


  • 品號:3274766

  • 不鏽鋼刀刃製造
  • 廚房的好幫手





2018-04-29 03:00

/ Staff Writer, with CNANational Taiwan University (NTU) yesterday expressed its strong objection and regret over the Ministry of Education’s decision the previous day to not approve the appointment of Kuan Chung-ming (管中閔) as school president.NTU said in a statement that it had adhered to regulations throughout the election process, contrary to the reasons cited by the ministry for not appointing him.Deputy Minister of Education Lin Teng-chiao (林騰蛟) on Friday cited conflict of interest as the main factor in the ministry’s decision not to confirm Kuan’s appointment.Lin was referring to Kuan serving as an independent director on the board of Taiwan Mobile (台灣大哥大) during the election while Taiwan Mobile vice chairman Richard Tsai (蔡明興) was on the NTU president election committee.Regarding whether NTU would accept the ministry’s decision and start a new election process, it only said that it would “act in accordance with the law” once it receives a written notice of the decision.Minister of Education Wu Maw-kuen (吳茂昆) on Friday said the ministry would step in if any legal issues arise in the new election process.Kuan had breached NTU regulations by not disclosing his role as an independent director at Taiwan Mobile while Tsai was sitting on the election committee, he said.It is now up to the committee to verify the conflict of interest and decide whether Kuan should be nominated again, Wu said.Kuan, who was scheduled to take office on Feb. 1, has declined to comment on the decision.Wang Fan-sen (王汎森), former vice president of Academia Sinica and one of the candidates for NTU president who lost to Kuan, said in a text message on Friday that he would not run for school president.Another candidate, former National Tsing Hua University vice president Wu Cheng-wen (吳誠文), also said that he would not run if the election process is marred by controversy and outside intervention.The NTU student council has called for the implementation of “much-needed reforms” and has urged the school administration not to wait until a new president takes office.The proposed reforms include introducing more gender-friendly facilities and clarifying the regulations pertaining to renting out the school’s gym and sports facilities, the student council said.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES

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一篇題為《興義民族師範學院招聘語言學博士》的文章近日刷了屏,這是一則招聘啟事,但這則招聘的「網紅」特質在於不按套路出牌,開篇就坦白「學校很一般很一般」、「交通情況暫不『高速』」、「人才引進政策待遇一般」,甚至還提到「牛肉35元一斤現宰現殺不注水」,耿直用語迅速在網上火起來。最有趣的是,招聘文在總結提到,「興義是個適合養老的地方,興義民族師範學院是個不會出現『過勞史』的工作單位,而且您想做學問就可以快快樂樂做學問,只問耕耘不求收穫。」.inline-ad { position: relative; overflow: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; }

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.innity-apps-reset { padding: 20px 0 0 !important; margin: -20px auto -10px !important; } 微信公眾平台「政知道」採訪到招聘信息中的聯繫人雷勵院長,他透露,文案是學院學科組的其他老師撰寫,獲得他認可以後轉發出去,最初是發在朋友圈,因內容有意思獲得了廣泛轉發,「沒有料到效果這麼好」。雷勵院長稱,招聘啟事發出後,已經有北大博士、浙大博士後等多位優秀人才來諮詢,甚至還有人類學博士也來詢問。對於這樣的招聘啟事,有網友大讚「有人情味,有風趣,喜歡這種風格。」,也有人說「這是我見過最不正經的高校招聘了!」,還有不少網友關心「35元一斤不注水牛肉」。澎湃新聞報導,一般認知裡,一些地方、機構在人才爭奪大戰中只會說好話、報喜不報憂,自吹自擂更是見怪不怪。更有甚者,對應聘對象的要求一大堆,而對自己能提供什麼卻往往避實就虛、閃爍其辭。所以,興義民族師範這種「自謙自嘲」的坦白在先,簡直是一股清流?

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