
The sales of American Eagle Silver Coins may hit a new high this year



精實新聞 2013-04-02 10:59:14 記者 黃文章 報導

《Gold and Silver Blog》 4月1日報導,美國鷹揚銀幣銷量今年有可能創下新高。美國鑄幣局公佈的數據顯示,三月份美國鷹揚銀幣銷量年增32%達到3,356,500盎司,但略低於 前月的3,368,500盎司,累計今年1-3月的銷量則年增40.3%至14,223,000盎司。報導稱,在全球金融危機爆發以前,美國鷹揚銀幣銷量 每年約在千萬盎司以下,但過去五年(2008-2012)平均年銷量已經增長至超過3,100萬盎司。

1st of April, it’s reported that the sales of American eagle silver coins may hit a new high this year. The data from U.S Mint showed that the American eagle silver coins’ annual sales has increase to 32% with 3,356,500 ounce, though a bit lower than the previous month’s 3,368,500 ounce, accumulated that from January to March the annual sales would hit 40.3% to 14,223,000 ounce. Reported that, before the outbreak of the global financial crisis, the sales of American eagle silver coins each year were below ten million ounces, but the average annual sales growth over the past five years (2008-2012) to more than 31 million ounces.

2011年, 美國鷹揚銀幣銷量創新高達到39,868,500盎司,主要受到銀價創新高至接近每盎司50美元的帶動;而如果按照今年前三個月的銷售速度,則2013年 美國鷹揚銀幣銷量將達到5,700萬盎司。2012全年,美國鷹揚銀幣的銷售量為33,742,500盎司,為史上第三高的銷售量。

In 2011, the sales of American eagle silver coins reach a new high of 39,868,500 ounces to nearly $ 50 an ounce, driven mainly by the high price of silver; according to the sales pace of first three months, the 2013 the sales will reach 5,700million ounces. The sales of American eagle silver coins in 2012 full year were 33,742,500 ounces, as the third highest sales of the history.

美國鷹揚銀幣2013年開售首日(1月7日)的銷量達到創新高的393.7萬盎司,較去年首日銷量增加23%;除了需求強勁之外,主要也因為2012年銀幣 在12月中旬已經提前售罄,導致約有三週的銷售空窗期的影響。且由於需求強勁,開售兩週之後新年度銀幣已經售罄,美國鑄幣局(United States Mint)不得不暫停銷售以補充庫存,並於1月28日重新恢復銷售。

The sales of American eagle silver coins in the first day (7th of January) of 2013 has reached the new high of 3.937 million ounces, an increase of 23% over the last year, in addition to the strong demand, mainly because the sold out already ahead of silver coins in mid-December 2012, leading to the impact of the sales window period of about three weeks. Due to strong demand, the New Year silver has been sold out within two weeks; the U.S. Mint had to suspend sales to supplement the inventory, and the sales would resume on January 28.

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