
Freshmen are showing up already stressed out.

為什麼show可以接stressed out?網上也沒查到說show是系動詞,所以應該怎麼分析成分?

This sentence comes from an article dated December 12, 2011 in the Washington Post.

Apparently, it is used as an exam question in 2014 專四真題。To answer your question, 「show」 is not a Linking Verb, but is part of an Intransitive Phrasal Verb 「show up」 (which means 「arrive」) in Present Continuous Tense.

Analysis of grammatical components of the sentence is:

1. Subject: 「freshmen」;

2. Predicate Verb: 「are showing up」, composed of:

a. Present Tense 「be」: 「are」; and

b. Present Participle of Phrasal Verb 「show up」: 「showing up」.

3. Adjectival Phrase: 「already stressed out」 modifying 「freshmen」.

Notice that the Adjectival Phrase is flexible, and you can put it in 3 different places and each of the sentences will come out correct.

A. Freshmen are showing up already stressed out. (CORRECT)

B. Freshmen, already stressed out, are showing up. (CORRECT)

C. Already stressed out freshmen are showing up. (CORRECT)

Personally, I prefer #B.

For the benefits of other readers, the answer is also posted at: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/115395073



比如,That sounds a good idea,sound是個系動詞,這個時候要是把 a god idea 去掉句子就不完整了。

再比如,you are beautiful, are是系動詞,如果去掉beautiful,句子也不完整了。

再來分析下這個句子freshmen are showing up already stressed out

首先去掉already stressed out, 變成freshmen are showing up,新人們出現了,這個句子依然是完整的,所以show不是系動詞。

already stressed out,作為狀語,是補充說明freshmen出現時的狀態,即新人出現時已經很緊張焦慮了。

再比如,Freshmen are showing up excited and delighted ,新人們激動且愉快地出現了。

Freshmen are showing up already stressed out.

freshmen are showing up是主幹句子,show up是出現,already stressed out是伴隨狀語,表示出現時的狀態,stressed out相當於形容詞伴隨狀語。

比如The students have already arrived, extremely happy and excited。 更多的情況下,這個前面會有個逗號的。


show up不是系動詞,而是實義動詞,意思是「到達"。你的問題可能是,stressed out是形容詞性質,怎麼能修飾實義動詞呢?其實stressed out並沒有修飾showing up,而是作為補語,說明大一新生到達時的狀態。像這種用法並不少見。

比如: The plane landed safe.飛機安全降落。不用safely.

再比如Day had broken cold and gray(選自傑克倫敦的短篇小說《生火》). 天亮了,又冷又灰暗。這裡都只能用形容詞。

不是 是一個不及物動詞 ,be showing. ing.形式,後面stressed out 狀語


show up stressed在這裡確實可以看做是動詞的用法。但我查了一些權威例句,沒發現show up還有類似用法。show up在這裡可以當做是一個偶發的特例。
