秦沛細女姜麗文,星期日突然在社交平臺宣佈與跟工程師男友Pakho結婚,可是因為近期被稱為「武漢肺炎」的新型冠狀病毒肺炎疫情不斷擴大,婚禮將會延遲舉行。姜麗文留言:「我們結婚了 其實今天本來是我們結婚的日子。不過因應最近的情況,為了各位的安全和安心,亦基於我們對家人和親友的尊重,我們決定延遲婚禮。 」

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0202 2020 Husband and Wife💍💐 I’ve been keeping a secret...💕 Today was supposed to be our Wedding Day! Even though it’s a very small and intimate private ceremony, we had to postpone our wedding due to current conditions. It was the best decision in order to respect our guests and ourselves, and make sure everyone is comfortable, healthy and worry-free! Every girl dreams about her wedding day, and after a year of planning, it was definitely a difficult decision to postpone it. But at the end of the day, we continue to focus on being present and grateful— we are healthy, we are deeply in love, and nothing changes the excitement to spend the rest of our lives together. So hey, we can celebrate later. I’m still counting today as a very special one. Happy Almost-Wedding Day, Honey ❤ This wifey loves her hubby very much! 我們結婚了💍💐 其實今天本來是我們結婚的日子。不過因應最近的情況,為了各位的安全和安心,亦基於我們對家人和親友的尊重,我們決定延遲婚禮。 經過一年多的籌備,要延遲婚禮絕對不是一個容易的決定,但我們會繼續提醒對方:最重要的是我們找到對方,很恩愛也很健康!所以很感恩!✨ 沒事,我們什麼時候都可以慶祝!無論如何,今天對我們來說,永遠是很重要的開心大日子!❤ 老公,老婆很愛你!Happy Almost-Wedding Day!

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她說要遲婚禮絕對不是一個容易的決定:「我們會繼續提醒對方:最重要的是我們找到對方,很恩愛也很健康!所以很感恩! 沒事,我們什麼時候都可以慶祝!無論如何,今天對我們來說,永遠是很重要的開心大日子! 老公,老婆很愛你!Happy Almost-Wedding Day﹗」


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January 2019. The most wonderful man I’ve ever met whisked me off to Paris, and asked me to marry him. I said “Yes, Of Course!” 💍

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Everyday, I thank my lucky stars ✨❤️

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