
Hi everyone!

August has been a month of great food adventures, so I am fortunate to share more delicious Vancouver eateries with everyone :D



Oz Korean Kitchen- a hidden fried chicken gem hidden in Coquitlam. It's accessible by skytrain as well, so you can save the time and money for parking. To save time, we drove from New Westminster to Coqtuilam (approx. 45 minutes) and were able to find a parking space upon our arrival. We did not make a reservation but the wait wasn't too bad. We were in line for 15 minutes approx before securing a seating.


The restaurant decor is very Japanese; if you hadn't known, you might've thought this is a Japanese Izakaya rather than a Korean fried chicken house.



I love the wooden vintage decor though. It's very unique and relaxing at the same time. An ideal place to eat and drink to your hearts' desire. 

The restaurant is open late, from 11:30am to 12:00am; great for friends' gathering and hang-out.


Menu shows a variety of Korean + Japanese style cuisine. I have starred the dishes that we ordered.




Since it's a Korean fried chicken kitchen, fried chicken is a must-get.

We got the half & half and butter honey fried chicken.



To complete the night, we added Tenderlion Katshu Don.



The foods arrive fast. We waited maybe 15 mins before the freshly fried chicken came to our table. 

Below is the half & half fried chicken order. I loved the original recipe (on the right); the chicken is boneless and juicy. The skin is crispy with the tender meat, YUMMY.



Original recipe close-up:


The dipping sauce; it tastes like honey mustard but more refreshing than a store-bought condiment. I believe this is made in-store with a fresher taste. You can also ask for an additional sauce (no extra charge) if you wish.


The loyal company of shredded cabbage salad with thousand island dressing. This is the loyal friend of any fried chicken dish, same as what we had in Korea.



*Drum roll* Ta-da, the arrival of the honey butter fried chicken.

We ordered this out of curiosity. This particular dish is topped with honey on top; the chicken is sweet & savoury at the same time. It's quite unique in flavour. 

Despite its large portion, a lot of it was fried chicken skin, which was disappointing (I'd wish for more meat!).


To finish the night, we shared one order of Tenderloin Donkatsu Don. The pork cutlet was nice but could be thicker and juicier.

The egg with a runny yolk was great to mix in with the rice, making the don smooth and tasty.


Overall, Oz Korean Kitchen is a great fried chicken place to visit and hang out.

*Note* RSVP to save on the waiting time!

Address: 1190 Pinetree Way #112, Coquitlam, BC V3B 0J5

Hours: 11:30am - 12:00am

Phone: (778) 941-8633
