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落地隨俗與阿拉伯人一同渡船上工Ferry with Arabs.香料市集巧遇太陽花 Sunflower at Space Bazzar


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Reading a Bible in the ancient theatre: "神能照著運行在我們心裡的大力充充足足的成就一切,超過我們所求所想的。" -- Ephesus 3:20
Although having read about it thousand times in theatre history, its still amazing to hear beautiful singing sound clearly when sitting at the last row of the theatre.

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羊咩咩色彩繽紛宛若香料共和國 An ethically diverse group!

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DAY 4 @ PAMUKALE -- a place of two great writers as how I memorize it
* On the day Marquez left us, I traveled to a surrealistic world.
One hundred years in solitude. 僅以此魔幻場景緬懷魔幻寫實大師馬奎斯。A unrealistic scene to memorize ky favorite writer Marquez.  

*與旅伴不約而同地帶了orhan pamuk 的小說來土耳其,到了皎白如雪地的棉堡Pamukkale才發現原來pamuk久是棉花的意思!這位諾貝爾獎得主名字竟然是棉花!!(土耳其文突飛猛進中,已可點咖啡!)
Both my friend and I brought Orhan Pamuk's novels with us to travel in Turkey. Pamuk as in Pamukkale, so the great writer's name actually means "cotton??" (Feeling proud that I can order coffee in Turkish now although I don't know what the waiter replies...)

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Cappadocia, land of good horse. I answered it correctly and got a beautiful stone as my reward.

walked into a jewelry store for money exchange, and said thank you "tesekkur ederim" in Turkish, and then the owner treated me tea, sharing his life stories with me. He mentioned that his friend had visited TW and was impressed by the hospitality of TWnese. thanx for them so that I could enjoy their hospitality.


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Manuel check-in at silk route.  I still prefer the "natural born" transnational path which allowed humans and animals to travel together as it helped increase the economical growth.


Moving from the cave to the wooden house which dated from the Ottoman Empire. If it were in Taiwan, a fire would burn down all the houses for construction companies to build up new ones for sale.
 (almost bought one for my friend back home)


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DAY 10-13
Women covering their bodies used to be taken as an outdated tradition to be challenged, but if the mosque is gorgeous enough, women in the modern society will still cover up their bodies to take a look.

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Bosphorus, between Europe and Asia.

Harem! How its being isolated from the outside world makes me think of how our president takes shelter behind the bars, away from the people and their voice.

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Saw a political parade in Istanbul. My Turkish friend told me that there will be a huge one on may 1. People might get killed. And I told her, people on Taiwan has to clean up the road before going a back home, or people won't take you seriously. So sad...


In the years after Koçu’s death, in the mid-seventies, every time I went to the Covered Bazaar I would stop at the Sahaflar Secondhand Book Market next to the Beyazıt Mosque and find the final unbound fascicles and volumes that Koçu published at his own expense in his final years, sitting among the rows of yellowed, faded, mildewed, cheap old books. These volumes, which I began to read in my grandmother’s library, were by now being sold at the price of waste paper, but still the booksellers I knew said they found no takers.
-- Istanbul: Memories of a City


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For friends flying between Europe and Asia, i really wanna recommend Emirates. one stop at Middle East/Dubai sounds geographically reasonable. Plus, they serve delicious lamb kebab!! I have never seen other airlines serving lamb before...
