Fallen Eagle Dev Diary #5 - Red Blood, White Snow



漢化組 @遛鷹人 翻譯~目前還有兩篇日誌銳意漢化中


Comrades! As you know, for these past two months our Red Army contingents from St Petersburg and Moscow have carried out a great shift in position towards the Western defensive line, where our brave comrades in Bryansk, Rostov, and Minsk have been fighting against the joint forces of bloody Tsarist tyranny and the masked robber barons of capitalism. It is true that we did not secure the cities we aimed to capture, but it is also true that any setback we encounter, and any withdrawal we must perform, changes nothing about the inevitability of the Revolution.

同志們!如你所知,在過去的兩個月里,我們的紅軍從聖彼得堡和莫斯科向西方防線轉移。布良斯克,羅斯托夫和明斯克的勇敢同志一直在與血腥的沙皇暴政資本主義蒙面強盜的聯合力量作鬥爭。的確,我們沒有確保我們想要控制的城市之安全。 但我們遇到的任何挫折,以及必須進行的任何撤退,都不會改變革命的必然性。

The bankers and politicans of the world make the mistake of thinking that the events of last August were the start of a war. They could not be more wrong. This war has been raging since the end of the feudal system; it is the war between the capitalist powers, constantly striving and clawing amongst themselves for the largest share of the loot, the largest number of countries to plunder, and the largest number of nations to suppress and enslave. But do not make the mistake of thinking their naked greed is directed only outwards; it also drives inwards towards the men and women of their own countries, who toil day after day for their idle masters who enjoy the fruits of Labour. It is from the blood and misery of the proletariat that their golden billions flow.


As they wage their wars amongst themselves, it becomes clearer day by day to the people of the world that they live in a predatory system built on thievery and deception, and for all the profits of the capitalists none fall into the hands of the labouring men and women. Almost two hundred million people of many nationalities are oppressed by Tsarism in Russia; if Kerensky was Tsar, their position would be just the same. It is only proletarian revolution that will break the chains of the workers and allow all of us to share in the fruits of of own labour.


Nothing could have made this clearer than the so-called Winter Truce. Tsarism and capitalism are cut from the same cloth; neither can resist the proletariat, once awakened. They are desperate to destroy us and delay their coming end by any means they can. But in Moscow and St Petersburg, they failed. They did not crush our armies or block our escape. They did not end the revolution or break the spirit of the Russian people. They are terrified because they know that few armies have ever achieved anything like the November March before; attacked from the ground and the air day by day, pursued and harassed by hundreds of thousands of men, we endured. We encountered terrible difficulties and dangers and yet on our own feet we marched these hundreds of miles.


The oppressed peoples of the world look to us as the first, shining example of the socialist state. We stand tall and strong; here, in Russia, we will build socialism and free the enslaved. The Revolution grows!



November 1929 saw simultaneous uprisings by communist forces in Moscow, St Petersburg, and many other cities around Russia in response to the ongoing civil war between the Imperial forces and the Provisional Government. Repression and reaction was rapid, but not completely successful; the Bolshevik troops secured control of Belarus and much of Western Russia, and portions of the troops from their uprisings succeeded in withdrawing to their area of control to regroup and recover.


The first step for the Revolution is to reorganise and rest the troops that have returned from the November March. The forces of both the Russian Empire and the Provisional Government are bearing down on them, but the Winter Truce is an unstable thing and it is likely that the enemies of the Revolution will turn on each other very soon.


This will give the time needed to start transforming the disorganised forces available into a real fighting force. There are decisions to be made about how the Red Army should be structured that will need to be addressed.


A second priority is building up industry. Guns and artillery are needed to keep supplying the men at the front and the area currently under the Peoples Republic simply cant support their requirements just yet. Additionally, research teams will help keep the Red Armys equipment modern and on par or better than those of its enemies.


Establishing socialism also means taking a look at the family and the role of women in society. Allowing women soldiers will bolster the manpower available, and bringing women into the factories should help production greatly.


As well as land forces, the Revolution will need to build up forces in the sea and the air.



Once Russia is won, the new Soviet Union can choose how it wants to perform its foreign policy. One option is attempting reconciliation with the world powers, accepting famine aid and only reasserting its control over breakaway states that the West has no interest in supporting. But however friendly the Soviets try to be, can they really defeat Western fear of them... or the ambitions of Japan?


But can the Revolution really stop at Russias borders? The other path offers a rapid route to regain the breakaway territories, which is sure to cause great consternation in the West. Starting this path can only end in either Communist world domination or the forces of capitalism taking the Soviet capital.


Remember to spread the news of the Mod, and make sure to join our Discord ( discord.gg/WwwjQU ) as well as follow our subreddit.

A reminder that we are looking for new nembers for our Dev Team, mainly coders, writers and GFX artists. Should you want to join, make sure to either DM us or apply to help with our Application form!

Hope to see you there!

The Fallen Eagle Team






