



这个问题争论了多年,小编也没办法回答你,但小编从美国 Womanitely 的网站整理出其提出的【孩子需要宠物陪伴的十大理由】给大家!




 Responsibility 培养责任心


Children with pets develop a sense of responsibility and care for others early on in life. Pets need care and attention all the time. They depend on their humans to feed, entertain, and exercise them.


Children who are active in raising their pets usually learn how to be empathetic (同理心) and compassionate (同情心). Learning how to be responsible for another creature will allow the youngsters to better take care of themselves as well.







 Self-Confidenc 带来自信心



Along with responsibility for a pet comes the building of self-confidence. When children are successful at raising their pets, they feel good about themselves.


In turn, their self-esteem (自尊心) increases and they carry a confident air about them. They are, in a sense, proud of their accomplishments (成就).








 Less Prone to Allergies and Asthma 减少过敏和气喘



Multiple studies over the years have shown that children who grow up with pets are less prone to (较不易…) develop allergies (过敏) and asthma (气喘).


When exposed to pet dander (宠物皮屑) and other allergens (过敏原) before the age of one, children tend to develop stronger immune systems. Results published in Clinical and Experimental Allergy state that boys who grew up with indoor pets were half as likely to develop severe allergies later on in life.



多项研究显示,和宠物一起长大的孩子较不易罹患过敏和气喘。孩子在1 岁前有过接触宠物皮屑或其他过敏原的经历,能帮孩子打造一个更强大的免疫系统。美国《临床与实验过敏》杂志 ​​中一项研究发现,小时候家里养宠物的男孩,长大后患严重过敏的比例比其他孩子低一半





 Exercise and Play 帮孩子锻炼



Pets, especially dogs, need exercise and play. The activities that children participate in with their pets are usually physical. This allows boys and girls to stay fit.


In general, families spend more time outside when they have pets. The sunshine and fresh air are good for everyone. Learning about the need for exercise for pets to stay healthy helps children apply the same concepts to their own wellbeing (健康).








 Calm 带给孩子安宁感



Pets tend to bring about a sense of calm for children. Some youngsters are more relaxed around their pets than other humans. Like adults, children turn to their pets when they are feeling sad, angry, or otherwise upset. Magically, pets will bring peace to the situation and provide their humans with unconditional (无条件的) love.








 Relieve Stress 舒缓压力



Along the same lines of keeping children calm, dogs are also great to have around as stress relievers. Being around dogs can be extremely therapeutic (有益于健康的) for the entire family. Although cats are not as compassionate, as pets, they can still help relieve undue (不必要的) stress. There is something to be said when cats cuddle up. Their soft coats and purring can help their owners feels a sense of calm.








 Improve Reading Skills 提高阅读能力



Many children are more comfortable reading aloud (大声地) to pets than they are other humans. Perhaps it is because pets do not judge – pets do not correct the children and make them reread.


The bottom line to improving reading skills is to practice it repeatedly. The more children read, the better they get at it. At younger ages, it is best for children to read aloud so that they can hear themselves.








 Learn About Consequences 学会考虑后果



Caring for pets can teach children a great deal about consequences (后果). When pets are not cared for properly, the results are real and easy for children to grasp (理解;领会). If fish are not fed, they die. If dogs don’t exercise, they get agitated (躁动的). When cats are ignored, they will seek revenge and do something mean.








 Learn About Commitment 学会付出



Growing up with a pet is a huge commitment (承诺) on the part of the human. Pets are not things children can just put on shelves when they get tired of taking care of them. They need to be fed, cleaned, exercised, played with, and otherwise loved every single day.


Having a pet is a total commitment and cannot ever be treated as a part-time job. This teaches children to commit (付出) and follow through (持之以恒) with the task.








 Discipline 学会自律



When growing up with a pet, children learn a great deal about discipline. If they have a dog at home, they learn to train it and teach it how to listen. It’s been scientifically proven that having a dog helps children learn about discipline.



















