去年12月,美國檢方對劉強東做出不起訴決定。近日,涉事女性Liu Jingyao正式向劉強東發起民事訴訟,讓上週剛剛爲「996」兄弟發聲的劉強東再次陷入風口浪尖。

Sexual-Assault Accuser Sues JD.com Founder

The Wall Street Journal

extradition treaty

extradition表示“引渡”,英文解釋爲“the return of someone accused of a crime to the country where the crime was committed”。“引渡條約”就是指引渡條約(Extradition)是指國家根據條約或基於其他理由把在其境內而被別國指控或判定犯罪的人,應該國的請求,移交該國審判或處罰的行爲,是國家之間刑事司法協助的一種形式。


1) 表示“一致同意的”,英文解釋爲“A consensual approach, view, or decision is one that is based on general agreement among all the members of a group.”舉個🌰:

I hope we can work with others in a consensual way.


2) consensual sex 兩廂情願的性行爲。


表示“律師”,英文解釋爲“In the United States, an attorney or attorney-at-law is a lawyer.”比如我們可以說a prosecuting attorney,即“公訴律師”。大家還知道哪些詞可以表示律師嗎?

be liable for & be liable to

be liable for 表示“負法律責任的”,英文解釋爲“If you are liable for something such as a debt, you are legally responsible for it.”舉個🌰:

The airline's insurer is liable for damages to the victims' families.


be liable to表示“很有可能的”,英文解釋爲“When something is liable to happen, it is very likely to happen.”舉個🌰:

Only a small minority of the mentally ill are liable to harm themselves or others.


be liable to還可以表示“易於…的,有…傾向的”,英文解釋爲“If people or things are liable to something unpleasant, they are likely to experience it or do it.”舉個🌰:

She will grow into a woman particularly liable to depression.



只以複數的形式出現,表示“賠償金”,英文解釋爲“If a court of law awards damages to someone, it orders money to be paid to them by a person who has damaged their reputation or property, or who has injured them.”舉個🌰:

She is seeking more than $12,000 in damages.


jury trial

什麼是jury trial?陪審團審案/審判,A jury trial, or trial by jury, is a lawful proceeding in which a jury makes a decision or findings of fact. It is distinguished from a bench trial in which a judge or panel of judges makes all decisions. (Wikipedia)

withdraw from

表示“(從活動或組織中)退出”,英文解釋爲“If you withdraw from an activity or organization, you stop taking part in it.”舉個🌰:

The African National Congress threatened to withdraw from the talks.



此處merit爲不可數名詞(作可數名詞表示“優點;長處”),因而表示“優秀品質,價值”,英文解釋爲“a good quality that makes someone or something deserve praise”舉個🌰:

There is never any merit in being second best.


merit還可以作動詞,表示“應受到”,英文解釋爲“If someone or something merits a particular action or treatment, they deserve it.”舉個🌰:

He said he had done nothing wrong to merit a criminal investigation.


depositary shares

表示“存托股份”,常見表達爲ADS,表示“American Depositary Shares”,即美國存托股份或美國存託憑證(ADRs),允許外國的股票在美國股票交易所交易。事實上,大多數的外國公司股票以這種方式在美國股票交易所交易。(百度百科)


一般用複數,表示“附件,配件,附屬品”,英文解釋爲“something such as a piece of equipment or a decoration that is not necessary, but that makes a machine, car, room etc more useful or more attractive”。

roll out

這個詞此前在介紹新手機、新產品中經常出現,表示“推出(新產品或服務)”,英文解釋爲“If a company rolls out a new product or service, or if the product or service rolls out, it is made available to the public.”舉個🌰:

On Monday Microsoft rolls out its new operating system.



表示“解僱”,英文解釋爲“When there are layoffs in a company, people become unemployed because there is no more work for them in the company. ”舉個🌰:

It will close more than 200 stores nationwide resulting in the layoffs of an estimated 2,000 employees.


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