
南山& 崇禮 滑雪小分隊歡迎你

Wellcee & Sherpas 1st trip in Nanshan

Hello everyone, it』s Kiun from Russia. Winter is finally here and I』m so excited! But as I』m living in Beijing now, I always miss the snow. I miss looking at it, walking in it, even tasting it. There is nothing like being the first person to tread across freshly fallen snow! It makes you feel like youre the only person who exists in the world at that moment and it is crisp, clear and so peaceful.

嗨 艾瑞巴蒂,

我是Kiun,來自俄羅斯。每到冬天銀裝素裹的郊外和街道想必是大家對我們的第一印象吧。北京冬天的寒風無比刺骨, 卻又遲遲沒有等到初雪,於我來說沒有下雪的冬天是不完整的,而這讓我無比想念家鄉的冬天。

Extremal snowboarding experience at -35 C degrees! (never do that if you』re not from Siberia)零下35度的戶外單板,極限滑雪體驗(非西伯利亞人請勿模仿)

But the most important part of this season is obviously winter sports, Its incredibly meditative! And we came up with a great idea for our Wellcee users and their friends! As you know Beijing 2022 will host the Olympic Winter Game s. So, why don』t we go and be the first who will try a newly renovated and equipped resort? I have found a few local resorts where you can ski for a day at very reasonable costs. Here we go:

想到冬天最有趣的活動,我想莫過於滑雪了吧. 2022年的北京馬上就要舉辦冬奧會了,北京雖然下雪少,但這都絲毫不妨礙在北京周邊雲集著眾多高水準的滑雪勝地!這個冬天,我將和Wellcee的小夥伴們一起去感受冬季運動的獨有的刺激和魅力!如果你正愁形單影隻,了無滑趣的話,不妨加入我們,結交新的雪友;也隨時歡迎你攜帶自家雪友一道。

1st Nanshan Resort (第一站 南山)

Our first destination will be ?Nanshan Ski Resort? in the north of Beijing. It takes only about 1 hour drive from the city center and it』s a perfect day trip! The ski resort also distinguishes itself in offering more of everything for the Alpine skier, meaning that here one will find more slopes in all skill categories than anywhere else in China.

南山滑雪場是距離北京最近、設施最齊全的滑雪場. 市中心出發1小時車程可達。這裡有適合初級滑雪愛好者的初中級道、魔毯;也有針對經驗豐富的小夥伴的高級道、貓跳、單板公園、叢林雪道等. 總而言之,這是一個可以滿足不同滑雪水平愛好者需求的絕佳場所。


A overview of Nanshan Resort
「滑雪不知有南山,滑遍天下也枉然」 作為北京滑雪大咖的聚集聖地,在南山可以瞬間點燃你冬季的激情。

2019 Wellcee·Sherpas 滑雪季:南山站

2019 Wellcee Ski Trip @ Nanshan


Date: 26th Jan

Departure time/ 出發時間:7:00

Time of return/ 返程時時間 :18:00

費用:500 RMB (滑雪通票、雪具、保險、車費、基礎教學)

Fee: 500 RMB (ski passes, ski equipment, insurance, fare, basic trainning)

自費項目:滑雪服、頭盔、私人教練、晚上聚餐 (AA)

Self-funded items: ski wear, helmet, personal trainer, evening dinner (AA)

集合地點: 東直門

Meeting place: Dongzhimen

Wechat contact (Suzy) : wushan0423

Tel: 13552376236


Wellcee & Sherpas - Ski Trip 2019: Nanshan Wellcee: Not only share housing, but also share life?


??The Final Party: Chongli WanLong Resort??

??2019 滑雪季最後的狂歡: 崇禮·萬龍!??

The last destination will be the largest Chongli Ski Resort in China! It』s the quickly developing ski town of Chongli and It』s about a 4 hours drive from downtown. We are planning a weekend getaway and it will letting you completely forget about the stress from work and many other things going on in life!

崇禮作為北京冬奧會的主要滑雪比賽場地,近幾年興建了許多世界級的雪道和配套設施,越來越多來自全世界的滑雪愛好者來到這裡馳騁飛雪。 而萬龍雪場,毫無疑問是崇禮眾多雪場中最棒的選擇!

Ski + Hot Spring Water ... its not enough?滑雪+溫泉.. 或許是我能想到的最浪漫搭配了吧

The town offers access to three major ski areas of Wanlong, Doulomedi and Genting Secret Garden. The 2022 winter Olympics will be held here and construction on the venues and transportation system has begun. To sum it up, the easy drive from Beijing, sunny but cold days, lack of pollution and the wonderful facilities here make it a great destination for you!


Well, If you』re also looking forward to connecting with the beauty of snow-covered slopes, or just walking in the snow and breathe in the cool crisp air? Then join our Wellcee ski dream team and spend some time having fun with us!



非職業巴西柔術選手& 中英同聲傳譯

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Player & Chinese-English Junior Interpreter

Luna (中文/EN/ 日本の)

雪齡:5年 - 雙板/ Ski

Snowboard 骨灰級玩家& 政府儲備幹部


雪齡:6年 - 單板/ Snowboard

Startup founder & CEO

Yvonne.L 珞珞 (中文/ EN)

雪齡:4年 - 單板/ Snowboard

Snowboard 高級玩家& 中英同傳


雪齡:3年 /單板

非洲海歸 & Startup founder

Alex (中文/ EN/ FR)

雪齡:4年 - 雙板/ Ski


Name Tag tearing Game


For those who don』t know what this game is,it is a highly competative and interative game in which members tear the name tags that other members have on their backs.We will pair skiers and snowboarders together and the team that tear the highest number of name tags shall be the winner, who will be awarded by jubilation and a special prize.


Eat, Ski, Love


We snowlovers are early birds. We rush to the slope without filling our stomach. After a full ski day, it』s time to have a proper sit down meal with new friends, have a drink, share videos and pictures, discuss about the coolest carving technique or just life in general.

2019 Wellcee·Sherpas 滑雪季:崇禮·萬龍

2019 WellceeSherpas Ski Trip @ Chongli·Wanlong


Date: 23rd Feb- 24th Feb

Departure time/ 出發時間:7:00 am 23rd Feb

Time of return/ 返程時時間 :18:00 24th Feb

早鳥票(1月28日之前):1450 RMB

Early bird ticket (Before 28th Jan) : 1450 RMB

Ticket after 28th Jan: 1680 RMB

(萬龍滑雪通票1.5天 、保險、車費、4星級酒店、溫泉、早餐自助)

( Wanlong ski passes 1.5 day, insurance, fare, 4 Stars Hotel, Hot Spring Water, Breakfast buffet )

自費項目:雪具、滑雪服、私人教練、聚餐 ...

Self-funded items: ski equipment, ski wear, personal trainer, dinner party...

集合地點: 東直門

Meeting place: Dongzhimen


??The Final Party - Chongli WanLong Resort Wellcee: Not only share housing, but also share life?


Wechat contact (Suzy) : wushan0423

Tel: 13552376236

Scan the QRcode WIN The New Year Bonus from Sherpa』s—Provide bilingual food delivery services to hungry expats

