
答案是,其实澳洲政府是采取柔性劝导,公告上是写著「This is our home. Plese do not climb (这是我们的家,请勿攀爬),但是无法阻止冒险者所以只能加装攀爬的铁链扶手与指标。


Because of the time difference, we got one more hour, so decided to climb Uluru.
Is it permitted to climb? How to climb?

The answer is, the Australia government adopts persuasion and warning on the announcement, written down "This is our home. Please do not climb", however it can not stop the adventurers, so for safety the government put the chain handrails and arrows.
But it also shows once there is an accident, it's your duty.

When you saw Uluru's pictures you can't feel how huge it is, please have a look at the right lower picture, those very small spots are humans who climb Uluru. 
Uluru is really very high!


Decide to climb!
The climbing trail begins without handrail, then it comes cliffy. Because Uluru is aboriginal sacred site and the government respects the landscape, so can't set stairs, it's already kind to set chain handrails!


Really really persuade everyone if you can't climb, please don't force yourself, total return trail takes more than two hours.
Because Ms. Ugly took rests for many times, so I have to wait as staying in the air and hold the handrail well, is not fun if you loose... 

有请 Show Girl 为您展示今年春夏最新流行穿搭!

你想想看~ 那些苍蝇才刚享用完挂在路边的袋鼠肉,然后再飞来钻你的鼻孔、亲你的嘴巴~

P.S. Cora 妳走那么快我要怎么帮你拍照,请妳找一下下图两张妳在哪里?

Let our Show Girl display the latest fashionable costume of this Spring-Summer!

Already climb to such high point, the flies still follow!Really can understand the mood of the idiom "Can not escape from those flies".
Please buy the net, think about those flies just finished a meal of the dead Kangaroo on the road side, then fly to drill your nose holes and kiss your mouth~
Not to mention what they just enjoyed is not meat instead of...


But your facial expression in the first picture seems...








Life, is like climbing the mountain.
Because you always feel you couldn't see the finality, more tired than tired...

On the way, we continue asking yourself "almost achieve?"
On the way, someone stays over there forever, and satisfied with "enough, already saw the nice view".

Somebody, never stops to keep the goal without having a look at surrounding on the way.
Somebody, has a break then bounces, then has a break again then bounces again.
Somebody, gives up and returns...

No one is right, no one is wrong.
Somebody who achieves the peak also needs to return, but, the difference is his benchmarking of mind will be always erected over the peak. 

Yes, the "Process" is always more important than the "Results".
However, it doesn't mean you can have an excuse.

Because, the "Process" decides the "Results".

So, please treat your life as a treasure, do efforts to be alive everyday!
Have a goal, keep doing!Tired, take a break then go forward. As long as the same faith, you will definitely arrive!


We are successful to achieve the top of Uluru, 330m!

乌鲁鲁又称为「艾尔斯岩(Ayers Rock)」。


乌鲁鲁为世界最大单一独块岩体,位于 Uluru-Kata Tjuta 国家公园。

Uluru, which was pronounced from Australia aboriginal in the ancient period, namely means "The Mother of the Earth".
The other official name of Uluru is "Ayers Rock".

Uluru offered all life necessities for ancient residents since ten thousand years ago, because of its special rock shape it also provided some shelters for residents.
Especially in the Waterhole water is naturally collected by the rock shape, which sustains human, animal and plant alive.
Nowadays it still can be seen the obvious murals painted by ancient inhabitants, and those icons of murals totally corresponds with current aboriginal paints!
Because of those historical proofs, Uluru became a very important world natural heritage.

Uluru is the largest bulky monolith of the world, which is referred as Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park with nearby Kata Tjuta rocks.
The site of Uluru is also nearly the center of Australia, and it's obvious on the satellite aerial photographs, seems like a navel, so it has been described as "navel of the world".

除此之外,2004年起,由小说改编的日本电视剧「世界の中心で、爱をさけぶ (在世界的中心呼喊爱情)」受到好评。


只不过,才一爬上了乌鲁鲁的顶峰,就对著世界大喊...『永不收山 山 山 山 山 山 山...』...=_=

In addition, Uluru also becomes very famous and important for backpackers' travelling of Australia, especially Japanese, Taiwanese, and Cantonese (HK).
Because of this Japanese drama "世界の中心で、爱をさけぶ (Cry for love in the center of world)" broadcasted in Japan, Taiwan, and Hong Kong since 2004, the drama earned the acclaim and made the shooting scene "Uluru" recognizable!

However, we don't wanna cry for love on Uluru, because this drama is a tragedy.

Before Ms. Ugly was ready to leave Taiwan to Australia, she has ever promised her mother that "after this trip, she must look for someone to marry, and a stable job as well. Never take adventure of backpackers travelling way."
At that moment she did the promise.
But, once she achieved the peak of Uluru, she shouted to the world that "always and never compromises...."...=_=


㊢➦【Uluru, NT, Australia / Amazing Tracks Records - 相簿连结】

