世界上有很多樂團,尤以歐美樂團更引入注目,多少流行樂從此盛行,因而使得後輩注入更多動聽的音樂給世人。今天要介紹的酷玩樂團-Coldplay,來自英國倫敦的他們,在搖滾樂雖然是後輩,但努力創作音樂結晶的他們,隨著一首首經典的音樂,也奠定了他們往後的搖滾樂地位 。







成員介紹 (Members)

主唱&鋼琴手Vocalists&Pianist:克里斯.馬汀Chris Martin(左4)
吉他手guitarist:強尼·邦藍Jonny Buckland(左3)
貝斯手bassist:蓋.貝特曼Guy Berryman(左2)
鼓手drummer:威爾查森Will Champion(左1)


樂團成立背景 (Background)



樂團名稱由來 (Origin)





2016最新單曲 Up&Up 介紹 (Introduce)







Up&Up 部分歌詞 (Lyrics)


fixing up a car to drive in it again 修台車然後重新上路
searching for the water hoping for the rain 找尋著水源,祈求天降甘霖
up and up, up and up 一直向上
down upon the canvas, working meal to meal 回到帆布上,為飽足而持續工作
waiting for a chance to pick your orange field 等待著能在你的橘子園收成的機會
up and up, up and up 一直向上
see a pearl form, a diamond in the rough 看到珍珠,一個未經雕琢的鑽石
see a bird soaring high above the flood 看見鳥兒在大水上翱翔
it’s in your blood, it’s in your blood 那都在你的血液裡
underneath the storm an umbrella is saying 在暴風雨下有隻傘訴說著
sitting with the poison takes away the pain 抽抽藥物可以帶走痛楚
up and up, up and up it’s saying 彷彿說著一直向上



we’re going to get it get it together right now 我們現在就要聚在一起
going to get it get it together somehow 無論如何此刻就要聚首
going to get it get it together and flower 此刻聚首就像朵花
oh oh oh oh oh oh
we’re going to get it get it together I know 我知道我們現在會相聚
going to get it get it together and flow 像流水一樣的相聚
going to get it get it together and go 聚在一起行動
up and up and up 不停向上



lying in the gutter, aiming for the moon 躺在濠溝中瞄準月球
trying to empty out the ocean with a spoon 想用支湯匙挖乾海洋
up and up, up and up 不斷向上
how come people suffer how come people part? 為何人們要受苦及分離?
how come people struggle how come people break your heart? 為何人們要掙扎或使人心碎?
break your heart 使你心碎
yes I want to grow yes I want to feel 我想要成長及感受
yes I want to know show me how to heal it up 我想知道該如何痊癒
heal it up 完全痊癒
see the forest there in every seed 看見遍佈森林的種子
angels in the marble waiting to be freed 大理石雕琢成的天使等著解開束縛
just need love just need love 只是需要愛情滋潤
when the going is rough saying 好像在說著






道路指標 (Road Sign)




直行(go straight)

迴轉(make a U-turn)

左轉(turn left / make a left turn)

右轉(turn right / make a right turn)

靠左(keep left)

靠右(keep right)




brake/ hit the brakes 剎車

run a red light 闖紅燈

cut someone off 超車

tailgate 追尾

pull over 靠邊停

pull out of 駛離停車位,開車出來

accelerate 加速

speed (up) 超速;加速

make a u-turn 迴轉

park 停車








