Google Analytics  Certification

Hello Guy’s This is chirag gupta from ,

In This Article we will learn, how to get google analytics certification – Digital marketing because you do not get analytics when you doing traditional marketing For an example – You are running a ad of TV ad and we don’t have an idea Who have people actually how much people Look that you ad, if you are running ad an  newspaper  you don’t have an idea actually that how much people read your ad.

But online you will be able to track things like time spend on your site , how many people clicked on your ad an all these thing’s.

To Get Google Analytics Certificate You Need To understand –

Note: You also need to passed the Google Analytics assessment (Google Analytics individual qualification). Once you’ve passed the Google Analytics IQ assessment, you can demonstrate your achievement with a personalized certificate issued by Google.

what is Google Analytics ? 

Google Analytics is the standard Web Tracking tool for website owners. It is very powerful in the measuring, reporting and analysing your data from your is a free web analytics tool that generates detailed statistics about activity on a website. On its website, Google explains that the system “helps you analyze visitor traffic and paint a complete picture of your audience and their needs.


How Does Work’s Google



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