[據本站2019年4月17日綜合報道] BAE系統公司披露了360多功能車輛防護(MVP)傳感器,這是該公司綜合車輛防護系統(VPS)套件的一部分。

360 MVP傳感器配置4個高清廣角多功能攝像頭,可快速探測並跟蹤各種威脅,包括地面部隊、輕武器、空中威脅、簡易爆炸裝置和導彈等。傳感器可全天候工作,在惡劣天氣下也具有360度可見度。360 MVP傳感器提供早期威脅警告功能,幫助機組人員快速檢測、識別、跟蹤潛在威脅,可與BAE系統公司的“大烏鴉”(RAVEN)結合,提高機動性、殺傷力。

BAE系統公司的綜合車輛防護系統爲裝甲車提供了集成分層防護技術,這項技術已經通過數百萬小時的戰鬥得到證實。BAE系統公司的車輛防護系統的開發是在該公司位於德克薩斯州的卓越製造中心進行的。(北方科技信息研究所 白琳)

BAE Systems: vehicle protection systems provide layered defense for armored vehicles

weapons defence industry military technology UK


BAE Systems unveiled its 360 Multin Vehicle Protection (MVP) Sensor as part of the company"s integrated vehicle protection system (VPS) suite, which provides improved visibility, situational awareness, threat warning, and countermeasures to protect armored vehicles and crews.

BAE Systems vehicle protection systems provide layered defense for armored vehicles

The sensors provide 360-degree visibility and threat warning capabilities during the day, at night, in adverse weather (Picture source: BAE Systems)

The 360 MVP Sensor combines four high-definition, extended-view multin cameras that serve as the eyes of the VPS, providing crews with sharp images of the battlespace around them and quickly detecting and tracking threats from ground troops and small arms fire to aerial systems, improvised explosive devices, and missiles. The sensors provide 360-degree visibility and threat warning capabilities during the day, at night, in adverse weather, and despite challenging natural and manmade battlefield conditions including fog, dust, and smoke.

“Our approach is different. We"re using mature, integrated components to provide a modular and affordable system for protecting armored vehicles that is tailorable to the platform, mission, and budget,” said Ryan Edwards, BAE Systems" business development manager for Soldier and Vehicle Electronics. “Our vehicle protection system lets crews see first and act first, helping them complete their missions.”

The 360 MVP Sensor provides early threat warning that helps crews quickly detect, recognize, identify, and track potential threats. It can be integrated with and cue non-kinetic countermeasures including BAE Systems" RAVEN and kinetic countermeasures to defeat threats, shortening the response chain and reducing the cognitive load on crews, improving mobility, lethality, survivability, and overall mission effectiveness.

BAE Systems" VPS provides an integrated, layered defense for armored vehicles that builds on the company"s extensive experience developing sensors, image-processing technology, and aircraft survivability equipment technology that has been proven through millions of combat hours.

Development of BAE Systems" vehicle protections systems is conducted at the company"s manufacturing center of excellence in Austin, Texas.
