖完熱水澡或泡完熱水澡後嘗試。)



8 / 8   Give Tai Chi or Yoga a Try

(8/8 試看看太極拳或是瑜珈。)


Scarpa suggests incorporating either or both of these ancient stretching exercises into your morning routine to reduce morning pain related to fibromyalgia.



“Physical stretching exercises such as yoga and tai chi in the morning as a routine will also help to minimize morning stiffness,” he says.




