



Keep in mind that eating a small portion of any one food is unlikely to raise depression risk, but it’s best to avoid overindulgence.




It’s no secret that we tend to eat a little more around the holidays. And with all the hustle and bustle of the season, many of us have trouble finding time to make healthy choices.





That may be why it’s nearly impossible to secure a treadmill at the gym in January — our resolutions are a reflection of our guilt. We know why we tend to eat poorly. But could our food choices be leading to something other than an expanding waistline?




If our poor choices become a habit, certainly. According to recent studies, it’s possible that eating certain foods is associated with depression.


Here are three foods you may want to avoid in excess this holiday season, and beyond.





* treadmill ( n. ) 跑步机

* New Year resolution 新年新希望 



 Refined Grains  精致谷物


Pasta is a quick meal, great for those busy nights when you have to spend most of your time shopping, baking or wrapping. But, it may not be a good meal to have every night.




Pasta, white rice and bagels are all foods that have been identified as inflammatory and have been linked to depression in women ages 50 to 77, according to an October 2013 study in the journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity.


根据201310journal Brain的行为与免疫力研究中显示,义大利面、白米和贝果被视为容易引发炎症,而且50岁到77岁的女性的情绪沮丧和此有相当关联。


In the study, researchers looked at the eating habits of more than 40,000 women, who didn’t have depression at the study’s start. They found that those who consumed inflammatory foods regularly were more likely to suffer from depression by the end of the study.





* inflammatory ( adj. ) 炎症性的

* immunity ( n. ) 免疫力



 Soft Drinks  汽水 


As you’re buzzing around from store to store, how will you replenish lost fluids? It’s all too easy to grab a cola on-the-go, but the same study in Brain, Behavior and Immunity study indicated that soft drinks as part of a regular diet may also contribute to depression. So, if soda is your go-to drink when you’re thirsty, it may be time to rethink that strategy.


当你走在逛街时,你怎么解决口渴这件事?这非常简单,只要买瓶可乐带著走就可以了!但是journal Brain指出,如果饮料是你生活中的习惯,它会导致你容易情绪低落,所以如果汽水是你口渴时的解决之道,你最好重新思考一下~



* buzz ( v. ) 匆忙行走

* replenish ( v. ) 补充



 Fast Food  速食


People who eat fast food are 51 percent more likely to develop depression than those who don’t, according to a 2012 study in the journal Public Health Nutrition. This includes commercial baked goods, hamburgers, hot dogs and pizza, the researchers said.


根据2012Public Health Nutrition期刊,习惯性吃速食的人比没这个习惯的人多了51%情低落的机会,这包含了烘焙物、汉堡、披萨等等。




Keep in mind that eating a small portion of any one food is unlikely to raise depression risk, so don’t worry if you’ve just eaten your first heaping bowl of pasta in ages, or had the very occasional fast food burger. On the other hand, if this list describes three of your basic food groups, you may benefit from a drastic dietary adjustment.





参考资料:3 foods linked with depression






