

講述英國女王伊麗莎白二世(Elizabeth II)的《The Crown》,即將於12月推出第二季。

以菲利普(Philip Mountbatten)冊封愛丁堡公爵的儀式、與伊莉莎白公主的婚禮開始。


如同劇中奶奶瑪麗王后(Queen Mary)寫給即將從公主「轉變」成女王的伊麗莎白
Elizabeth Mountbatten has now been replaced by Elizabeth Regina.
The two Elizabeths will frequently be in conflict with one another.
The fact is, the Crown must win. Must always win.

伊麗莎白掙扎於如何處理所謂的duty責任,是該to do,還是not to do的時候,瑪麗王后這麼告訴她:
To do nothing is the hardest job of all, and it will take every ounce of energy that you have.
To be impartial is not natural, not human.
People will always want you to smile or agree or frown,
and the minute you do, you will have declared a position, a point of view.
And that is the one thing as sovereign that you are not entitled to do. 

《The Crown》終究是影集,為了戲劇張力,在重現事實的主線外,也有小說式的人物及場景。

首相邱吉爾(Winston Spencer-Churchill)的祕書Venetia Scott
伊麗莎白女王為應付政治會面而找的家教Professor Hogg,

Scott因為1952年倫敦霧霾(Great Smog of London)而遇上的死亡車禍、
伊麗莎白二世為讓妹妹瑪格麗特公主(Princess Margaret)與心愛人結婚來回奔波的立場轉折
瑪格麗特公主與湯森上校(Group Captain Peter Townsend)分手聲明的處理方式

National Archives的資料顯示,當年女王已經與首相艾登(Anthony Eden)達成共識,


《The Crown》全劇預計六季共60集。

據編劇Peter Morgan,這季設定在1956年至1964年間伊麗莎白二世與皇室之於英國社會的關係,



It is better to be patient and get what you desire in the right time,
than have high office thrust upon you when you are not ready.
(King George VI)
-- Season 1, Episode 2  Hyde Park Corner

There is no problem so complex, nor crisis so grave,
that it cannot be satisfactorily resolved within 20 minutes.
(Winston Churchill)
-- Season 1, Episode 3  Windsor

To do nothing is the hardest job of all, and it will take every ounce of energy that you have.
To be impartial is not natural, not human.
(Queen Mary)
-- Season 1, Episode 4  Act of God

The efficient has the power to make and execute policy and is answerable to the electorate.
What touches all should be approved by all.
The dignified gives significance and legitimacy to the efficient and is answerable only to God.
Two institutions, Crown and government, dignified and the efficient,
only work when they support each other, when they trust one another.
(Henry Marten, Provost of Eton and the private tutor of Queen Elizabeth II)
-- Season 1, Episode 7  Gelignite

We all have to accept our limitations in life.
(Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother)
-- Season 1, Episode 7  Scientia Potentia Est

Because they are English, male and upper class.
A good dressing down from Nanny is what they most want in life.
(Professor Hogg)
-- Season 1, Episode 8  Pride & Joy

In general, people have very little understanding of who they are.
One has to turn a blind eye to so much of oneself in order to get through life.
(Graham Sutherland, who painted a portrait of Winston Churchill for his 80th birthday)
-- Season 1, Episode 9  Assassins


The Crown

|首 播|
|集 數|

|編 劇|
Peter Morgan

|主 演|
.Claire Foy as Princess Elizabeth and later Queen Elizabeth II
Matt Smith as Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, Elizabeth's husband
Jared Harris as King George VI, Elizabeth's father, known to his family as Bertie
Victoria Hamilton as Queen Elizabeth, George VI's wife and Elizabeth's mother, later known as Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother

Eileen Atkins as Queen Mary, Elizabeth's grandmother
Vanessa Kirby as Princess Margaret, Elizabeth's younger sister
Alex Jennings as Edward, Duke of Windsor, formerly King Edward VIII
John Lithgow as Winston Churchill, the Queen's first Prime Minister
