






import math
from ortools.constraint_solver import pywrapcp

def distance(x1, y1, x2, y2):
# Manhattan distance
dist = abs(x1 - x2) + abs(y1 - y2)
return dist

# Distance callback
class CreateDistanceCallback(object):
"""Create callback to calculate distances and travel times between points."""

def __init__(self, locations):
"""Initialize distance array."""

num_locations = len(locations)
self.matrix = {}

for from_node in range(num_locations):
self.matrix[from_node] = {}
for to_node in range(num_locations):
x1 = locations[from_node][0]
y1 = locations[from_node][1]
x2 = locations[to_node][0]
y2 = locations[to_node][1]
self.matrix[from_node][to_node] = distance(x1, y1, x2, y2)

def Distance(self, from_node, to_node):
return int(self.matrix[from_node][to_node])

# Demand callback
class CreateDemandCallback(object):
"""Create callback to get demands at each node."""

def __init__(self, demands):
self.matrix = demands

def Demand(self, from_node, to_node):
return self.matrix[from_node]

# Service time (proportional to demand) + transition time callback.
class CreateServiceTimeCallback(object):
"""Create callback to get time windows at each node."""

def __init__(self, demands, time_per_demand_unit):
self.matrix = demands
self.time_per_demand_unit = time_per_demand_unit

def ServiceTime(self, from_node, to_node):
return self.matrix[from_node] * self.time_per_demand_unit

# Create total_time callback (equals service time plus travel time).
class CreateTotalTimeCallback(object):
def __init__(self, service_time_callback, dist_callback, speed):
self.service_time_callback = service_time_callback
self.dist_callback = dist_callback
self.speed = speed

def TotalTime(self, from_node, to_node):
return self.service_time_callback(from_node, to_node) + self.dist_callback(from_node, to_node) / self.speed

def DisplayPlan(routing, assignment):
# Display dropped orders.
dropped =

for order in range(1, routing.nodes()):
if assignment.Value(routing.NextVar(order)) == order:
if (dropped.empty()):
dropped += " %d", order
dropped += ", %d", order
if not dropped.empty():
plan_output += "Dropped orders:" + dropped + "
return plan_output

def main():
# Create the data.
data = create_data_array()
locations = data[0]
demands = data[1]
start_times = data[2]
num_locations = len(locations)
depot = 0
num_vehicles = 5
search_time_limit = 400000

# Create routing model.
if num_locations > 0:

# The number of nodes of the VRP is num_locations.
# Nodes are indexed from 0 to tsp_size - 1. By default the start of
# a route is node 0.
routing = pywrapcp.RoutingModel(num_locations, num_vehicles, depot)
search_parameters = pywrapcp.RoutingModel.DefaultSearchParameters()

# Callback to the distance function.

dist_between_locations = CreateDistanceCallback(locations)
dist_callback = dist_between_locations.Distance

demands_at_locations = CreateDemandCallback(demands)
demands_callback = demands_at_locations.Demand

# Add capacity dimension constraints.
vehicle_capacity = 100
null_capacity_slack = 0
fix_start_cumul_to_zero = True
capacity = "Capacity"

routing.AddDimension(demands_callback, null_capacity_slack, vehicle_capacity,
fix_start_cumul_to_zero, capacity)

# Adding time dimension constraints.
time_per_demand_unit = 300
horizon = 24 * 3600
time = "Time"
tw_duration = 5 * 3600
speed = 10

service_times = CreateServiceTimeCallback(demands, time_per_demand_unit)
service_time_callback = service_times.ServiceTime
total_times = CreateTotalTimeCallback(service_time_callback, dist_callback, speed)
total_time_callback = total_times.TotalTime

# 重要,這裡是區別於前面 CVRP 和 VRPTW 的關鍵
# Note: In this case fix_start_cumul_to_zero is set to False,
# because some vehicles start their routes after time 0, due to resource constraints.
# 在前面的例子中,參數fix_start_cumul_to_zero被設置為True,因為所有車輛都在同一時間啟動它們的路線。
# 但是這個例子中,我們將此參數設置為False,因為由於資源限制,一些車輛在時間0之後啟動。

fix_start_cumul_to_zero = False
# Add a dimension for time and a limit on the total time_horizon
routing.AddDimension(total_time_callback, # total time function callback

time_dimension = routing.GetDimensionOrDie("Time")

for order in range(1, num_locations):
start = start_times[order]
time_dimension.CumulVar(routing.NodeToIndex(order)).SetRange(start, start + tw_duration)

# Add resource constraints at the depot (start and end location of routes).
# 載入時間窗口的寬度為 vehicle_load_time,即在路線開始時載入每輛車所花費的時間。
# 同樣,卸載時間窗口的寬度為 vehicle_unload_time 。
# 在這個例子中,我們假設載入和卸載時間是相同的。
# 但是,你可以為 vehicle le_load_time 和 vehicle le_unload_time 設置不同的值。
vehicle_load_time = 180
vehicle_unload_time = 180
solver = routing.solver()
intervals = []
for i in range(num_vehicles):
# Add time windows at start of routes
routing.CumulVar(routing.Start(i), time),
# Add time windows at end of routes.
routing.CumulVar(routing.End(i), time),

# Constrain the number of maximum simultaneous intervals at depot.
# 倉庫的最大裝載能力,超過這個其他車輛就必須等待了
depot_capacity = 2

# depot_usage 是一個向量,其中包含每個車輛在裝載(或卸載)期間所需的相對空間量。
# 這裡我們假設所有車輛需要相同的空間,因此depot_usage包含所有車輛。
# 這意味著在同一時間可以裝載的車輛的最大數量是2輛。
depot_usage = [1 for i in range(num_vehicles * 2)]
solver.Cumulative(intervals, depot_usage, depot_capacity, "depot"))
# Instantiate route start and end times to produce feasible times.
for i in range(num_vehicles):
routing.AddVariableMinimizedByFinalizer(routing.CumulVar(routing.End(i), time))
routing.AddVariableMinimizedByFinalizer(routing.CumulVar(routing.Start(i), time))

# Solve, displays a solution if any.
assignment = routing.SolveWithParameters(search_parameters)
if assignment:

# Solution distance.
print("Total distance of all routes: " + str(assignment.ObjectiveValue()) + "
# Display solution.

capacity_dimension = routing.GetDimensionOrDie(capacity);
time_dimension = routing.GetDimensionOrDie(time);

for vehicle_nbr in range(num_vehicles):
index = routing.Start(int(vehicle_nbr))
plan_output = Route {0}:.format(vehicle_nbr)

while not routing.IsEnd(index):
node_index = routing.IndexToNode(index)
load_var = capacity_dimension.CumulVar(index)
time_var = time_dimension.CumulVar(index)
plan_output +=
" {node_index} Load({load}) Time({tmin}, {tmax}) -> ".format(
index = assignment.Value(routing.NextVar(index))

node_index = routing.IndexToNode(index) # Convert index to node
load_var = capacity_dimension.CumulVar(index)
time_var = time_dimension.CumulVar(index)
plan_output +=
" {node_index} Load({load}) Time({tmin}, {tmax})".format(
print(No solution found.)
print(Specify an instance greater than 0.)

def create_data_array():
locations = [[82, 76],
[96, 44],
[50, 5],
[49, 8],
[13, 7],
[29, 89],
[58, 30],
[84, 39],
[14, 24],
[12, 39],
[3, 82],
[5, 10],
[98, 52],
[84, 25],
[61, 59],
[1, 65],
[88, 51],
[91, 2],
[19, 32],
[93, 3],
[50, 93],
[98, 14],
[5, 42],
[42, 9],
[61, 62],
[9, 97],
[80, 55],
[57, 69],
[23, 15],
[20, 70],
[85, 60],
[98, 5]]

demands = [0, 19, 21, 6, 19, 7, 12, 16, 6, 16, 8, 14, 21, 16, 3, 22, 18,
19, 1, 24, 8, 12, 4, 8, 24, 24, 2, 20, 15, 2, 14, 9]

start_times = [28842, 50891, 10351, 49370, 22553, 53131, 8908,
56509, 54032, 10883, 60235, 46644, 35674, 30304,
39950, 38297, 36273, 52108, 2333, 48986, 44552,
31869, 38027, 5532, 57458, 51521, 11039, 31063,
38781, 49169, 32833, 7392]

data = [locations, demands, start_times]
return data

if __name__ == __main__:

# 結果
Total distance of all routes: 1286

Route 0: 0 Load(0) Time(0, 0) -> 6 Load(0) Time(8908, 11442) -> 23 Load(12) Time(12511, 15045) -> 18 Load(20) Time(14915, 17449) -> 9 Load(21) Time(15216, 17750) -> 4 Load(37) Time(22553, 22553) -> 2 Load(56) Time(28256, 28256) -> 13 Load(77) Time(34561, 34561) -> 0 Load(93) Time(39366, 39366)

Route 1: 0 Load(0) Time(0, 0) -> 27 Load(0) Time(31063, 49063) -> 14 Load(20) Time(39950, 56558) -> 24 Load(23) Time(57458, 57458) -> 0 Load(47) Time(64661, 64661)

Route 2: 0 Load(0) Time(180, 180) -> 26 Load(0) Time(11039, 24786) -> 31 Load(2) Time(11645, 25392) -> 21 Load(11) Time(31869, 41260) -> 28 Load(23) Time(38781, 44867) -> 3 Load(38) Time(49370, 49370) -> 19 Load(44) Time(51174, 51174) -> 17 Load(68) Time(58374, 58374) -> 0 Load(87) Time(64082, 64082)

Route 3: 0 Load(0) Time(180, 180) -> 20 Load(0) Time(44552, 44552) -> 15 Load(8) Time(46959, 46959) -> 22 Load(30) Time(53561, 53561) -> 11 Load(34) Time(54764, 54764) -> 8 Load(48) Time(58966, 58966) -> 29 Load(54) Time(60771, 60771) -> 10 Load(56) Time(61373, 61373) -> 25 Load(64) Time(63775, 63775) -> 5 Load(88) Time(70977, 70977) -> 0 Load(95) Time(73083, 73083)

Route 4: 0 Load(0) Time(360, 360) -> 30 Load(0) Time(32833, 34988) -> 16 Load(14) Time(37034, 39189) -> 12 Load(32) Time(42435, 44590) -> 1 Load(53) Time(50891, 50891) -> 7 Load(72) Time(56592, 56592) -> 0 Load(88) Time(61395, 61395)



2. 參考

  • google_ortools_guide



