





amusement park (遊樂園) , 前者是娛樂或消遣,類似 entertainment 

而 park 則是公園或園區的意思,把這兩個英文單字組和在一起就是遊樂園


除此之外,還有 theme park (主題樂園)waterpark (水上樂園)

以及比較特別的 carnival / funfair / fair (移動式遊樂園)








去遊樂園買票時,最基本的價格區別就是 年紀 (age) 和 身高 (height)

再來遊樂園的票價常會分成全日票 (one-day pass) 和 星光票(night pass)

如果你真的玩不膩,還可以買年票 (annual pass/ yearly ticket)


因此業者也會推出單次票 (single ride ticket),讓人玩多少花多少







I’d like to buy two standard passes and one junior pass.





When do you close today?

How long are the day passes good for?





What do the passes include?





How much will that be?

How much do they cost?







Ferris wheel 


a roller coaster


a pirate ship 




a free-fall 


bumper car 


visit park train


a haunted house


tea cups 







ride (on) / take / go on a roller coaster 搭雲霄飛車

ride (on) a Ferris wheel 乘坐摩天輪

go on / take a ride on a drop tower 搭乘自由落體 

ride teacups 玩旋轉茶杯 

ride the merry-go-round / carousel 玩旋轉木馬 

ride (in) bumper cars / Dodgem (cars) 開碰碰車


另外,為了使描述更加生動,可多用情緒動詞加 ing 來形容活動及設施,或用情緒動詞加 ed 來形容自己的心情,例如:


I found myself so scared (形容情緒) at the frightening (形容鬼屋) haunted house.

The arcade was very amusing (形容遊樂場). Both my classmate and I felt entertained (形容情緒) .


而要說興奮、愉悅的氣氛則用 exciting / delightful atmosphere 



(註1: Dodgem 是 dodge them 兩字的連音唸法,原義為 「躲他們」,不過如果翻成叫 「躲躲車」就太怪了,因此翻成「碰碰車」。另外,它的動詞不是用 drive 而是 ride 喔。)


(註2:ride 可以是名詞做遊樂設施,像是:The rides in Disneyland are so much fun!  迪士尼裡面的遊樂設施超好玩的! 


也當成動詞使用 如:Children love to ride It’s a Small World in Disneyland 小朋友都喜歡坐『小小世界』這個遊樂設施)




接下來我們再來看看世界上有哪些 ride 值得我們去玩的吧~


 It's a Small World, Disneyland (California, 1971)



It's painfully upbeat, fabulously kitsch and impossible to forget, but what exactly makes It's a Small World so special?


"The ride demonstrates the power of employing artists to create an experience rather than simply asking engineers to build a ride," says Robert Niles, editor of ThemeParkInsider.com.


"The combination of Mary Blair's iconic design work combined with the Sherman Brothers' enduring theme song made It's a Small World the first true theme park ride.


"This wasn't some generic tunnel of love ride -- it inspired Pirates of the Caribbean, the Haunted Mansion and the new generation of theme park dark rides that followed."


upbeat 是樂觀的意思,也可以用來形容一個很開心的狀態。用在形容音樂上,upbeat music 指的是節拍很重的音樂,比如 hiphop music。 Kitsch是指 It’s a Small World 裡面所設計陳列出來的小人物等人像。 It’s a Small World 也可以算是一個 ride。 demonstrate 是表現出的意思,是我們常常在說的 Demo 的全稱。當你要示範,或是顯現一個東西的時候,就可以用 demonstrate。作者用 iconic design 來形容小小世界裡面的人物, iconic 是象徵性的或是代表性的。這些 iconic design 配上 Sherman Brothers 久聽不厭 (enduring) 的主題歌曲 (theme song),讓整個小小世界成為遊樂設施界中的代表作品。因為小小世界的突破,間接讓遊樂設施設計出許多在黑暗中呈現的方式,就是所謂的 dark rides


 Blue Fire, Europa Park (Rust, Germany, 2009)



This German theme park ride catapults riders from zero to 71 mph in 2.5 seconds, but it's regarded as a game changer for other reasons.


"For years companies tried to create a roller coaster with perfect track geometry -- meaning smooth -- and a perfect train," says Justin Garvanovic of the European Coaster Club.


"The problem was the overhead restraint, which could be uncomfortable.


"When [theme park supplier] Mack decided to build its first upside-down coaster in 2009, engineers also decided to design one without an overhead restraint.


"The result was comfortable and safe, and seven more have since opened -- Mack can't build them fast enough."

catapult 是遊樂設施將乘客 (riders) 用高速衝出的那個動作。類似彈弓將石頭彈出去的那一霎那。Mph 就是miles per hour的縮寫,中文是時速/英哩。雲霄飛車的軌道我們稱之為 track ,而我們 riders 所乘坐的車廂又叫做 train,也就是列車的意思。Blue Fire 是一個將乘客一百八十度倒轉過來的 ride ,就是所謂的 upside-down coaster 。基本上, upside-down 可以用在任何反轉過來的東西,一個人倒立也可以是 upside-down 。照片顛倒了也可以說,the picture is upside-down。overhead restraint 就是我們在坐雲霄飛車的時候,都會有一個安全的裝置要從頭上拉下來緊緊的把我們身體卡在位置上。overhead 就是頭頂上,restraint 是限制行動 (這裡是指固定身體的安全裝置)


 Pooh's Hunny Hunt, Tokyo Disneyland (Tokyo, 2000)




This ride doesn't offer high speed thrills or frightening monsters -- unless you've got a teddy bear phobia. It's the way passengers move around in their super-sized honey pots that sets the ride apart. "Pooh's Hunny Hunt was a huge game changer because this was the first trackless ride and the first time ride designers were no longer forced to use a linear path," says Craig Hanna at Thinkwell Group. "The vehicles split in different directions, they dance, they pull into scenes and pause. "I left that ride giddy at the possibilities."


thrill 是指刺激或是令人興奮的一種感受。phobia 是指對一種東西有莫名的恐懼。在國外,當他們要形容一個東西很巨大或是超越一般大小的時候,他們很習慣用 super-size。而且延伸到後來的用法是直接當作動詞使用,最常聽到的就是去麥當勞點餐,他會問你 Would you like to super-size your fries? 意思就是,你的薯條想要加大嗎?  Pooh’s Hunny Hunt 這個遊戲所締造出的創舉就是,第一個不需要直線式軌道設計,trackless。讓乘客可以以一種比較多變的形式,完成這個 ride 的旅程。Linear Path就是傳統直線式的遊戲移動方式,在 trackless rides 中,riders 可以一邊移動,一邊旋轉變換不同方向。


延伸閱讀  CNN精選12項改變遊戲規則的遊樂設施




