The Washington couple who disagree on Trump

(Photo: CNN)

President Trump on Tuesday ratcheted up a remarkable public spat with the husband of one of his top advisers, attacking Kellyanne Conway’s husband as “a total loser” on Twitter in response to the lawyer’s persistent questions about his mental health and competence.



(Photo: VCG)

(Photo: Screenshot from Twitter)

On Wednesday morning, Trump tweeted:"George Conway, often referred to as Mr. Kellyanne Conway by those who know him, is VERY jealous of his wife's success & angry that I, with her help, didn't give him the job he so desperately wanted. I barely know him but just take a look, a stone cold LOSER & husband from hell!"


(File photo: CNN)

The husband in question, George T. Conway III, a prominent conservative lawyer, has been publicly critical of Mr. Trump for months. But in recent days he has escalated those attacks on Twitter by reigniting aconversation about the president’s mental health and saying Mr. Trump was amalignant narcissist who fits the profile for narcissistic personality disorder.


(Photos: Screenshot from Twitter)


(Photo: Screenshot from Twitter)

Kellyanne, who ran President Donald Trump's campaign and now serves as his counselor, is one of Trump's fiercest and most vocal supporters.

Conway is a distinguished lawyer who was once in the running to be either US solicitor general, or assistant attorney general of the justice department’s civil division. Conway has called Trump “witless” and his actions illegal. He formed a group of lawyers called Checks and Balances to defend the US legal system from the president’s attacks.


(Photo: VCG)

Kellyanne Conway, long a top Trump defender, sided with her boss, telling reporters she did not share her husband's concerns that Trump's mental health is deteriorating.


"I have four kids and I was getting them out of the house this morning to talk to the President about substance so I may not be upto speed on all of them (his tweets)," she said Monday. She also sided with the President in a Wednesday phone interview with Politico. Trump, she told Politico, "left it alone for months out of respect for me."


"But you think he shouldn't respond when somebody, a non-medical professional accuses him of having a mental disorder? You think he should just take that sitting down?" she said.

“但是當他受到非醫學專業人士的質疑患有精神障礙時,你認爲他不應該做出迴應嗎?你覺得他應該坐視不理嗎?" 她說。

In interviews with The New York Times and The Washington Poston Tuesday, George Conway said he uses Twitter as an outlet for his frustrations with the administration so he doesn't argue with his wife at home.

"The mendacity, the incompetence, it's just maddening to watch. The tweeting is just the way to get it out of the way, so I can get it off my chest and move on with my life that day. That's basically it. Frankly, it's so I don't end up screaming at her about it," he told the Post. He also noted they aren't the only Washington couple who disagree on politics.

本週二,喬治·康威(George Conway)在接受《紐約時報》和《華盛頓郵報》採訪時也對這次口水戰風波做出迴應,他告訴記者,他把推特用作發泄對政府不滿的渠道,這樣他就不會在家裏和妻子爭吵。他還指出,他們並不是華盛頓唯一一對在政治上存在分歧的夫婦。

(Sources:CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post, 參考消息; compiled by Zhu Yurou)
