凱文受傷了! 溫蒂要怎麼用英文來瞭解凱文的狀況呢 ? ......  摘錄自  劉慧如老師主編 劉慧如老師與王筱築老師合著 "英語不會太難,從生活出發就好" 一本增進基礎生活英文、全民英檢初級到中級的英文書。


家庭生活現場情境篇 情境2. Kevin 受傷了

凱文受傷了! 溫蒂看凱文的傷勢不輕,想要了解凱文的傷勢並幫助他,溫蒂要怎麼用英文來說呢 ? 



It had rained for about five days this week. Luckily, the sun came out again this morning. However, While Kevin was doing exercise at the park, suddenly it started to rain cats and dogs. As a result, he was all wet. Besides, he even fell down by the lake and hurt himself. In the afternoon, his friends, Wendy, noticed that there was something wrong with him. Poor Kevin! His leg hurt so much that he could not even stand up from his seat. Finally, Wendy asked him to see a doctor and have a checkup. Next time, Kevin should be more careful, shouldn't he?




. exercise                         做運動
. hurt(hurt-hurt-hurt)         弄傷 ; 疼痛
. rain cats and dogs           傾盆大雨
. notice                            注意
. as a result                      因此
. checkup                         檢察
. wet                               弄濕
. careful                           仔細的;謹慎的
. fall down(fall-fell-fallen)   跌倒



1. Do you __________________ a crack in the ceiling ?
2. A: What is your favorite form of __________________ ? B: Swimming.
3. I got all __________________ in the rain because I forgot to bring an umbrella with me..
4. I went to the doctor for a physical __________________ .
5. IWhat you said really __________________ his feeling.


1. How often do you excercise or play sports?
2. Are you good at jogging?
3. Is there any park around your place?
4. According to the reading, why did kevin look so sick?
5. What does "rain cats and dogs" mean?
