今天看到一部用高速摄影拍出、相当令人震撼的短片 ~  Wings of Life  生命之翼


PS. 用全萤幕来看,视觉效果会更震撼 ...


后来找到拍摄者 Louie Schwartzberg TED 的演说,终于了解他拍这部影片的始末 ~


Louie Schwartzberg: The hidden beauty of pollination ( 授粉隐藏的美丽 )


Pollination: it's vital to life on Earth, but largely unseen by the human eye. Filmmaker Louie Schwartzberg shows us the intricate world of pollen and pollinators with gorgeous high-speed images from his film "Wings of Life," inspired by the vanishing of one of nature's primary pollinators, the honeybee.

授粉:是地球生命的重要关键,但一般来说肉眼是看不见。电影制片人Louie Schwartzberg以即将消失的自然传粉者蜜蜂当作灵感,透过高速摄影拍摄出"生命之翼"的影片,向我们展示一个花粉和传粉者间错综复杂的世界。


Louie Schwartzberg is an award-winning cinematographer, director and producer who captures breathtaking images that celebrate life -- revealing connections, universal rhythms, patterns and beauty.

Beauty and seduction, I believe, is nature’s tool for survival, because we will protect what we fall in love with.” (Louie Schwartzberg)



