眾裡尋他(她)千百度,驀然回首,那人卻在燈火闌珊處....珍惜身邊人,不論美醜、貧富,因為能牽手的Mr. and Mrs. Right是陪彼此到老的夥伴!

以下分享的video "marry me", 開始的那些雙雙對對、老老少少,是否和我們一樣平凡呢?幸福其實是一種單純的執著--不容易但只要你願意。


歌詞如下  ---lyrics---

forever could never be long enough for me

to feel like i've had long enough with you

forget the world now we won't let them see

but there's one thing left to do

now that the weight has lifted
love has surely shifted my way
marry me
today and every day
marry me

if i ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafe
say you will
say you will

together could never be close enough for me
to feel like i'm close enough to you
you wear white and i'll wear out the words,i love you
and you're beautiful
now that the wait is over
and love has finally showed her my way
marry me
today and every day
marry me
if i ever get the nerve to say hello in the cafe
say you will
say you will
promise me
you'll always be
happy by my side
i promise to sing to you
when all the music dies
and marry me 
today and every day
marry me
if i ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafe
say you will 
say you will 
marry me





